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DHSC:Allow Pharmacists To Dispense Medicine In Original Pack - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has commenced a consultation on allowing pharmacists to dispense prescription medicines in original packaging. The consultation, closing on December 13, 2021, proposes changes to the Human Medicines Regulations (HMRs). It would allow pharmacists to dispense more or less than the 10 per cent of the prescribed quantity in original packs, except where this would affect the patient's clinical treatment. The change would not apply to controlled drugs. The second proposed change is to supply sodium valproate in original packaging regardless of the conditions set around Original Pack Dispensing (OPD). Currently, contractors have to supply the exact quantity prescribed, unless certain exceptions apply.

PSNC: Enable Original Pack Dispensing By Pharmacists - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has expressed its support for alterations in the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 to enable original pack dispensing (OPD) and supply of medicines containing sodium valproate by pharmacists. PSNC's support for changes was in response to the consultation on OPD, initiated by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The consultation had proposed regulatory changes to allow pharmacists to dispense (up to 10 per cent) more or less than the prescribed quantity of a given medicine in the manufacturer's original packs. Key aims of the proposal are to "support increased patient safety by ensuring patients receive the necessary information that is included in the original manufacturer's packaging about the safe and effective use of a product," DHSC said.

Paydens Pharmacy Group hub and spoke model - 0 views

    Paydens Pharmacy Group, one of the first multiple pharmacies to adopt hub and spoke model last year, revealed that the move has resulted in significant time savings in store. Centralising dispensing of repeat prescriptions relieves pressure in pharmacy branches and releases time to deliver revenue generating services, the group said. The group created a hub in Maidstone, Kent, to service its highest dispensing branches. The hub uses Centred Solution's FLOWRx Hub Auto to dispense their original pack repeat prescriptions. The group put in the first FLOWRx Hub production line in spring 2022 and then added in a second line in the autumn as they increased production and moved more stores to the hub and spoke model. The innovative solution interfaces with EMIS PMR, Omnicell's Robotic Dispensing System and Universal Logistics Management software as well as Victoria OS ordering software. The hub operation runs during the day Monday to Friday and produces an average of 33,289 packs per week for just under 9,000 patients, leaving plenty of scope to ramp up. The hub is currently dispensing 79.7% of repeat prescription original packs requested by the group's busiest stores.

Private Prescription Dispensing Changes This Autumn |UK News - 0 views

    The regulatory amendments proposed will enable pharmacists to dispense medicines in their original packaging for private prescriptions starting this Autumn, according to the Department of Health and Social Care. In the recently published draft OPD regulations, the DHSC has indicated that the alterations, permitting pharmacists to vary the dispensed quantity by up to 10 per cent to avoid splitting medicine packs, will be implemented for private prescriptions 'immediately upon the enforcement of the Human Medicines Amendment Regulations in the autumn,' as highlighted in a briefing by Community Pharmacy England. CPE stated that the regulations related to NHS prescriptions will come into effect when the pharmaceutical terms of service regulations expressly apply the OPD amendments. Moreover, new directive mandating the dispensing of sodium valproate products solely in their original packaging (except when an assessment of risk necessitates an alternative approach) will align with the rollout of the private prescription regulations during the autumn. CPE further noted that these regulations are currently in draft, indicating that they are not currently in effect and may undergo revisions prior to their implementation.

Original Pack Dispensing for NHS Prescriptions Begins January 2025 - New Rules for Phar... - 0 views

    Pharmacies in England will soon be allowed to dispense up to 10 per cent more or less than the quantity prescribed for NHS prescriptions, thanks to the introduction of new original pack dispensing (OPD) rules. These changes are part of regulatory amendments laid on Tuesday, 3 September, and will come into effect over the coming months. The amendments are being made to the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2024 (PLPS). Starting 1 January 2025, pharmacies will have the option to adjust the prescribed quantity by up to 10 per cent for NHS prescriptions so medicines can be supplied in their original manufacturer's pack. Earlier in October 2023, changes to the Human Medicines Regulations (HMRs) permitted pharmacies to dispense up to 10 per cent more or less than the prescribed quantity for private prescriptions of Prescription Only Medicines (POMs).

Lo's Pharmacy set to launch innovative hub and spoke model - 0 views

    Lo's Pharmacy, a Yorkshire-based pharmacy chain is adopting a new approach to hub and spoke in a first of a kind model to be used in the UK. The pharmacy will centralise its repeat prescription dispensing service for original packs with the support of its medication wholesaler. The independent group, which has 25 NHS community pharmacies across Yorkshire, will install Centred Solution's Automated FLOWRx Hub product at its central dispensing facility in Wath-Upon-Dearne, South Yorkshire. But unlike other FLOWRx customers, who pick packs from a robotic dispensing system or internal warehouse, Lo's Pharmacy will receive patient-specific flow totes directly from their wholesaler which can then be processed by their hub. This workflow has not been used anywhere else in the country until now and it is a revolutionary approach to hub and spoke dispensing, showing what can be achieved when key players decide to collaborate. It further demonstrates that there are range of variations of hub and spoke models available and accessible to independent and multiple community pharmacies across the UK.

Pharmacy Automation and Technology:Pushing boundaries - 0 views

    Our Totton branch has an incredibly high volume of original pack dispensing, roughly 45,000 items. As we became busier and busier in the dispensary we were finding that our pharmacists, dispensers and other technicians simply didn't have capacity to deliver the services that we needed them to. We all know there is a real emphasis right now on pharmacies doing more services and we knew we had to change the way we operate to survive. So we decided it was time to look into a sound automation solution for our medication dispensing process, one that would allow us to free up the time of the pharmacists and the rest of the team so they could better support patients. After a lot of research we invested in Centred Solutions FLOWRx Hub and InStore solutions which were installed late last year. It provides us with the whole package and has automated our entire dispensing process from picking to packing and labeling to checking. Our situation was quite unique as we bought the system initially for our existing high-volume pharmacy in Totton so the hub and the spoke are actually on the same site. People wouldn't usually look at a hub and spoke solution for that kind of set up but it has allowed us to significantly free up time in store for more services. What it has also done is allow us to look at other opportunities to grow and expand. The pharmacy landscape is changing and there are lots of opportunities coming up. We have found that having your technology and the right infrastructure in place to support your existing footprint before you expand is the ideal way to grow in a safe and controlled way. We never thought that five years ago we would buy another pharmacy, yet we have already bought one and are now in the process of buying two more. I'm not worried about the increase in volume this expansion will bring because I know our technology is going to be able to support it. The pharmacies we are buying are struggling but having our solution already in p

Valproate Dispensing Update: Safety First - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have authorised community pharmacies throughout the UK to dispense original full packs of Valproate-containing medicines upon prescription. The necessary changes in regulations came into effect on 11 October which was strongly supported by 85 per cent of respondents concerned about risks to the unborn baby if valproate-containing medicines are used in pregnancy. The decision was made to ensure patients receive safety warnings and pictograms, including a patient card and the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL), contained in the manufacturer's original full pack. Valproate is a treatment for epilepsy and bipolar disorder but is also associated with birth defects and neurological disabilities.
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