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Sustainable NHS Capital Budgets: Boosting Productivity - 0 views

    Health leaders have said that delivering faster and more productive patient care would be difficult unless NHS capital budgets are nearly doubled to at least £14.1 billion from the current spending of £7.7 billion. The NHS Confederation has highlighted the impact that low levels of capital investment have had over the last decade in its report published today (29 November). The report, 'Investing to save: The capital requirement for a more sustainable NHS in England', revealed that the UK has lagged behind other comparable countries in terms of health capital investment for more than five decades, resulting in less productivity. It revealed that the NHS now has the sixth lowest number of CT and MRI scanners per million people of the OECD countries.

PSNC expects negotiations with government for CPCF 2022-23 to begin soon - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee expects the next round of negotiations to set the arrangements for the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) in 2022/23 - Year 4 of the five-year CPCF deal, to begin soon. The negotiator held a meeting on November 24 and 25 to discuss the burning issues affecting the sector and to plan for upcoming negotiations with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I). It aims to complete these negotiations by April, allowing ample time for contractors to make arrangement prior to the beginning of the financial year. PSNC vice-chair, and independent contractor, Bharat Patel said the entire sector is worried about the "outlook for pharmacies as we head into a difficult winter," and is working to find solutions. He noted that PSNC "will be bringing proposals for additional funding and support, particularly around the treatment of 'walk-in' patients, to the table, along with a heavy dose of realism for government and the NHS about the current challenges in the sector." While expecting a difficult round of discussion with the government, Patel remained optimistic about a favourable outcome for pharmacies.

Community Pharmacies Grapple with Supply Chain Instability - 0 views

    Instability in the supply chain network is frequently undermining the profit margins in community pharmacies, former Pharmacy Minister and Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee Steve Brine has said. Brine emphasised that community pharmacies often lack information about the prices wholesalers charge for essential generic medications. "They lack visibility into scarcity, and the pricing of these products is often significantly higher compared to other European countries," the former minister remarked during a parliamentary debate focused on the future of community pharmacies on September 14. From financial pressures to workforce crisis and pharmacy closures, the debate delved into critical challenges faced by pharmacies, aiming to propose tangible solutions for a sustainable future in the sector. Chaired by Sir Mark Hendrik, the debate was initiated by Conservative MP Peter Aldous and featured contributions from a host of participants including Labour MPs Taiwo Owatemi and George Howarth among others.
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