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Pharmacy Funding Crisis: NHS Contract 'Completely Broken'-Urgent Fix Needed - 0 views

    Many community pharmacies are under severe financial strain due to chronic underfunding and a mismatch between medicine costs and reimbursement rates. A report by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) revealed that NHS underpays pharmacies by up to £75 a pack for common medicines, resulting in losses of thousands of pounds each month. The NPA analysis found that, in many instances, NHS funding covers only one-fifth of their purchase costs for medicines. Nemesh Patel, Managing Director of the Southdowns Pharmacy Group, said the current pharmacy funding contract is "completely broken and beyond farcical." Sharing their struggles, he tells Pharmacy Business: "Our teams are wasting hours and hours trying to just source medication for patients when they could be better using that time to clinically support our patients, and then when it comes to reimbursement, the drug tariff prices or concessionary prices are structured such that on hundreds of medications we dispense per month, we will be making a significant financial loss, each and every single time our pharmacies dispense that medication."

CPE Unleashes Community Pharmacy Potential - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) highlighted the untapped potential of community pharmacies in the prevention and management of long-term conditions to Conservative MPs during an event last week. The roundtable discussion was attended by a select group of influential and supportive MPs alongside community pharmacy owners, the Chief Executive of Community Pharmacy England, the Director of NHS Services, and patient representative group Healthwatch. MPs in attendance included Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay, who chaired the discussion; Will Quince MP, former Minister for Pharmacy, Derek Thomas MP, Sir Peter Bottomley and Peter Aldous MP. They talked about the current pressures and funding crisis in community pharmacy, exploring solutions on how this could be eased and the huge benefits that can be unlocked.

Community pharmacy pay negotiations Wales : PDA - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has reacted to the chief pharmaceutical officer (CPhO) for Wales's offer for community pharmacy contractors, offering a funding uplift for community pharmacy on the condition of an increase in pay for some staff by at least the amount currently being imposed upon NHS employees. The PDA has expressed a mixed reaction to the intervention being attempted by the Welsh government. "It is unusual for a government to be so closely involved in the pay of their suppliers' employees and those at some community pharmacy employers have a contractual right to a pay review at times of year that may not synchronize with the government's financial cycle, so this initiative may have different impacts at different employers," said the association. "In addition, the PDA negotiates pay at the largest two community pharmacy employers and works alongside other trade unions that organise other pharmacy workers. This government intervention must not disrupt or attempt to bypass those processes."

RPS,CPPE collaborate recognise advance pharmacist practice - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) in collaboration with Health Education England's Centre for Advancing Practice and the Centre for Pharmacy Post Graduate Education (CPPE) will provide a pharmacy-specific professional development pathway for advanced pharmacist practice. Successful completion of the pathway, assured through the RPS Core Advanced Pharmacist Curriculum assessment, will result in pharmacists being recognised by RPS as an advanced pharmacist, along with the awarding of HEE's Centre for Advancing Practice's 'Advanced' digital badge, demonstrating the quality assurance of their advanced practice preparation to patients, families, carers, and other healthcare professionals. The first participants in a fully funded, supported e-portfolio pathway to recognise advanced pharmacist practice in England will get underway in March 2023 This new programme is an important step in creating a clear postgraduate career structure for pharmacists in England. The innovative approach provides funding from HEE's Centre for Advancing Practice in 2023-24 for 300 pharmacists in England who are near to, or already practicing at, an advanced level, to enable them to receive supervision and support in building their RPS Core Advanced e-Portfolio from CPPE's pharmacy education supervisors.

Protect Your Pharmacy Business 2024 : The Vital Role of Key Person Insurance - 0 views

    A key person is an individual who contributes significantly to the success of the business due to their skills, knowledge, experience, and business acumen. In most community pharmacy businesses, which are usually owner managed, the key person(s) are the directors who are also usually the owners of the business. In large organisations, key person(s) could be found at various levels of the overall organisation structure such as managing directors, top salespeople, or technical experts. If you are diagnosed with a critical illness that results in you being unable to work, the financial security of your company, your co-directors and family members involved, could be jeopardised. It could also threaten everything you have worked so hard to build over the years. Where you own shares in the business, what would happen to your shares in case of critical illness or death? In the event of your death, your family would inherit your shares, but it would be impossible for them to take over your role in the business as they may not have the necessary skills or qualifications. There are a few other options available: The family can take a share of profits from the company, but this might be much less if the company is struggling because of your absence. The family could wind up the company and receive a share of its residual value. Sell the shares to your co-directors but they may not have the funds available to be able to purchase your shares. Sell the business on the open market but this would depend on finding a buyer who is prepared to pay the asking price and this could be a long, difficult, and costly process.

Healthcare Technology : An Easy Guide To Understand - 0 views

    Healthcare has a strong relationship with technology. The modern structure of hospitals and medical facilities cannot function without the progress of technology. It is important to acknowledge the impact of technology to ensure that priority is given to the constant maintenance of innovation. Here are a few ways to understand how healthcare and technology operate together. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS KEEPING UP WITH MEDICAL DEMANDS Healthcare has become increasingly dependent upon technology throughout the years. There is an almost infinite amount of equipment and machinery that is used on a day-to-day basis to help facilitate the care of patients. One aspect that needs to be acknowledged is the prevalence of smart technology within the hospital and healthcare spaces. Technology is being innovated, and it is only a matter of time until hospitals see such advancements be applied more often, as funding increases alongside the development of new machinery and equipment. These include the inclusion of artificial intelligence in order to assist and supplement healthcare professionals to do a better and more efficient job, providing better care for patients. Of course, such technology will need to follow trends of other industries first to ensure its safe use and application when dealing with patients.
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