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PSNC Pressures Survey:Pharmacies buckling under growing cost - 0 views

    A survey of over six thousands pharmacies has revealed that the community pharmacy sector is buckling under growing cost and capacity pressures. The survey conducted by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee, which also involved two thousand community pharmacy confirms, rising costs, patient demand and medicine supply issues continue to grip the sector. PSNC's 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey, run as a follow up to the 2022 pressures survey, provides clear comparative data showing the worsening situation across the sector. Govt must act now The result of the survey indeed paints a bleak picture for community pharmacies and it is clear that without urgent action from government and the NHS this will only get worse: more community pharmacies will either be forced to reduce the number of services they provide or, in the worst-case scenario, will be left with no option but to close their doors for good. The PSNC has urged the government to act now "to save our pharmacies, before it is too late for patients, the public, and the rest of the NHS". "This year's survey clearly shows that community pharmacies are buckling under growing cost and capacity pressures," said PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison.

Pharmacy Pressures Survey 2024: Staffing Shortages Push UK Pharmacies to Breaking Point - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has published its latest Pharmacy Pressures Survey report, highlighting the impact of staffing shortages, underfunding, escalating workload pressures, and extreme stress and burnout. These pressures are affecting not only the personal and professional lives of pharmacy staff but also the quality of patient care. The Pressures Survey 2024: Staffing and Morale Report is based on the views of the owners of over 6,100 pharmacy premises in England and 2,000 pharmacy team members. In the survey, 86 per cent of pharmacy team members reported that staffing shortages have resulted in longer waiting times for patients, impacting timely access to medication and advice. Nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of pharmacy staff indicated that staffing shortages have led to a reduced ability to offer services or advice to patients in need. Almost all pharmacy staff (92 per cent) stated that they were not coping well and were struggling with their workload.

PSNC Launches Surveys To Collect Data On Pharmacy Pressures - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has launched two surveys to gather data on the pressures that people working in community pharmacies are facing. Pharmacy teams have informed the negotiator about the ongoing financial and operational pressures and expressed concerns that these pressures could impact patients' care. The surveys would give a snapshot of the problems faced by pharmacies and the results will be used in ongoing discussions with NHS England & NHS Improvement and the Department of Health and Social Care. The results will also help PSNC to make pharmacy's case in conversations with the MPs, ministers and the national media. The two separate surveys are for: Pharmacy business owners/head office representatives - This survey covers the pressures faced by businesses, including financial and staffing pressures. Pharmacy teams - It covers the day-to-day pressures experienced by pharmacy teams including supply chain issues, patient interactions/experience and staff morale.

PSNC launches Pharmacy Pressures Survey 2023 - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has launched Pharmacy Pressures Survey 2023 to make case against the 'unprecedented financial and operational challenges' faced by the community pharmacies in England. The Committee has urged those working in or owns a community pharmacy to 'take part' in the survey. "The survey results will be critical to help us to show Government and the NHS how difficult things now are for pharmacies, and to persuade them to take action. We will be using the results in our negotiations, in our conversations with MPs, Ministers and in national media work as part of the joint #saveourpharmacies campaign," said PSNC. The Pharmacy Pressures Survey is once again comprised of two surveys to give insight into both financial and operational pressures. Together with the other national pharmacy organisations PSNC are working both to show policy makers the severity of the problems and to lobby for Government and NHS action to ease the pressures.

Community Pharmacy England : Hosting parliamentary event - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) to host a Parliamentary drop-in event in July to brief MPs and Peers about the ongoing medicines supply chain issues that are negatively affecting pharmacies and their patients across the country. CPE's Pressures Survey earlier this year highlighted the extent of both the operational and financial impacts of medicines supply issues on pharmacy businesses, therefore it has continued to hear from both pharmacy owners and others about the problems. The event aims to ensure that MPs understand the problems and their impact on pharmacies. Peter Dowd MP is hosting the event, joined by representatives from Community Pharmacy England, the Nuffield Trust, patient groups and more. The event will also be another opportunity to talk to MPs from across the political spectrum about the very serious situation that community pharmacies still find themselves in and the need for further investment in the sector. Janet Morrison OBE, Chief executive of Community Pharmacy England said: "The results of our Pressures Survey earlier this year showed just how much supply issues are continuing to negatively impact pharmacy businesses and all those who work in them. The survey found that almost all pharmacy owners (97%) are facing significant increases in wholesaler and medicine supply issues, with 71% saying this was leading to delays in prescriptions being issued.

1 in 6 UK Pharmacies at Risk, CPE Report Warns: Pharmacy Closure Crisis Looms: - 0 views

    A new report from Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has raised alarms about the severe financial challenges plaguing pharmacies across the sector, threatening their ability to provide even the core services for their patients. The findings are based on responses from over 6,100 pharmacy owners and 2,000 pharmacy staff who participated in the recent Pharmacy Pressures Survey 2024. The report reveals that spiralling costs and increased workloads, coupled with a 30 per cent funding cut in real terms since 2015, are putting countless pharmacies at risk of closure. "Nearly 1 in 6 may close within the next year," the report revealed. A vast majority (94 per cent) of pharmacy owners reported that they have seen significant increases in costs, with almost two-thirds (64 per cent) saying they are operating at a loss. Concerningly, these financial pressures are now affecting patient care, as 18 per cent of pharmacy staff reported severe impacts. The survey revealed that most pharmacies are experiencing longer prescription dispensing times (86 per cent), delays in responding to patient inquiries (80 per cent), and less time to spend with patients (79 per cent).

Inside England's Community Pharmacies | CPE Survey 2024 - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has launched its third annual Pressures Survey to uncover the various challenges encountered by individuals owning or working in a community pharmacy. The Committee expressed concern that community pharmacies in England are now in a critical situation, significantly affecting workload, stress levels, patients, and businesses. The 2024 Pharmacy Pressures Survey is aimed at finding out more about these issues and other areas such as medicines supply problems and workforce challenges as well as the recently launched Pharmacy First service, it said. CPE chief executive Janet Morrison said that they were able to receive a huge number of responses in previous surveys and they are expecting to achieve a similar level of engagement this year too.

Community Pharmacies Forced to Cut NHS Services Amid Growing Pressures - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are being forced to halt certain NHS and public health services due to escalating financial and operational pressures, a recent survey by Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has revealed. In the survey conducted ahead of the June Committee Meeting, an overwhelming 96 per cent of pharmacy owners reported having stopped delivering locally commissioned services over the past twelve months. Additionally, nearly one-third of the pharmacies surveyed indicated they had discontinued providing some Advanced services. The survey also revealed that pharmacy opening hours are being reduced, with 81 per cent of respondents stating they had to stop offering extended hours. In 90 per cent of the cases, pharmacy owners had to cease employing locum pharmacists, likely due to cost constraints. Furthermore, over 20 per cent of the more than 2,100 pharmacies surveyed reported having to discontinue the free delivery of prescription medicines to patients.

RPS Wellbeing survey:Community pharmacy at high risk burnout - 0 views

    Ninety-six per cent of community pharmacists surveyed in the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Workforce Wellbeing survey said they were at 'risk of burnout'. A higher number of respondents working in community pharmacy (20%) reported not being offered breaks compared to all other sectors (8%) and were more likely to experience verbal or physical abuse from patients and the public (69% vs an average 44%). The annual Workforce Wellbeing survey also revealed that 88 per cent of pharmacists surveyed are at high risk of burnout due to winter pressure. Therefore, RPS is calling for workforce planning for pharmacy to address skill mix and staffing levels so that workloads can be effectively managed. Top factors causing poor mental health and wellbeing revealed by the survey include inadequate staffing (70%), lack of work/life balance (53%), lack of protected learning time (48%) and lack of colleague/senior support (47%). This is the fourth survey RPS has run in partnership with the charity Pharmacist Support on the state of mental health and wellbeing in pharmacy. The findings demonstrate continued pressure on pharmacists and trainees across the workforce, especially in community pharmacy where 96% of those surveyed said they were at risk of burnout.

Community pharmacies Issues:Supply chain and staff shortage - 0 views

    Majority of the pharmacies are facing aggression from patients due to the medicine supply chain issue, a PSNC survey has revealed. The Pharmacy Pressures Survey by the trade body has seen nearly 83 per cent of pharmacies reporting a significant increase in medicine supply issues in the past year, leading to extra work and additional stress for staff. The survey of over 5,000 pharmacy premises and 1,000 pharmacy team members in England took place in early 2022. Two-thirds of respondents said that medicines supply chain issues are a daily occurrence, with 97 per cent reporting that this led to frustration from patients. "The results of PSNC's Pressures Survey make distressing reading for anybody in the sector - they tell a story of teams under immense pressures, and of businesses at crisis point," said Janet Morrison, PSNC chief executive.

PSNC 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey|Pharmacy Crisis UK - 0 views

    What will it take to get help from the government before an individual or sector breaks? Pharmacists raised questions after the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC)'s 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey confirmed the ongoing pressures and health issues faced by the pharmacies. Pharmacists are not all shocked by the PSNC's survey report as they feel the same as what has been reported related to their businesses and health. They hope the government listens and work with them to find resolutions. "We are bullied into a corner," said Salim Jetha Chairman, Avicenna. "Unlike other industries, we can't increase our prices. Most of the daily calls I get from Independents is about financial health of their business and any cost cutting would be detrimental to patient care. Urgent holistic review is required." Bristol pharmacist Ade Williams said: "The report is a dire indictment, and I would also warn, likely an underestimate of the extent and detrimental impact of the ongoings pressures and squeeze on Community pharmacies." "If the closest interface of the NHS to communities and patients is so distressed, what does that mean for those that need and depend on us? We are notoriously very stoic, so this is a warning light, which, taken with workforce pressures, market-exit activity, and other reports raising concern about wellbeing and stress, must beg the question; what will it take to get help before the sector and individuals break?" he questioned. The survey results don't surprise Kent-based community pharmacist Amish Patel. He said, "I have been feeling exactly what has been reported for far too long. I'm burnt out and would say beginning to suffer with my own health because of it. Now it's for PSNC to talk to government, and government to listen and work with us to find resolutions."

Pharmacy Contraception Service Launch Date - 0 views

    National pharmacy bodies have expressed their disappointment on the launch date for Tier 1 of the Pharmacy Contraception Service which has been announced by NHS England (NHSE) as '24th April 2023′. Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) said that this start date for the service has not been agreed with PSNC and is in direct contradiction of our warning to Ministers that no new or expanded services can be rolled out in 2023/24 unless extra funding is put into community pharmacies. Responding to this announcement, PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison said: "This is despite our warning last month that without additional funding, the roll-out of Year 5 additional services and the Pharmacy Quality Scheme is neither feasible nor affordable. Community pharmacies are having to work harder and harder for less money and many are at breaking point. And just this week the results of our 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey have confirmed the worsening situation. Clearly our view is not because contractors don't see the benefit of the service. This is a much-anticipated service that could deliver real benefits to patients and community pharmacies are always eager to support public health initiatives. But capacity in the sector is now so stretched that more money is needed to safely resource additional work. We have repeated our concerns to the Department in recent days and reminded them of the potential for a properly funded community pharmacy sector to play a greater role in providing clinical solutions and relieving pressures elsewhere in primary care."

Pharmacy funding and workforce challenges: Leaders urged HSC - 0 views

    Pharmacy bodies have urged the Health Select Committee to hold the government to account on pharmacy funding and workforce challenges. In a show of unity, leaders from the sector came together to write a joint letter to the chair of the committee and former health secretary Jeremy Hunt and bring to his attention how financial pressures worsened by nearly a decade of a real-term decrease in funding have made the sector virtually untenable. The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC)'s recently published 'Pharmacy Pressures Survey' confirms how this has had an impact on pharmacy contractors, their teams as well as patients. The survey found that 91 per cent of pharmacies are experiencing staff shortages. At the same time, demand for community pharmacists has risen - nine in ten pharmacy teams reported a significant increase in phone calls from patients about prescriptions, and 86 per cent reported a rise in requests for healthcare advice. The letter to Jeremy Hunt is signed on behalf of the four chief executives of the PSNC, the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIMp), the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) and the National Pharmacy Association (NPA).

CCA calls PDA pharmacy closure allegatn highly inflammatory - 0 views

    All pharmacy businesses are reporting that they are struggling to find the registered professionals needed to open their pharmacies, clarified the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) in response to an attack by the Pharmacists' Defence Association. Last week, PDA allegedly accused some large pharmacy chains of 'orchestrating' full or part-time closures of some of their shops due to the staff shortage. In its Open Letter published on Tuesday (July 19), PDA demanded urgent action "to protect patients by ensuring that essential community pharmacy services are provided safely and consistently". "All parts of the healthcare system are struggling to recruit staff and to assume that pharmacies would be immune to such pressures, seems fanciful," said CCA. "CCA members are working extraordinarily hard to prevent temporary closures, but recruitment and retention of pharmacists is becoming increasingly tough. The recent rise in Covid cases and the beginning of the summer holiday season in parts of the UK have only worsened the situation." The Association also showed data from the PSNC Pharmacy Pressures Survey (April 2022) which found that 91 per cent of pharmacies are experiencing staff shortages, clearly demonstrating that these shortages are affecting the entire sector.

Community Pharmacy Workforce Mandatory Survey 2022 - 0 views

    Only a day is left before community pharmacy contractors are required to complete Health Education England's Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey for 2022. The survey closes on Wednesday (November 30). The completion requirements are mandatory and particularly pertinent at a time when workforce challenges have become a major issue within the sector. These pressures are being acutely felt within community pharmacy, with serious consequences for pharmacy contractors. PSNC and the other national pharmacy bodies have called for improved workforce planning to be undertaken by the government and NHS, but for this to happen, high quality workforce data for community pharmacy needs to be available, which will then provide a full picture of the sector's workforce, including identifying the number of vacancies and regions where these are particularly hard to fill.

UK Medicine Supply Crisis:Community Pharmacy England 2024 Report - 0 views

    A report released by Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has warned that pharmacies across England are grappling with daily medicine supply challenges, posing significant risks to patients' health. The Pharmacy Pressures Survey 2024: Medicines Supply Report, which is based on the views of the owners of over 6,100 pharmacy premises in England and 2,000 pharmacy team members, has exposed some alarming trends concerning medicine supply problems in the country. Almost all pharmacy team members surveyed (97 per cent) reported patients being inconvenienced due to medicine supply issues, and 79 per cent of the participants said that the worsening situation is putting patient health at risk. Nearly all respondents reported patient frustration stemming from medicine supply issues, with 84 per cent of them saying they had experienced aggression from patients. Additionally, 98 per cent indicated an increase in 'owings,' where patients receive only part of their prescription and must return to the pharmacy for the remaining medication(s) at a later time."

CPE Addresses MPs on Critical Medicines Supply Issues - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has explained MPs on instability that puts operational pressures on pharmacies, financial pressures on businesses at a Parliamentary drop-in event held on Monday (10 July). The association has been in Parliament today alongside patient representatives and others to highlight our ongoing concerns about medicines supply to MPs. It said: "Medicines supply remains a critical issue for community pharmacies with disruption causing problems both accessing medicines and procuring them cost effectively." In CPE's recent sector polling, community pharmacy owners rated medicines supply instability as being the most severe pressure facing their businesses. This echoed the results of CPE's Pressures Survey which found 97% of pharmacy owners survey are facing significant increases in wholesaler and medicine supply issues, with 71% saying this was leading to delays in prescriptions being issued. During the Parliamentary drop-in event, CPE talked MPs through the issues and set out what it believe needs to happen to resolve them, calling for- Reform of Serious Shortage Protocols; Allowing generic substitution; An overhaul of the concessions system; and a strategic Government review of medicine supply and pricing with a shift to focusing on how to improve the functioning of the supply chain rather than solely on the drive to depress prices and margins.

NPA: Public awareness on NHS pharmacy needs to be raised - 0 views

    The large majority of adults in the England knew that flu jabs are available in many pharmacies, just over half were aware of the GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service or the New Medicine Service, according to a new survey by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA). The new survey revealed the need to raise the public awareness of key NHS services such as the New Medicine Service. According to the survey, 56 per cent of those asked believed that pharmacies in England offer NHS consultations for people newly prescribed a medicine for a long-term condition. While 48 per cent believed that many pharmacies in England offer blood pressure monitoring (NHS or private). 51 per cent believed it to be true that GPs can formally refer patients for same-day clinical advice from their local pharmacist about minor ailments.

Britons Embrace Community Pharmacies : NPA - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA), released survey data today (30 October) which suggests Britons have a higher regard for community pharmacies than retail settings. It also highlighted the level of awareness of pharmacies' healthcare duties, which range from NHS medicines consultations to monitoring blood pressure. The survey conducted by Research Without Barriers involved 1680 adults in England from 20-23 October 2023. The data showed that over 90 per cent of adults in England are aware that pharmacies offer each of these services. The survey also suggested that 56 per cent of respondents find it appropriate to ask their local pharmacies for help to quit smoking, and 63 per cent would ask for a blood pressure check.

Pharmacy First Triumphs with 87% Patient Satisfaction - 0 views

    Patients are highly satisfied with the new Pharmacy First service, which enables pharmacists to assess and treat patients for seven common conditions, according to a survey by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA). Nearly 100 NPA members participated in the snapshot poll conducted at the end of the first full week of the service. Nine in ten respondents (87 per cent) said that "most or all patients expressed satisfaction" with the service they received. However, many independent community pharmacy owners are facing challenges in implementing the service. While 56 per cent of pharmacy owners surveyed expressed feeling "motivated" by the new service, a larger proportion (70 per cent) indicated being "under additional pressure." More than 30 per cent of the respondents found implementation of the service "harder" than they had expected.
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