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10 Reason You Should Start Drinking Aloe Vera Juice Daily - 0 views

    every other part of Aloe Vera is useful whether it is a leaf, gel or its juice, all are required for treating day to day health problem, its juice is like nectar to humankind which can be used for treating various health problems. The unique properties of this juice are described in Ayurveda very well.

What is erectile dysfunction? What are its symptoms and causes? - Quora - 0 views

    Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor. It affects as many as 30 million men.ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that's firm enough for sex. Though it's not rare for a man to have some problems with erections from time to time, ED that is progressive or happens routinely with sex is not normal, and it should be treated.

Why we're all deficient in magnesium, the many signs and what to do - 0 views

    This is not a recent breakthrough, but in our complicated world of new ideas, simplicity is often overlooked. This article points out that magnesium deficiency is a major problem and I think symptoms stemming from magnesium deficiency can be easily overlooked. The article acknowledges an extensive list of symptoms that seem to be rampant in our society. They are: constipation, high blood pressure (hypertension), anxiety, depression insomnia, behavioral disturbances, lethargy impaired memory/thinking, seizures, fatigue, sleep disturbances, pain, muscle cramps, chronic back pain, headaches, migraines, muscular pain, tendonitis, anger, aggression, ADHD, brain fog, tension, anxiety disorders such as OCD. Sounds familiar? What I think is important about this is article is that before we move on to more complex and expensive solutions for any of these problems, we might want to begin with a simple high quality magnesium supplement of your choice. I take it personally, and see the benefits of it in my own ability to rest and focus. Good mechanics always recommend beginning with the simplest solution first, and if that doesn't work, then work your way up to more expensive theories to solve the problem. Today, people often begin with the most expensive theory because they could feel that because their problem is complicated to them, the solution is not simple and they expect to pay more. This is subjective. I suppose the same strategy could be be applied to health.

Tips to Improve Well-Being for Healthcare Providers During the Pandemic | HospitalRecru... - 0 views

    The ongoing pandemic has taken quite a toll beyond just physically. Mental exhaustion, burnout, and fatigue are only a few of the problems facing those working on the frontlines in the healthcare field. Here are 6 wellbeing tips to help remedy the problems faced by all those in the field.

Study indicates baby teeth may lead to spotting mental disorders in children - Latest P... - 0 views

    Baby teeth could one day lead to the development of a much-needed tool for identifying children who are at risk for psychological problems, a study by the University of Bristol has concluded. The research has been published in the 'JAMA Network Open' - a monthly journal published by the American Medical Association. The origin of this study traces back several years, when senior author Erin Dunn - a social and psychiatric epidemiologist and an investigator in MGH's Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit - learned about work in the field of anthropology that could help solve a longstanding problem in her own research. She studies the effects of childhood adversity, which research suggested, is responsible for up to one-third of all mental health disorders. Dunn is particularly interested in the timing of these adverse events and in uncovering whether there are sensitive periods during child development when exposure to adversity is particularly harmful.

Settle Down Your Gastric Problems With These 5 Yoga Poses - 0 views

    Troubled with gastric problems and do not have any OTC tablets handy? Learn the best five easy-to-do yoga positions to relieve gas instantly and naturally.

Teva UK:Reduce pressure on pharmacies due to energy crisis - 0 views

    Teva UK has alerted the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to the problem posed by steep energy prices. Teva's UK General Manager Kim Innes wrote to the minister seeking assurances that the distribution of medicines to patients will be safeguarded over what's likely to be a difficult winter. The problems posed by steep energy prices and the potential for power rationing is putting pharmacies under pressure from increased costs and the risk of losing power supplies as a 'non-domestic' energy user, said the company. Kim said: "In our letter to the Secretary of State we acknowledged that the government knows that medicines manufacture is strategically important and that it's a vital component in maintaining patient health." "But I wanted to make sure that the Secretary of State also realises the consequences of the energy crisis further down the supply chain - for example, the need for a pharmacy to have a fridge switched on at all times for storing cold chain products."

EU pharmaceuticals law changes to avoid medicine shortages - 0 views

    Proposed changes to a European Union pharmaceuticals law will include stronger obligations for the supply of medicines and earlier notifications of shortages, EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said last week (January 17). Kyriakides told a session of the European Parliament that shortages of antibiotics are a growing problem for many European countries. She said the European Commission's proposal to revise the pharmaceuticals legislation is planned for March. "Our objective is and remains to secure access to medicines for all patients in need and to avoid any market disruption of medicines in the EU," Kyriakides said. Shortages of antibiotics have been reported in 26 European countries, the European Medicines Agency says. The unseasonably early upsurge in respiratory infections in Europe this winter and insufficient production capacity are the root causes of the shortages, Kyriakides said. Numerous EU lawmakers speaking at the session said the shortages needed to be tackled urgently. But experts say shortages of essential generic medicines like antibiotics are likely to be recurrent in Europe due to problems in the sector such as the gradual migration of generic manufacturing to Asia.

Menopause : Women's health managing at workplace - 0 views

    The menopause is a natural aging process, whereby a woman's oestrogen level drops thus disrupting periods until they eventually stop. A woman is said to be in the menopause when her periods have stopped for 12 months. The age when this usually occurs is between 45-55 but symptoms can begin prior to this. Symptoms vary and not all women experience them all. They include hot flushes, vaginal dryness, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, reduced libido, urinary problems such as bladder weakness or Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), but this list is not exhaustive. Up to a third of women declare that the menopause affects their quality of life. It is obvious that such physical changes can have an effect on ones well-being. Women going through the menopause are at increased risk of developing depression, low self-esteem and problems with concentration (often called brain fog). There are lots of misconceptions in the public and workplace around menopause as it is a little discussed topic. Did you know 45 per cent of women feel their menopause symptoms have had a negative impact on their work and 47 per cent of women have said that they won't tell their employer if they need to take a day-off from work because of menopausal symptoms? So, with women making up nearly half of the UKs workforce, have you thought about what support your workplace offers for you? And if you are an employer, what could you be doing to support your colleagues who need help during this time?

Probiotics : 6 SIgns to know it is beneficial for your child - 0 views

    Kids get stomach problems all the time due to low immunity or lifestyle risk factors. While taking medications can reduce a bloated stomach or excess diarrhea, learning how to improve gut health can help your kid avoid stomach problems. One of the most effective gut health products is probiotics. Whether you plan to provide your kid with good strains of gut bacteria through Sproutedbiome supplements or introducing the good bacteria through diet, knowing what to expect can help you determine if they are working. HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR KID IS RESPONDING TO PROBIOTICS? Fewer tantrums and outbursts Gut health and mental health go hand-in-hand. A child with gas or stomach cramps tends to be fussy. The fussiness may progress to outbursts and tantrums due to symptoms in the gut. Probiotics trigger serotonin production, a neurotransmitter that improves your child's mood, sleep and appetite. If your once moody child starts getting happy and has sufficient sleep after taking probiotics, you will know they are working.

Community Pharmacy England : Hosting parliamentary event - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) to host a Parliamentary drop-in event in July to brief MPs and Peers about the ongoing medicines supply chain issues that are negatively affecting pharmacies and their patients across the country. CPE's Pressures Survey earlier this year highlighted the extent of both the operational and financial impacts of medicines supply issues on pharmacy businesses, therefore it has continued to hear from both pharmacy owners and others about the problems. The event aims to ensure that MPs understand the problems and their impact on pharmacies. Peter Dowd MP is hosting the event, joined by representatives from Community Pharmacy England, the Nuffield Trust, patient groups and more. The event will also be another opportunity to talk to MPs from across the political spectrum about the very serious situation that community pharmacies still find themselves in and the need for further investment in the sector. Janet Morrison OBE, Chief executive of Community Pharmacy England said: "The results of our Pressures Survey earlier this year showed just how much supply issues are continuing to negatively impact pharmacy businesses and all those who work in them. The survey found that almost all pharmacy owners (97%) are facing significant increases in wholesaler and medicine supply issues, with 71% saying this was leading to delays in prescriptions being issued.

Provisional registration:Those faced GPhC issues eligible - 0 views

    All candidates in Great Britain who faced problems when sitting the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)'s registration assessment will be eligible for provisional registration, the pharmacy regulator has announced. However, they are eligible only if they meet eligibility criteria set out in the GPhC policy which states: "Have sat the registration assessment on 29 June 2022 and experienced delays of 30 minutes or more in starting or completing either or both Part 1 and/or Part 2 of the registration assessment due to technical or other IT difficulties (This also includes those who withdrew from the registration assessment on the day due to the start of the assessment being delayed by 30 minutes or more)." GPhC added that these candidates will also be able to claim a full refund, and this sitting will not count as one of their three attempts. Gisela Abbam, chair of the GPhC, said: "We would like to sincerely apologise again to the candidates who experienced significant problems during their registration assessment sitting.

Erection problems:How pharmacists can support men with it - 0 views

    With GP waiting times on the rise and the secondary NHS care system under pressure, there is a further opportunity for pharmacy to support the general public with self-care. The men's health category is one category where pharmacists can play a leading role - specifically Erection Problems (EPs) where pharmacists can be key to building awareness, destigmatising the condition, and providing support and solutions for the patient. Training for pharmacists is essential - helping them to understand how they can assist those looking for treatment whilst also breaking down barriers and normalising the conversation around EPs. EPs are when a man regularly cannot get and keep an erection. EPs can happen to any adult man, not limited to the older generation, though they are particularly common in men over the age of 40. EPs may happen in some situations over others and so it is increasingly important for men to speak about and identify the cause of their symptoms, particularly because EPs can often be an indication of other serious health conditions like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. If pharmacies can encourage men to seek help with their EPs, they may also be able to identify additional serious and undiagnosed conditions earlier, thereby supporting men's health more widely.

DHSC UK Updates June 2023 Medicine Pricing - 0 views

    Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has updated the final price concessions for June 2023, following a discussion by Community Pharmacy England regarding medicine pricing issues reported by pharmacy owners (its members). A price concession only applies for the month it is granted; any prices agreed for concessions requested late in the month will roll over into the following month. Community Pharmacy England encouraged pharmacies to report any problems obtaining a Part VIII product at or below the stated Drug Tariff price, using the online feedback form on the Community Pharmacy England website along with full details of the supplier and price paid for any products sourced above the Drug Tariff price. The association will investigate the extent of the problem and, if appropriate, discuss the issue with DHSC.

Global Drug Shortages: Behind the Crisis in Medication Supply - 0 views

    Drug shortages have become a global issue, with many countries struggling to maintain a consistent supply of common medications, including antidepressants, immunosuppressants and drugs to treat type 2 diabetes and ADHD. Earlier last month, the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA), the trade body for off-patent medicines, warned that 111 products were facing supply problems, the highest on record in the UK, and more than double the number recorded at the start of 2022. More than half of products affected (55) are branded generic drugs, which represent 10 per cent of prescription products used in the UK. The trade body blamed the escalating rebate rate of the government's voluntary scheme for branded medicine pricing and access (VPAS) for these shortages, but Brexit is also cited as another reason for the problem.

Anxiety: How you can support your family member? - 0 views

    If your loved one is suffering from anxiety, you'll likely be aware of how damaging the condition can be. Anxiety comes in many forms and can be triggered by an array of factors, but there are some simple steps to take if you want to improve the wellbeing of your family member - how can you best go about supporting a loved one with anxiety? What is anxiety? - Anxiety is mental state in which we feel highly worried, nervous, uneasy, or uncomfortable. While it's normal to feel anxious in certain situations and at notable points in our lives (this is linked to the 'fight or flight' instinct), it's important to address the problem if you feel that your anxiety is impacting your quality of life. What are the five major forms of anxiety? - The 5 most common forms of anxiety as diagnosed by medical professionals include generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia, also known as anxiety disorder. What causes anxiety problems? - Anxiety can be caused by a wide range of factors. We're more likely to become anxious when we're overworked, stressed, depressed, under financial pressure or physically or mentally unwell. It's also common to become anxious after traumatic events such as having to make medical negligence claim after sustaining a surgical based injury, losing a home or the death of a loved one.

Hewitt review:Damaging consequences of ARRS on pharmacy - 0 views

    The recruitment of pharmacists in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) has exacerbated a general shortage of pharmacists, revealed an independent review of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) published on Tuesday (4 April). The review, Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, highlighted the impact that the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) roles for pharmacists are having on the community pharmacy sector. "Contracts with national requirements can have unintended consequences when applied to particular circumstances. For instance, the national requirements and funding of Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) roles for community pharmacists within PCNs, has on occasion exacerbated the problem of a general shortage of pharmacists, with some now preferring to work within primary care rather than remain in community pharmacies or acute hospitals, compounding the problem of community pharmacy closures and delayed discharges." It set out to consider the oversight and governance of ICS in England and the NHS targets and priorities for which Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are accountable, including those set out in the Government's mandate to NHS England. As part of this work, Hewitt and her team engaged with a wide range of stakeholders representing various local health and social care settings, including LPCs.

Secret of Healing Emotional and Mental Problems - Info Psycho - 0 views

    Our minds and physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are made of energy that has been structuralized by consciousness. This structuralization gives us the ability to experience ourselves in the material world. When this energetic structure becomes distorted, emotional and mental problems could manifest. The idea that energy is the core structure of everything may sound strange to you, but when you study energy mechanics, the science of consciousness, and quantum mechanics with an open mind, you will eventually come to the conclusion that energy is all there is and that it is intelligent in nature.

Addiction:How To Approach An Addicted Partner To Get Help - 0 views

    We love our partners, and it's likely that we'd do anything for them. We put up with their foibles and we bite our tongue when they do something that annoys us. But often, things can get more serious than that, and action needs to be taken, not just for you, but for them, the rest of the family, and ensuring that you live a long and happy life together. Addiction is becoming a more common problem in relationships and the figures over the last few years have increased significantly with more and more people suffering from problems with alcohol, drugs and gambling. While it's not an easy time for them, nor is it for you, and often they need that little bit of encouragement to take the necessary steps to get addiction counselling and the help they need. Providing that encouragement isn't an easy feat though and it needs to be done carefully. If you're at that point in your relationship where you feel something needs to be done about your partner's addiction, then here are some top tips to help you along your way… DO YOUR RESEARCH The better informed you are about addiction, the more authoritative and helpful you can be when it comes to confronting your partner and discussing the options. There are dozens of in-depth guides, reports and advice columns that can help you understand addiction, from the causes of addiction to the health risks, as well as the impact it has on the brain, and the best forms of rehabilitation for different types of people. By collating all this information, you'll be fully informed and feel confident in approaching your partner.

Drug shortage: Fixing the medicines shortage crisis - 0 views

    From over-the-counter flu tablets to crucial antibiotics and antidepressants, medicines are running scarce in UK pharmacies this year, causing concerns among patients, the government, and the wider pharma industry. Drug shortages have accelerated over the past year due to a clutch of problems including the after-effects of the pandemic on supply chains, the war in Ukraine, and soaring input costs weighing on manufacturers. More recently, a sudden spike in respiratory infections - another by-product of Covid-19 that neither pharma companies nor the government were able to predict - has deepened the crisis, with 70 commonly taken drugs out of stock in Britain as of February. The problem is not unique to the UK. In a recent survey of groups representing pharmacies in 29 European countries, three quarters said shortages were worse this winter than a year ago, with a quarter reporting more than 600 drugs in short supply. The US is also facing significant shortages of popular prescription drugs like amoxicillin and Adderall, an ADHD medication. To some extent, the current disruption is laying bare wider challenges facing the industry for several years that were only exacerbated by the pandemic. The over-reliance on foreign suppliers for most active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is one of them. This model has left companies more susceptible to supply shocks, which have in turn increased in frequency and severity due to pandemic lockdowns, the war in Ukraine and other issues such as the shortage of shipping containers. Pharma's long and opaque supply chains, alongside regulatory complexities, also mean it is taking longer for drugmakers to reconfigure manufacturing and distribution in times of additional need.
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