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GPhC Launches Consultation On Remote Hearings - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has launched a consultation on whether people agree or disagree that its hearings should continue to be held remotely when it is fair and practical to do so. The 12-week consultation - which ends on February 8 - seeks views on a proposed permanent change to the GPhC's procedural rules which will allow it to conduct hearings and meetings by teleconference or videolink. The pharmacy regulator is seeking changes to enable it to continue to hold some hearings remotely in the future following positive feedback from those taking part in hearings during the Covid-19 pandemic which the GPhC held remotely by videolink. "In cases where the GPhC investigates a concern about a pharmacist or pharmacy technician and decides there is evidence to show that their fitness to practise may be impaired, the case may need to be referred for a hearing before a committee," GPhC said in a statement today (November 16).

25 Whistleblowing disclosures in a year : GPhC - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has revealed it has received 25 whistleblowing disclosures between April 2021 and March 2022. The pharmacy regulator said, in its annual report, that it has concluded enquiries on 22 disclosures so far with a further three still under review. "We also concluded two qualifying disclosures that were raised during the previous reporting period," it said, adding: "The action GPhC took included a full investigation through established fitness to practise processes and follow-up action through its inspection network. "The former can result in any available outcome throughout the fitness to practise process. The latter can include guidance, a follow-up visit or an unexpected inspection." 12 concerns were investigated and concluded with no further action. Three were signposted to another organisation. The remaining seven cases were concluded by sharing information with inspection colleagues for follow up action. Of the two concerns from the previous reporting period, one was concluded with no further action and the other remains under investigation.

GPhC Meets 17 of 18 PSA Standards in 2023-24 | Fitness to Practise Efforts Continue - 0 views

    The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) has found that the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) met 17 out of 18 of its Standards of Good Regulation during 2023-24. The GPhC's performance and that of other regulators is reviewed regularly by the PSA, with the results reported to the parliament. This year's report covers the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. The PSA concluded that the GPhC has still not met Standard 15 relating to timeliness of fitness to practise (FTP) investigations. The regulator missed this standard last year too. "We note the GPhC's work to reduce the time it takes to progress cases through its FTP system and are aware of the pressure caused by another significant increase in the number of FTP referrals. However, because timeliness has deteriorated this year, we have concluded that Standard 15 is once again not met," the PSA report said. "We have written to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee to provide an update on the GPhC's performance, and we will continue to closely monitor the GPhC's performance in this area."

Blackwells Chemist London:Fails to meet all GPhC standards - 0 views

    Blackwells Chemist, a community pharmacy in South East London did not meet all the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) standards. The pharmacy was inspected on Thursday (01 June) and it was found it did not keep all its records up to date and accurate, particularly its responsible pharmacist records. Investigation report stated that the principle of Governance and principle of Services, including medicines management was 'not met at all'. Under the principle Governance, the report stated: "The pharmacy generally manages the risks associated with its services adequately. People using the pharmacy can provide feedback or raise concerns. And staff generally protect people's personal information well. Team members know what to do to help protect the welfare of a vulnerable person. The pharmacy has written procedures, but these are not easily accessible to team members to refer to. And they are not regularly updated. So, they may be less useful to staff, and may not reflect current best practice." In the inspection it was found that the pharmacy does not always store its medicines properly. It cannot show that it stores all its medicines requiring cold storage at the appropriate temperatures.

Concerns Raised by PDA:UK Online Prescribing Guidelines Dispute - 0 views

    The Pharmacist's Defence Association (PDA) has raised concerns over the adoption of Digital Clinical Excellence (DiCE) guidelines for online prescribing of GLP-1 receptor agonists for weight management in adults. This follows a clash with expert recommendations commissioned by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) as the PDA "believes the final guidance conflicts with the expert opinion underpins the GPhC's prosecution strategy towards pharmacist prescribers under investigation." In a recent statement, the PDA highlighted the discrepancy between DiCE's guidance and the expert report employed by the GPhC to prosecute pharmacist prescribers using a questionnaire-based consultation model. This conflict has prompted the PDA to withhold its endorsement of the DiCE guidance as it differs from an expert report commissioned by the GPhC. The PDA's reservations stem from the inherent risks associated with questionnaire-based prescribing.

GPhC Covert Surveillance: Recent Implications - 0 views

    In a recent minute of meeting, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) explored the implications of its unique authority under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), granting powers for covert surveillance. Although never utilized, the GPhC is obligated to maintain appropriate policies for such actions. During a recent meeting, the pharmacy regulator discussed that the use of RIPA be brought to a future Council workshop to discuss issues including the "ethical implications of having and using the powers, the possible use of RIPA in online pharmacy investigations and retaining the powers to deal with future scenarios as yet unknown". Led by Chief Executive and Registrar, Duncan Rudkin, the discussion underscored the importance of having robust oversight mechanisms in place. The inspection report provided assurance that the GPhC's policies align with regulatory requirements.

Pharmacist struck off for illegally supplying pom medicine - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has removed a pharmacist from its register who black-marketed 'zolpidem' along with another pharmacist between 2015 and 2016. Dean Zainool Dookhan, a pharmacist first registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain on 18 October 2004 and whose registration was later transferred to the General Pharmaceutical Council under registration number 2059808, was jailed last year for exporting 20,000 packets of zolpidem to the Caribbean. While hearing the case on 24-25 May, GPhC's Fitness to Practise Committee stated that "removal of the Registrant's name from the register is the appropriate and proportionate response to his convictions." "The public interest includes protecting the public, maintaining public confidence in the profession, and maintaining proper standards of behaviour. The Committee is entitled to give greater weight to the public interest than the Registrant's own interest in remaining on the register." "The Committee recognises the sanction has a punitive effect in that the Registrant's ability to practise and earn an income as a pharmacist and 28 his professional reputation will be curtailed; it will be five years before he can seek restoration to the register. However, that is the price he must pay for failing to comply with the fundamental tenets of his profession."

GPhC Issues Warning to Superintendent Pharmacist - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council's Investigating Committee took decisive action on March 25, 2024, by issuing a warning to Dilsha Kiran Shah, registration number: 2049787, for her conduct as Superintendent Pharmacist of Jhoots Healthcare Ltd. Miss Shah's failure to uphold the Medicines Act 1968, specifically in ensuring the proper management of medicinal products, triggered this warning. The Act mandates supervision in "keeping, preparing, and dispensing medicinal products other than those on a general sale list." Moreover, pharmacies are inspected on five principles - Governance, Staff, Premises, Services including medicines management, and Equipment and facilities to meet the right standards. The alarm was initially raised in August 2021 when a Jhoots Healthcare Ltd pharmacy branch under Miss Shah's supervision operated without a responsible pharmacist. Despite explicit instructions, pharmacy staff were allegedly instructed to proceed without proper supervision, raising grave concerns regarding patient safety.

Rogue Online Pharmacies Risking Lives - BBC Investigation - 0 views

    A BBC investigation has found 20 UK online pharmacies selling prescription-only medicines without adhering to the regulatory standards, such as checking for GP approval or patient's medical records. The news organisation was able to purchase over 1,600 restricted pills, including anti-anxiety drug, painkiller and sleeping medication, from these regulated online pharmacies easily by providing false information. However, the report didn't mention the names of the drugs as "they can be dangerous when taken without medical guidance." Some pharmacies were also found selling high-risk and potentially addictive medicines, including benzodiazepines and antidepressants, based on online questionnaires and did not require further checks. The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), which regulate online pharmacies in the UK, states that selling and supplying medicines at a distance brings "different risks which need to be appropriately managed to protect patient safety."
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