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Community pharmacies Issues:Supply chain and staff shortage - 0 views

    Majority of the pharmacies are facing aggression from patients due to the medicine supply chain issue, a PSNC survey has revealed. The Pharmacy Pressures Survey by the trade body has seen nearly 83 per cent of pharmacies reporting a significant increase in medicine supply issues in the past year, leading to extra work and additional stress for staff. The survey of over 5,000 pharmacy premises and 1,000 pharmacy team members in England took place in early 2022. Two-thirds of respondents said that medicines supply chain issues are a daily occurrence, with 97 per cent reporting that this led to frustration from patients. "The results of PSNC's Pressures Survey make distressing reading for anybody in the sector - they tell a story of teams under immense pressures, and of businesses at crisis point," said Janet Morrison, PSNC chief executive.

Conditions Causing Type 2 Diabetes And High BP : Study - 0 views

    A study by scientists in a UK university has shown the scale of the prevalence of a condition that can lead to various cardiometabolic diseases. The study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal on Tuesday (January 4) has prompted calls for changes to healthcare policy after researchers revealed, for the first time, the scale of the impact of the condition associated with benign tumours that can lead to type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Up to 10 per cent of adults have a benign tumour, or lump, known as an 'adrenal incidentaloma' in their adrenal glands which can be associated with the overproduction of hormones including the stress steroid hormone cortisol that can lead to type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Previous small studies suggested that one in three adrenal incidentalomas produce excess cortisol, a condition called mild autonomous cortisol secretion (MACS). An international research team led by the University of Birmingham carried out the largest ever prospective study of over 1,305 patients with adrenal incidentalomas to assess their risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes and their cortisol production by comparing patients with and without MACS.

APPG report for new strategic vision for community pharmacy - 0 views

    The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Pharmacy published a new report on Monday (January 23) that calls for "urgent action" to relieve funding pressure so there are "opportunities" for community pharmacy teams to deliver even more for their patients. The report highlights the need for a new "strategic vision" for pharmacy and highlights opportunities for the network to be empowered to deliver even more for patients. However, the manifesto also underlines that there are the very real risks that this opportunity may be lost if significant and ongoing pressures are not addressed. The recommendations are based on written and oral evidence gathered from frontline pharmacists, GPs, professional bodies and healthcare experts. To harness the potential of pharmacy, the report recommends the Government must take urgent action to relieve the funding pressures on the community pharmacy sector in the short term and review the long-term funding model for pharmacy. It also suggested the Government must harness the power of pharmacy to help the NHS deal with the COVID-19 backlog and the UK's growing healthcare challenges. It further recommended that future commissioning and funding must recognise that community pharmacy is the front door to the NHS for many patients.

Winter AI Solutions for NHS: Tackling Health Pressures - 0 views

    NHS England is rolling out a range of tech and data solutions, including an artificial intelligence (AI) system, across the health service to tackle winter pressures. The AI system will be used to identify patients at risk of hospital admission so community NHS teams can get to them first and reduce pressures on A&E departments. On a trial basis, four GP practices in Somerset have started using the innovative technology which can highlight registered patients with complex health needs. Health coaches, nurses, or GPs will then reach out to the people most at risk, and provide them with a range of preventive care such as monitoring, food parcels, cleaning, shopping, as well as escalating care to specialist doctors.

Pharmacy Funding and Pressures - Meeting with CPE Chief - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Chief Executive, Janet Morrison met with the new Pharmacy Minister, Dame Andrea Leadsom MP this week and discussed a range of critical topics, including funding and pressures. Janet informed the minister that community pharmacies continue to face immense financial pressures, and highlighted the need for an improved core contract. She told the minister that 35-50 per cent real term cuts and rising costs have led to closures, consolidations and cashflow. This has weakened the capacity for the network to respond to displaced patients, increased risk in terms of the safety of medicine supply, and led to loss of service for communities in the most deprived areas, she said.

Inside England's Community Pharmacies | CPE Survey 2024 - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has launched its third annual Pressures Survey to uncover the various challenges encountered by individuals owning or working in a community pharmacy. The Committee expressed concern that community pharmacies in England are now in a critical situation, significantly affecting workload, stress levels, patients, and businesses. The 2024 Pharmacy Pressures Survey is aimed at finding out more about these issues and other areas such as medicines supply problems and workforce challenges as well as the recently launched Pharmacy First service, it said. CPE chief executive Janet Morrison said that they were able to receive a huge number of responses in previous surveys and they are expecting to achieve a similar level of engagement this year too.

Locum Matters 2024 : PDA Fights Unethical Rate Pressure Tactics - 0 views

    At the recent 'Locum Matters' online event held on June 25, 2024, members of the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) discussed critical issues facing locum pharmacists, with a disturbing trend taking center stage: employers pressuring locum pharmacists to accept lower rates under the threat of potential pharmacy closures. The event, organised in response to feedback from PDA locum members, addressed a range of significant topics including training for the recent Pharmacy First Services, respect for professional autonomy, and the need for adequate rest breaks. However, the issue of rate pressure and pharmacy closures was a focal point. Several locum pharmacists reported that some employers were leveraging the possibility of pharmacy closures to coerce them into working for lower pay. This unethical practice has raised alarm within the locum community, highlighting the precarious working conditions many face.

Fresh funding:PSNC faces criticism as deal shows no funds - 0 views

    Pharmacy bodies are "bitterly disappointed" that the latest deal on the national contract makes no commitment to "fresh funding", with one organisation calling it "the biggest dis-service ever done" to community pharmacy. The only commitment made in monetary terms was one in which NHS England agreed to write off a sum of £100m in excess margin earned by contractors in previous years. This allowance, which can't be seen as new cash injection, was said to have been made in recognition of the pressures facing the sector. The figure - reached after what the the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee called "a tense period of negotiations" with the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England - will cover the final two years of the current five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. The deal was announced by PSNC chief executive Janet Morrison at an annual LPC Conference in Manchester on Thursday (22 September). Welcoming the attendees, she assured everyone that the committee was well aware of the pressures the sector was facing. "I heard how contractors are feeling and their frustrations over growing pressure and lack of financial support from the government. They confirmed that many now are unable to deliver the full range of services, and others are struggling to maintain core levels of services. And the ongoing impact of capacity and workforce crisis is critical, leading to temporary closures.

GUEST COLUMN: Changing landscape of community pharmacy - Latest Pharmacy News | Busines... - 0 views

    As we transition in England through yet another NHS organisational change, I ask myself what does this mean for community pharmacy? I would like to think that this change will bring about opportunity and a chance for community pharmacy to showcase and continue the excellent work that was carried out during the height of the pandemic and is still ongoing today. I hope that it allows community pharmacy to be regarded as part of the NHS rather than sitting on the side lines. This change has to lead to better funding for community pharmacy, without sufficient funding we will see more pharmacies close. We are hearing a lot about winter pressures but this year it feels like all year round pressure. What I have seen, whilst the NHS is under such pressure, is North East London (NEL) CCG transitioning to an integrated care board (ICB) almost seamlessly. I have seen people transitioning into new roles, whilst working hard to ensure that all plates are still spinning, which at the moment is no mean feat. I spent a day out recently visiting pharmacies with the chief medical officer of NHS NEL, Dr Paul Gilluley. The visits were positive, we felt listened to and understood. The feedback was great, it was recognised that community pharmacy is often the informal front door to the NHS and that we have so much to offer in terms of ill health prevention. Community pharmacy can offer a total solution as long as we have the tools to do so, which can save so much time and money. An example is the GP CPCS service, which has launched well across NEL.

Vegan Diet: Its Benefits and Improve Your Stomach Health - 0 views

    Whether you believe it or not, following a vegan diet can be quite eventful for your body. For instance, it can help you lose weight, get a better body structure, and so on. However, is that all? You can get that by following a thorough exercise plan as well, no? Well, yes, you can. Nevertheless, following a vegan diet plan can help you out in more than a single manner. Please keep reading this article till the end to know more about it. WHAT IS A VEGAN DIET? As a vegan, you can eat dairy food, including cheese and milk, without any boundaries. If you want to get a little bit of protein, you may consume eggs (boiled or in a gravy) too. Also, yes, plants are going to be an integral part of your diet plan too. However, you won't be able to eat meat anymore. So, no chicken, mutton, or beef for the rest of your life. Instead, you will need to focus solely on plant-based protein. BENEFITS OF FOLLOWING A VEGAN DIET A plant-based diet structure can be highly beneficial for your health. For example, it can - LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can increase your risk of a heart attack. It's also known to be a close counterpart of type-2 diabetes too. Fortunately, though, the diet you follow can make quite a massive difference here. For example, following a vegan diet can help you reduce the amount of oily food you're taking on a daily basis. This, in turn, can decrease the amount of cholesterol in your blood and make it easier for you to lose weight. And, the less obese you are, the lower your blood pressure will be.

Neil O'Brien:New pharmacy minister amid challenges in sector - 0 views

    Pharmacy bodies have welcomed the new minister in charge of the profession amid warnings that he will find the sector in a state that is "more fragile that ever" due to "untenable funding and workforce pressures". Neil O'Brien was re-appointed as parliamentary under secretary of state in the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on October 25 and was later assigned the pharmacy brief. The Conservative MP for Harborough - who will have a wide-ranging portfolio of responsibilities, including primary care and pharmacy - has taken over the position from Will Quince MP, who had a brief stint as pharmacy minister but remains at the department on a different role. O'Brien was was handed a junior minister's job at DHSC on 7 September 2022 in the government led by Liz Truss but fellow Conservative Quince was assigned primary care duties including pharmacy. Welcoming him to his new role, The Company Chemists' Association said that the minister would find that the community pharmacy sector was "more fragile than ever" with untenable pressures over funding and workforce.

NPA : Impact of inflation on community pharmacies - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has commissioned Professor David Taylor of University College London to investigate the implications of all-time high inflation rates on community pharmacies in the UK. Professor Taylor's will assess rates of inflation affecting community pharmacy across the UK, using public data sources whilst examining inflated costs in the context of the current five year contractual framework in England (2019-2024). He would review the EY (Ernst & Young) report into pharmacy funding, to identify whether current inflationary pressures could change any of the findings and consider the policy implications and impacts of inflationary pressures, including pharmacy's ability to prepare for a more clinically focused future and maintain current core services. NPA chief executive Mark Lyonette said: "Inflationary pressures are eating into the limited funds provided by the NHS for pharmacy services. We believe the real level of inflation for pharmacy businesses could be higher than the CPI inflation rate, which itself is at a 40 year high. Staff and locum costs in the sector as well as medicines costs have risen dramatically.

Community Pharmacy: Know How Technology Can Reduce Pressure - 0 views

    It's no secret that as pharmacists we are navigating a new and more demanding healthcare landscape. Our role has changed significantly since the start of the 21st century due to increased expectations from the public, advances in science and technology and changing workforce pressures. The Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework for England has placed a higher focus on clinical service. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in significant acceleration in changing how we work day-to-day and the public perception of our role. Community pharmacy owners and staff have been under relentless pressure for the last two years. Dispensing volumes are continually increasing but dispensing revenues are being replaced by launching new services. We must find solutions to reduce the time it takes to dispense medication so we can focus on these new revenue generating services. To not just succeed, but to thrive, it is becoming increasingly important to understand and embrace the technology available.

PSNC asks pharmacies to engage MPs on funding crisis - 0 views

    PSNC has urged community pharmacy contractors and LPCs to engage with their local MPs on the immense pressures that pharmacies are facing. The organisaiton has also published some new resources to help pharmacists in this regard. "PSNC is deeply aware of the funding crisis affecting the sector and is working hard to increase the pressure on [the] government to act now with an urgent funding uplift. This has included upping investment in influencing activities and working closely with LPCs to take united action," it said. PSNC has last month launched its Four Point Plan to safeguard the future of community pharmacy, setting out how pharmacy could be the solution to a number of problems if, and only if, it is properly funded, resourced and supported. As pressures continue to mount, further briefings now focus solely on the urgent need to resolve the funding squeeze in order to protect existing pharmacy services.

GPhC & CPhO Thank Pharmacy Heroes:Gratitude Amid Challenges - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England have written a letter to pharmacy professionals thanking them for providing the best possible services to patients and the public, despite experiencing high and sustained demands and pressures. GPhC Chief Executive Duncan Rudkin and CPhO David Webb indicated that there will be further challenges over the coming weeks and months due to the ongoing industrial action, and staff shortages due to sickness or caring responsibilities. They expressed concerned that increased pressure will have a significant and potentially prolonged impact on pharmacy teams both personally and professionally. Acknowledging that pharmacy professionals may have to make some difficult decisions as they deal with the pressures they face, the leaders have urged those working in pharmacy to use "your professional judgement to assess and mitigate risk, and to deliver safe and effective care for your patients within your scope of practice."

Junior Doctors 6-Day Strike: NHS Faces Unprecedented Challenge - 0 views

    In what could be the longest consecutive strike action ever taken in the history of the National Health Service (NHS), junior doctors are set to begin their six-day walkout from tomorrow (Wednesday 3 January) at 7am, until 7am on Tuesday 9 January. As the record industrial action has come in the middle of growing winter pressures, the NHS England has warned that this week could be one of "the most difficult starts to the year" for health services across the country. With consultant busy covering urgent and emergency cases, the strikes could have a significant impact on almost all routine care. NHS National Medical Director, Professor Stephen Powis said: "This January could be one of the most difficult starts to the year the NHS has ever faced.

Pharmacy Deserts:Gophr's 2023 Prescription for Pressure Report - 0 views

    Online pharmacy delivery partner Gophr has released new data showing a further drop in pharmacy numbers in England, resulting in a phenomenon they call 'Pharmacy Deserts'. Gophr highlighted that a significant portion of the population now lives in 'pharmacy deserts,' referring to the situation where an increasing number of urban residents struggle to access a shrinking number of pharmacies. For the second consecutive year, Gophr has analysed the data for its 'Prescription For Pressure' initiative. The analysis showed that in 2023, pharmacists dispensed 1.18 billion prescriptions across England, marking an increase of 137 million compared to 2022. The average number of prescriptions per pharmacy stands at 103,380, which equates to 283 a day. As calculated by Gophr's data experts, pharmacy numbers decreased from 11,522 in 2022 to 11,414 in 2023, reflecting a decline of 108 compared to the previous year's 'Prescription For Pressure'. Gophr's data also showed that pharmacy deserts are most prominent in the South East (6,024 people per pharmacy), the East of England (5,327), the South West (5,284), and the Midlands (4,975). London, which ranked high last year, fell out of the top four, with 4,759 people per pharmacy.

Pharmacists Confidence Diminishes Due To Financial Pressure - 0 views

    Growing financial pressures has dented pharmacists' confidence, despite an anticipated increase in profits in the current year, latest Lloyds Bank Healthcare Confidence Index revealed on Tuesday (November 9). Though short-term confidence among pharmacists increased for the fifth consecutive year, ticking up from 27 to 29, the sector's long-term belief fell from -34 to -42. Martyn Kendrick, UK head of healthcare banking services at Lloyds Bank, said: "While pharmacists' confidence has declined somewhat, their short-term outlook has improved for another year, painting a picture of a sector that has begun to bounce back." He added that "pharmacists have performed an invaluable service during the lockdown, confirming their place at the heart of our communities." The index, a survey of pharmacists, GPs and dentists, has run annually since 2011 and gives a detailed overview of the sector.

CCA calls PDA pharmacy closure allegatn highly inflammatory - 0 views

    All pharmacy businesses are reporting that they are struggling to find the registered professionals needed to open their pharmacies, clarified the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) in response to an attack by the Pharmacists' Defence Association. Last week, PDA allegedly accused some large pharmacy chains of 'orchestrating' full or part-time closures of some of their shops due to the staff shortage. In its Open Letter published on Tuesday (July 19), PDA demanded urgent action "to protect patients by ensuring that essential community pharmacy services are provided safely and consistently". "All parts of the healthcare system are struggling to recruit staff and to assume that pharmacies would be immune to such pressures, seems fanciful," said CCA. "CCA members are working extraordinarily hard to prevent temporary closures, but recruitment and retention of pharmacists is becoming increasingly tough. The recent rise in Covid cases and the beginning of the summer holiday season in parts of the UK have only worsened the situation." The Association also showed data from the PSNC Pharmacy Pressures Survey (April 2022) which found that 91 per cent of pharmacies are experiencing staff shortages, clearly demonstrating that these shortages are affecting the entire sector.

CPCF Negotiations and Service Innovations Explored - 0 views

    A full CPE Committee Meeting was organised in London on April 17 and 18, 2024, to discuss crucial sectoral issues. Key topics discussed during the two-day meeting included intolerable pressures on pharmacy owners, the ongoing Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) negotiations, implementation of the Pharmacy First service, and governance changes. Committee Members reviewed the progress of CPCF negotiations with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England. These critical negotiations are being led by the Negotiating Team (NT), which includes independent pharmacy owners and representatives of CCA and non-CCA multiples. The CPE has been advocating for an uplift to the core global sum, margin write-offs, an agreed mechanism for regular funding increases linked to activity and inflation, annual uplifts to service fees, more fundamental reform of the margin delivery framework and an economic review of the medicines supply chain. The Committee also discussed the results of the 2024 Pharmacy Pressures Survey, which was conducted during March and April.
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