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Pharmacy minister acknowledges sector's urgent need for sustainable funding - 0 views

    Pharmacy minister Stephen Kinnock has pledged to enhance the role of community pharmacies, particularly in deprived areas, by making better use of the skills of pharmacy teams. In a video message at the SIGMA UK Community Pharmacy Conference 2024 on Sunday, Kinnock also announced plans to expand the Pharmacy First initiative and introduce an independent prescribing service, making prescribing an integral part of the service delivered by community pharmacies. He said: "Since taking on the role of minister of state for care in government, my message has been very clear: we must get our fantastic primary care sector back on its feet to be able to deliver for our patients. "This government is committed to shifting care from hospital to community, from analogue to digital, and from sickness to prevention, and pharmacies will play a vital role in that." Kinnock acknowledged the pressures faced by the sector and expressed concerns that so many community pharmacies have exited the market over the past decade.

United Pharmacy Bodies Condemn Racism Amid UK Riots 2024 | Stand Together for Equality - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC), Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Company Chemists Association (CCA), Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK), National Pharmacy Association (NPA), Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists, Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA), and Independent Pharmacies Association (IPA) have released a joint statement in response to the far-right riots across the UK. They emphasised their united stance, declaring zero tolerance for racism towards colleagues or the public in any form. The joint statement reads: "We are shocked and saddened by the violent public disorder events in recent days. "We acknowledge how all sectors of the pharmacy profession may be impacted and recognise the challenges that this level of overt aggression can have on people's ability or willingness to live their daily lives. "The pharmacy workforce deserves peace and safety, not fear and harm. We stand united in having a zero tolerance of racism towards our colleagues or the public in whatever form it takes." Meanwhile, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has expressed concerns that protests and violent disorder in various towns and cities across England may impact the ability of community pharmacies to operate.

Independent pharmacy members not abandon dosette boxes - 0 views

    The Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIMP)'s members are not going to abandon the dosettes boxes, the association has announced. Instead, it insisted that this service should be properly funded. The association has emphasised on the importance of the service provided by pharmacists to elderly patients living independently. Dr Leyla Hannbeck, chief executive of AIMP, said it was vital that patients for whom this service is suitable can continue accessing it and that it is properly funded. Blister pack trays or dosettes assist thousands of people across the UK in living independently and remaining in their own homes for longer. "This is largely attributable to the care and professionalism shown by local pharmacies," said Hannbeck. "Our members, as independent family-owned pharmacies, are not going to abandon this service for patients."

Pharmacy funding and workforce challenges: Leaders urged HSC - 0 views

    Pharmacy bodies have urged the Health Select Committee to hold the government to account on pharmacy funding and workforce challenges. In a show of unity, leaders from the sector came together to write a joint letter to the chair of the committee and former health secretary Jeremy Hunt and bring to his attention how financial pressures worsened by nearly a decade of a real-term decrease in funding have made the sector virtually untenable. The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC)'s recently published 'Pharmacy Pressures Survey' confirms how this has had an impact on pharmacy contractors, their teams as well as patients. The survey found that 91 per cent of pharmacies are experiencing staff shortages. At the same time, demand for community pharmacists has risen - nine in ten pharmacy teams reported a significant increase in phone calls from patients about prescriptions, and 86 per cent reported a rise in requests for healthcare advice. The letter to Jeremy Hunt is signed on behalf of the four chief executives of the PSNC, the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIMp), the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) and the National Pharmacy Association (NPA).

Pharmacy Leaders Must Collaborate For A Stronger Voice | UKPPLAB - 0 views

    Pharmacy leaders from across the sector need to work together in order to have a stronger voice in the future of the healthcare system, Sir Hugh Taylor, chair of the UK Pharmacy Professional Leadership Advisory Board (UKPPLAB), has told Pharmacy Business. The establishment of this board in April 2024 was the principal recommendation of the UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership's report, published in February 2023. The report outlined that there is "an urgent need for the pharmacy professions to work collaboratively to deliver on their potential and, together, address a wide range of professional issues". "There's always been a measure of collaboration. And indeed, as we've begun our work, we've begun to unearth more examples of it, which is encouraging. But I think the conclusion that the UK Commission drew was that the fragmented nature of the professional leadership in pharmacy required something more concerted and organised in the form of the board," said Sir Hugh. Setup by the four UK chief pharmaceutical officers, the UKPPLAB is an independent public body, with the aim to enable greater collaboration across the pharmacy professional leadership bodies (PLBs) and specialist professional groups (SPGs), which are its constituent members.

Over Half of Pharmacy Teams Feel Unsafe Amid Riots - NPA Reports 2024 | Pharmacy Safety... - 0 views

    A snap survey conducted by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) revealed that over half of community pharmacy teams have felt unsafe in the past week due to ongoing riots across the country. The survey, which included responses from approximately 350 community pharmacies, also found that one in three pharmacies had considered closing because of safety concerns, while 13 per cent of pharmacy teams reported experiencing racist comments during this period. According to the NPA, over 40 per cent of pharmacists are of South Asian, Black, or other ethnic minority backgrounds, with the majority of independent community pharmacy owners believed to be of South Asian heritage. The association reports that businesses had been vandalised during the riots, leading some pharmacies to reduce their opening hours or close entirely, following advice from the police and local authorities. Despite a recent decline in disorder over the last few days, police have been advised to remain on high alert over the weekend.

Uplift Contractual Framework Now to Prevent Pharmacy Closures, CCA Urges UK Government - 0 views

    Sector leaders have welcomed the NPA ballot results, which demonstrate that community pharmacies are prepared to take collective action if a funding increase is not achieved. Nearly all pharmacy owners, who participated in the NPA ballot, said they were willing to limit their services to protest funding cuts. Commenting on the poll results, Malcolm Harrison, CEO of the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) said: "The results of the NPA ballot serves to underline the huge pressure that pharmacy contractors face, following a decade of underfunding. He emphasised the need to start the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) renegotiations for 2024/25 without delay. "The government and NHS must uplift all elements of the contractual framework, to stop further reductions in pharmacy opening hours and permanent pharmacy closures, and to ensure that patients can continue to receive the medicines and clinical care and advice they need," he added. Harry McQuillan, Chairman of Numark, stated that while the NPA ballot outcome has once again brought the financial crisis facing the sector into focus, this is "an everyday reality" for many independent pharmacies and that it has reached "breaking point." He warned that rising operational costs including the increase in national insurance and minimum wage will push many more to the brink.

Raylane Pharmacy Group Expands Portfolio with Evans Pharmacy Acquisition | Growth in Wo... - 0 views

    Raylane Pharmacy Group has expanded its portfolio by acquiring Evans Pharmacy in Worcestershire. With this new addition, the independent community pharmacy chain has increased its total number of branches to 10. Located in the centre of Malvern Link in Worcestershire, Evans Pharmacy dispenses approximately 10,000 items per month. The acquisition follows the retirement of the previous owner, Philip Hawkes, who had managed the business for over a decade. The sale was facilitated by Christie and Co through a confidential process, and the transaction price remains undisclosed. Commenting on the deal, Carl Steer, director-pharmacy at Christie and Co, said: "The sale represents a perfect addition to an already successful group for Raylane Ltd. "The instruction proved popular, and the completion represents another sale for Christie and Co in a record year for pharmacy sales."

Role of pharmacy services:New inquiry to examine - 0 views

    The pharmacy inquiry will explore issues impacting different types of pharmacy, with a particular focus on community, primary care and hospital pharmacy services. It will also consider current challenges around funding, workforce and the digital infrastructure. Planned developments within the profession will enable future pharmacists to be independent prescribers from day one of registration, giving them a greater role within primary care teams. Health and Social Care Committee Chair Steve Brine MP said: "It is clear that pharmacy has a central role to play in the future of the NHS. With a greater focus on personalised and patient-centred healthcare, we will be asking what more must be done to make sure that the profession is in the best shape to meet demand. "Better use of the pharmacy workforce would reduce pressures on general practice and hospitals. However, this will not happen without a planned workforce with the funding, supervision and training to support it. "At the end of the inquiry, the committee will be making recommendations to the government on what action needs to be taken to ensure the potential of pharmacy is realised.

Pharmacy Funding Crisis | NPA Urges Immediate Release Of Review - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has called on the NHS and the Department of Health to immediately publish the government-commissioned analysis of pharmacy underfunding and reveal the true scale of the crisis. Commissioned by NHS England, the long-awaited independent review is expected to "lay bare the perilous financial state" of community pharmacies, which is a vital part of the nation's health infrastructure. However, the NPA is concerned that the government may delay its release until after current funding consultations are concluded. The NPA argued that the public needs to understand the fragile nature of the pharmacy network before any new deal can be agreed. It has also warned health officials not to hide "the true scale of funding needed to reverse a decade of swingeing cuts", which has forced record numbers of pharmacy closures. NPA chair Nick Kaye said: "It would be a scandal to keep that evidence buried secret and leave MPs, pharmacies and the public in the dark." He acknowledged that the new government has inherited a crisis in pharmacy funding and emphasised that it will need to take "strong action" to maintain access to medicines.

Lo's Pharmacy set to launch innovative hub and spoke model - 0 views

    Lo's Pharmacy, a Yorkshire-based pharmacy chain is adopting a new approach to hub and spoke in a first of a kind model to be used in the UK. The pharmacy will centralise its repeat prescription dispensing service for original packs with the support of its medication wholesaler. The independent group, which has 25 NHS community pharmacies across Yorkshire, will install Centred Solution's Automated FLOWRx Hub product at its central dispensing facility in Wath-Upon-Dearne, South Yorkshire. But unlike other FLOWRx customers, who pick packs from a robotic dispensing system or internal warehouse, Lo's Pharmacy will receive patient-specific flow totes directly from their wholesaler which can then be processed by their hub. This workflow has not been used anywhere else in the country until now and it is a revolutionary approach to hub and spoke dispensing, showing what can be achieved when key players decide to collaborate. It further demonstrates that there are range of variations of hub and spoke models available and accessible to independent and multiple community pharmacies across the UK.

Bestway: Undertakings of divesting 7 pharmacy stores to CMA - 0 views

    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has announced on Tuesday (20 June) that it may consider undertakings offered by Bestway Panacea Holdings, a parent company of Well Pharmacy, which involves divesting seven pharmacy stores under the merger deal with Lexon UK. The Authority said: "CMA considers that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the undertakings offered by Bestway, or a modified version of them, might be accepted by the CMA under the Enterprise Act 2002." Last week, the Authority had announced that the merger of Bestway, and independent pharmacy owner Lexon UK could "lessen the competition between retail pharmacies" in England. On 26th May 2023, CMA announced the launch of its merger inquiry. A fast-track Phase 1 investigation found that the merger could lead to a significant lessening of competition between retail pharmacies in 12 local areas located in Liverpool and North East England. The merging businesses conceded that the deal raises competition concerns in these areas and have submitted proposals to sell pharmacies within these areas to restore the competition that would otherwise be lost as a result of the deal.

Pharmacy professional leadership :Vision for the future - 0 views

    Today I'm proud to share with you the statement we submitted to the UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership in which we set out what professional leadership means to RPS. I recognise we haven't always been clear in communicating our ideas to members and our external stakeholders. Through the Commission, and our own Independent Review of member participation and communications, we are determined to remedy this. We're committed to lead pharmacy in the best interest of patients and the professions. This means that sometimes we will need to take difficult decisions. We will do the right thing for the long term, ultimately driving what's best for patient care. There are some key changes we believe are necessary to fulfil the profession's ambitions. To achieve a more unified approach to pharmacy leadership, we believe both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians should be represented by RPS within professional faculties that capitalise on the strengths of each discipline whilst retaining distinct professional voices. Many of our members work with pharmacy technicians every day and know just how essential they are to their role and to patient care. We feel the same at RPS and it makes perfect sense to evolve into an organisation where both professions can advance their scope of practice, working in alignment as part of the wider multi-professional team. We will develop and implement post-registration curricula and credentialing for all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working with patients and the public. To do this we will require formal delegation of authority by the GPhC.

Well Pharmacy Opens at Birmingham Airport's WHSmith - 0 views

    Well Pharmacy, the UK's largest independent pharmacy chain, recently announced the opening of a new store inside WHSmith's flagship airside location at Birmingham Airport. This expansion is part of Well Pharmacy's ongoing collaboration with WHSmith, the global travel retailer. Situated within the departure lounge of Birmingham Airport, the biggest and busiest airport in the Midlands and the seventh largest in the UK, the new pharmacy will offer travelers a wide range of pharmacy products and expert healthcare services. The new pharmacy complements WHSmith's extensive selection of health and beauty items, travel essentials, food-to-go, and tech products. Andrew Caplan, chief retail officer at Well Pharmacy, expressed enthusiasm about the continued partnership. "Well Pharmacy are delighted to continue to work in partnership with WHSmith in providing a one stop shop for all travellers' needs," he stated.

11 things to consider before buying a pharmacy - 0 views

    We have been specialising in community pharmacy sector for over 30 years and have helped many pharmacists acquire their first pharmacy. We have seen several of those first-time buyers transition into multiple pharmacy owners under our specialist guidance and support through the years. Acquiring the first pharmacy can be a challenge to most pharmacists especially when they do not have the necessary skill in reading the numbers presented in terms of the target pharmacy's performance and how to interpret these in order to arrive at a valuation for the purpose of submitting an offer. Without the guidance of a specialist accountant in community pharmacy, one of the major risks is that one could end up paying more than what the pharmacy is worth. Once the offer is accepted, there are other challenges to overcome to get the deal over the line. 1) Assessing the risk 2) Valuation of the business 3) The negotiation process 4) Asset or company purchase 5) Financial due diligence 6) Asset/share purchase agreement 7) Finance the purchase

NPA survey:Independent pharmacists witness negative cashflow - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) survey revealed that 93 per cent of respondents experienced 'at least one month' of negative cash flow across their pharmacy business in 2022. Nine out of 10 pharmacy owners responding to NPA survey said they made a net loss dispensing medicines for the NHS during 2022, for at least one month of the year. According to the poll, 48 per cent of them lost money on this core NHS service for six months or more. 45 per cent said their overall outgoings had exceeded overall income in at least six months of the year. NPA Chair Andrew Lane said: "This survey shows the bleak financial reality facing many independent pharmacies after years of underfunding. Dispensing at a loss and negative cashflow is clearly unsustainable." "This funding crisis must be addressed urgently or pharmacies will fall into a spiral of declining services and ultimately widespread closures, he added. "Tragically, the story is playing out very much in line with independent research commissioned by the NPA last year, which warned of a nationwide financial emergency in our sector."

Wes Streeting Vows to Secure Community Pharmacy Funding | Pharmacy News - 0 views

    Health secretary Wes Streeting has pledged to stabilise the community pharmacy system before enabling it to take on a broader role in healthcare, as he addressed the Health and Social Care Select Committee in Parliament on Wednesday (18 December). "Now that we have got the budget set, we will be consulting with Community Pharmacy England shortly in the New Year," Streeting stated. "I do want to reassure pharmacists across the country that we are taking into account the enormous pressures they are under when thinking about allocations so that we can stabilise the system and create the foundations from which to recover." The health secretary emphasised that his top priority is to "stabilise the [community pharmacy] system" before expanding initiatives such as Pharmacy First and independent prescribing. He also expressed a vision for community pharmacies to play "a bigger role… as part of the shift from hospital to community," but stressed that immediate steps are required to address the sector's current financial strain. The announcement that Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) negotiations will commence early in the New Year was reaffirmed by Streeting, echoing a statement made earlier in the week by minister for care Stephen Kinnock during a Westminster Hall debate.

Fast-Track Hub and Spoke Legislation: A Lifeline for UK Community Pharmacies - 0 views

    Pharmacy hub and spoke providers gathered at Westminster on Tuesday (November 19) to highlight to MPs the urgent need to implement Model One of Hub and Spoke legislation. This proposed model, aimed at making hub and spoke dispensing accessible to all pharmacies, was initially scheduled for rollout in January 2025, but has been delayed. Representatives from Centred Solutions, HubRx, and PillTime engaged with over 30 MPs at the event, which was organised with the support of former pharmacist and Labour MP Sadik Al-Hassan. They highlighted the significant benefits of hub and spoke for community pharmacies and stressed the need to extend its use across different legal entities. Sadik Al-Hassan, MP for North Somerset and officer for the Pharmacy APPG, expressed his support, saying, "Community pharmacies are a vital lifeline for our high streets and independents have always been at a disadvantage versus larger chains who can employ economies of scale. "Model One of the proposed legislation would allow the benefits of big pharmacies for smaller ones to help them focus on the service provision our NHS needs during this difficult financial time."

NPA Ballot Result | Community Pharmacies Threaten Service Cuts Over Funding Crisis - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are bracing themselves to withdraw services from patients after an industry ballot supported plans for major action unless the government provided a significant increase in funding for the sector. The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) on Tuesday (12) announced the results of an unprecedented collective action ballot in which nearly all pharmacy owners, who participated in the ballot, voted to limit their services, insisting that a lack of additional funding is jeopardising patients health and safety. Over 63 per cent of NPA members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland took part in the ballot- representing 3,049 independent community pharmacies in England alone, or 3,399 with Wales and Northern Ireland included. Nearly 98 per cent of pharmacy owners in England voted to reduce their opening hours to the minimum required by their contract. This could result in fewer pharmacies remaining open during evenings and weekends. More than 93 per cent voted to stop offering "unfunded" free home deliveries of medicines, and over 96 per cent voted to withdraw from locally commissioned services, including certain addiction support, emergency contraception, and stop smoking services.

Budget Hikes Push Pharmacies to Brink | NPA & CCA Warn of Crisis - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA), the Company Chemists' Association (CCA), Community Pharmacy England (CPE), and the Independent Pharmacies Association (IPA) have united in urging the government to shield community pharmacies from the impact of the Budget increases. In a joint letter to the health secretary Wes Streeting MP, they have highlighted that rises in employers' National Insurance contributions and the National Living Wage could cost community pharmacies £200 million a year in unplanned costs. They have warned the government that 'without mitigation, these additional costs will push many pharmacies more towards insolvency', leading to more closures and cuts to vital health services for patients. From April 2025, the national living wage will increase by 6.7 per cent to £12.21 per hour, and the national minimum wage for 18-20-year-olds will increase by 16.3 per cent to £10 per hour.
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