GPhC Meets 17 of 18 PSA Standards in 2023-24 | Fitness to Practise Efforts Continue - 0 views
pharmacybiz on 25 Sep 24The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) has found that the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) met 17 out of 18 of its Standards of Good Regulation during 2023-24. The GPhC's performance and that of other regulators is reviewed regularly by the PSA, with the results reported to the parliament. This year's report covers the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. The PSA concluded that the GPhC has still not met Standard 15 relating to timeliness of fitness to practise (FTP) investigations. The regulator missed this standard last year too. "We note the GPhC's work to reduce the time it takes to progress cases through its FTP system and are aware of the pressure caused by another significant increase in the number of FTP referrals. However, because timeliness has deteriorated this year, we have concluded that Standard 15 is once again not met," the PSA report said. "We have written to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee to provide an update on the GPhC's performance, and we will continue to closely monitor the GPhC's performance in this area."