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NHS commissions RPS to develop sustainability guidance - 0 views

    NHS England has commissioned the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) to develop guidance that helps community and hospital pharmacy teams across Britain to reduce the impact of pharmacy services, pharmaceutical care and medicines on the environment. The RPS said the Greener Pharmacy Guidance will enable pharmacies to self-assess their impact against the standards, benchmark and improve through evidence-based activities and actions. "I'm delighted our strong commitment to helping pharmacy reduce its environmental impact can now be taken to the next level through developing guidance and accreditation for pharmacy teams," RPS president Professor Claire Anderson said. "Medicines account for 25 per cent of carbon emissions within the NHS and this initiative underscores our commitment to promoting sustainable healthcare and supporting the NHS's goal of achieving 'net zero' emissions by 2040." Peter Morgan, medicines assistant director at NHS England, commented: "Pharmacy staff are involved in the purchasing and dispensing of almost every medicine used in the NHS and the new Greener Pharmacy Guidance and Self-accreditation scheme will provide support for pharmacy professionals by outlining clear actions to deliver more environmentally sustainable pharmacy practices." The RPS said the guidance and digital self-assessment toolkit will integrate with carbon calculator tools to help pharmacy teams to measure their carbon footprint, action plan to reduce use of carbon and improve sustainability.

NHS Green Plan 2025 : Bold Steps To Cut Medicine Emissions - 0 views

    NHS England has updated its 'Green plan guidance', outlining key actions for Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and trusts to help achieve net zero carbon emissions. Among the recommended measures to reduce emissions from the medicines supply chain, organisations are asked to encourage patients to return used or expired inhalers to community pharmacies for appropriate disposal. Medicines account for approximately 25 per cent of NHS emissions, with a small number of medications contributing a large portion of this. For example, anaesthetic gases account for 2 per cent of NHS emissions, while inhalers contribute 3 per cent. The updated guidance says that organisations should build on ongoing progress in reducing these "point of use" emissions, while improving patient care and reducing waste. To address emissions from the medicines supply chain, the guidance recommends: Supporting high-quality, lower-carbon respiratory care Optimising inhaler choice by considering clinical appropriateness, the environmental impact of inhalers and patient preference Improving inhaler use and adherence Promoting the appropriate disposal of inhalers Addressing overprescribing and oversupply while ensuring support for patients in greatest need
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