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PAGB expands eLearning offer to non-members - Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazin... - 0 views

    PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, has launched a new eLearning platform, open to both members and non-members, offering a comprehensive range of online training and development resources for the consumer healthcare industry. Launched at the end of 2024, the eLearning platform was initially exclusive to PAGB members. It has now been expanded to include non-members, along with the addition of new content and courses. Fully integrated with PAGB's website, the eLearning platform provides a variety of on-demand training courses and webinar recordings, complementing the association's year-round schedule of workshops and events. From Essentials courses that cover foundational topics such as UK medicines regulations, to Deep Dive courses offering in-depth knowledge on specific areas like CBD and novel food, the eLearning content is designed to support users' professional development and expertise. Additionally, the platform offers a collection of webinar recordings from past events, offering insights into various areas of consumer healthcare and PAGB membership. These recordings are currently exclusive to PAGB members.

Gina 10 : PAGB Backs Over-The-Counter Sale - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has launched a public consultation on plans to reclassify a locally-applied hormone replacement therapy product to treat the cause and relieve the symptoms of vaginal atrophy. The MHRA is proposing that Gina 10 microgram vaginal tablets, containing oestradiol, be made available over the counter as a "self care" product, under the supervision of a pharmacist. The Commission on Human Medicines too has advised that the application by Novo Nordisk, which is used to treat vaginal dryness, caused by oestrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women, can be made available as a pharmacy (P) medicine. The MHRA has been asking GPs, pharmacists and members of the public for their opinions on whether the tablets can be made available to women aged 50 and over who have not had a period for at least a year. If the reclassification goes ahead, pharmacists will be given training materials and a checklist to help them supply the medicine safely.
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