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Windsor Framework UK : A new way forward - 0 views

    Northern Ireland will see changes in the regulatory landscape following the issuance of the Windsor Framework on 27th Feb 2023 and the corresponding EU Commission proposal. An agreement, in principle, has been reached by the UK and EU. The new path forward of the Windsor Framework marks a turning point in how both the UK and the EU will work together collaboratively and constructively to ensure that the same medicines are available in Northern Ireland at the same time as they are in the rest of the United Kingdom. Whilst this is a successful result for Northern Ireland patients, this is major change for companies that have made specific provisions in their supply chains for Northern Ireland. The supply chains of companies where provisions and changes were made such as introduction of GB specific pack may be impacted as a result. However, the burden on the UK Pharma supply chain will be eased. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak walks with European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen in Windsor on February 27, 2023 Pharma companies will need to carefully consider making changes within their processes and supply chains pending the issuance of clear guidance from the MHRA on the regulation changes resulting from the Windsor Agreement and the corresponding EU Commission proposed regulatory changes associated with medicinal products within the Northern Ireland market. Smooth access to the EU market for Northern Ireland pharmaceutical and medical technology firms has been safeguarded within the constraints of the agreement. The pragmatic dual-regulatory system protects business, patients and healthcare services, and reflects that it is an essential state function to maintain and oversee the supply of medicines within the whole United Kingdom.

NPA:10 principles for transformed pharmacy contract England - 0 views

    The new board of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has adopted 10 principles for transforming the contractual framework in England. The board met for the first time in April, believes that the current Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework is failing NPA members, the wider sector, the NHS, Government and patients. The association's new vice chair, Jay Badenhorst, said: "We can't wait until the current framework limps to its finish line in 2024 before giving serious thought to the new race we must all run in the future." "Before negotiations for a new contract begin in earnest, we want to make our position clear to all of those who will be involved in its development. Years more of the same would be totally unacceptable. Tinkering at the edges of the current arrangements as the basis for a new deal could not achieve the transformation that is needed." Former chair of the NPA, Andrew Lane, listed some of the principles in a speech to industry leaders in January, but this is the first time the approach has been agreed in its entirety, following months of testing with NPA members.

Northern Ireland Health Consultation|Obesity Solutions - 0 views

    The Department of Health (DoH) is inviting the public to share their views on a new Regional Obesity Management Service and a new Obesity Strategic Framework. A public consultation has been launched on the Healthy Futures strategic framework, which aims to prevent the harm caused by obesity, and improve diets and levels of physical activity of people. The Department is also seeking views on its plans to introduce a new service that would focus on the introduction of specialist support, weight loss medication, and bariatric surgery to help people living with obesity. Northern Ireland is seeing an increase in obesity rates, with the latest Health Survey NI data showing that 65 per cent of adults and 26 per cent of children in the country are either obese or overweight.

RPS England New Framework For Addictive Medicines - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has backed a new framework from NHS England to reduce inappropriate prescribing of addiction-causing medicines. It believes that the new framework is a positive step towards improving patient care by supporting medicine reviews and shared decision making to help people reduce their use of medicines that are no longer providing much clinical benefit. The society has also welcomed investment in innovative approaches to supporting patients and urged all pharmacists to refer people to such schemes. Director for England at RPS, James Davies said: "Pharmacists are well-placed to help reduce inappropriate prescribing of high strength painkillers such as opioids and other addictive medicines. "Pharmacy teams can also often spot repeat purchases of over the counter medicines by patients so are well placed to intervene and give advice on the management of chronic pain. Whilst opioids can play an important part in helping people with chronic pain there has long been a need for alternative approaches that are safer and more effective for patients.

What are the benefits of cardio training? - Info Psycho - 0 views

    Are you getting anxious about your health? Then you must be apprehensive about your cardiac health. Then you should try cardio exercises. It is one of the basic kind of activities that we as people can take part in. there are so many benefits of cardio training. At the point when you do cardio you are working out your heart and circulatory framework. In this way when you do practices that strain your heart and cardiovascular framework or make them work more diligently than ordinary, you are doing cardio. Cardio can incorporate things like biking, swimming, running and running, step climbing, playing soccer or other running games, and even high-intensity aerobics as well.

Health Select Committee report: 'Broken' funding model needs 'a complete overhaul' - 0 views

    The current funding and contractual framework for community pharmacy is not fit for purpose, the Health and Social Care Committee report has concluded, recommending a complete overhaul to reduce its complexity. Published today, the report highlighted the necessity for a new framework to ensure adequate funding and to prevent damaging cross-subsidy between clinical services and prescription dispensing, as is presently observed. The report revealed that community pharmacy funding has fallen by over 30 per cent in real terms since 2015, resulting in an annual shortfall of at least £67,000 per pharmacy for individual owners. More than 1,100 community pharmacies have closed since 2015, of which were serving the most deprived areas, it said. MPs on the committee have urged the government to address medicine shortages, warning that they could undermine flagship initiatives such as 'Pharmacy First' by eroding public confidence in pharmacists. "People living with type 2 diabetes, ADHD, epilepsy and cystic fibrosis, and those experiencing the menopause, have faced challenges accessing the vital medication they need. Many others are facing similar experiences.

Drugs : EU-UK deal on post-Brexit trade rules for NI - 0 views

    While Northern Irish business groups has welcomed the certainty a new EU-UK deal on post-Brexit trade rules for the region provided, the pharmaceutical industry too has expressed cautious optimism. In his speech on the Windsor Framework on Monday (February 28) Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the agreement "delivers a landmark settlement on medicines". "From now on, drugs approved for use by the UK's medicines regulator will be automatically available in every pharmacy and hospital in Northern Ireland," he announced. The National Pharmacy Association's Northern Ireland manager Anne McAlister expressed a sense of cautious optimism. She said: "While the devil may yet be in the detail, the Windsor Framework would appear to be good news for pharmacies in Northern Ireland. It seems to address the main concerns we have expressed about medicines supplies to NI, but we want to examine the small print to ensure the new arrangements meet the needs of our members and the patients they serve.

New CPD-accredited module: Digital Health Academy - 0 views

    The new 'How to Involve and Engage Patients on Digital Health Tech Innovation' learning module has been created specifically to support the development and delivery of patient-centric technologies, at a time of critical digital transformation in the NHS. The foundation level module will be freely available at and on the Health Education England NHS Learning Hub ( No training previously exists on conducting effective patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE), leading to wasted resource on unsuitable technologies at a time when the healthcare system simply cannot afford it. The module aims to educate innovators who are creating new technology, and the clinicians who are prescribing these solutions. Crucially, the module also provides valuable support to the 500 NHS clinicians who are on the Clinical Entrepreneur Programme. The module is an introduction to the first evidence-based framework for PPIE, launched by the University of Plymouth, the AHSN Network (the national voice of the 15 academic health science networks in England) and Boehringer Ingelheim UK & Ireland. It helps to fast-track learning for the EnACT principles described in the framework, outlining how to involve patients in product innovation and critical issues such as data privacy, intellectual property, inclusivity, reimbursement, useability, and recruitment of patients.

CPCF Negotiations and Service Innovations Explored - 0 views

    A full CPE Committee Meeting was organised in London on April 17 and 18, 2024, to discuss crucial sectoral issues. Key topics discussed during the two-day meeting included intolerable pressures on pharmacy owners, the ongoing Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) negotiations, implementation of the Pharmacy First service, and governance changes. Committee Members reviewed the progress of CPCF negotiations with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England. These critical negotiations are being led by the Negotiating Team (NT), which includes independent pharmacy owners and representatives of CCA and non-CCA multiples. The CPE has been advocating for an uplift to the core global sum, margin write-offs, an agreed mechanism for regular funding increases linked to activity and inflation, annual uplifts to service fees, more fundamental reform of the margin delivery framework and an economic review of the medicines supply chain. The Committee also discussed the results of the 2024 Pharmacy Pressures Survey, which was conducted during March and April.

Full CPAF Questionnaire Open For Selected Pharmacies - 0 views

    The full version of the Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) questionnaire is now available for selected pharmacies to complete. This follows a screening questionnaire in July, which all community pharmacies in England were asked to complete as part of the CPAF process. Pharmacies may be selected for the full, comprehensive CPAF questionnaire if, for example, they did not complete a screening questionnaire or if there are concerns about the pharmacy relating to patient safety. Some pharmacies may also be selected to validate their screening questionnaire answers. The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) said selected pharmacies have been contacted. It's mandatory to complete the survey which can be used as a training tool and for continuous monitoring of compliance against the community pharmacy contract.

Shilpa Shah: 'Show me the light' | Pharmacy Business - 0 views

    I have always been passionate about Community Pharmacy and am proud of the way that the sector navigated itself through Covid-19 and is currently navigating itself through all the changes in the NHS landscape. When I started my role in Sep 2019 as the CEO of Kent LPC, I used to say that community pharmacy has changed more in the last five years than the 15 before that, however, I now believe community pharmacy has changed more in the last two years than the 20 before. The year 2019 saw the start of the five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework which set out how community pharmacy would support delivery of the NHS long term plan. What PSNC (or any of us) when negotiating this deal had not envisaged was the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst the world turned upside down, we saw high street shops close their doors and immense pressure flood the NHS. Community pharmacy did what they always do, they adapted, teams came together, worked through, and showed resilience in the face of adversity. In Kent, I saw us integrate into primary are and into the NHS structure very quickly, in the first few weeks after Covid-19. All the usual red tape was removed, we all worked together to implement services to help patients in a matter of weeks when they would have normally taken months.

PSNC expects negotiations with government for CPCF 2022-23 to begin soon - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee expects the next round of negotiations to set the arrangements for the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) in 2022/23 - Year 4 of the five-year CPCF deal, to begin soon. The negotiator held a meeting on November 24 and 25 to discuss the burning issues affecting the sector and to plan for upcoming negotiations with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I). It aims to complete these negotiations by April, allowing ample time for contractors to make arrangement prior to the beginning of the financial year. PSNC vice-chair, and independent contractor, Bharat Patel said the entire sector is worried about the "outlook for pharmacies as we head into a difficult winter," and is working to find solutions. He noted that PSNC "will be bringing proposals for additional funding and support, particularly around the treatment of 'walk-in' patients, to the table, along with a heavy dose of realism for government and the NHS about the current challenges in the sector." While expecting a difficult round of discussion with the government, Patel remained optimistic about a favourable outcome for pharmacies.

Community Pharmacy Wales and Welsh Govt Agreement on CPCF - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy Wales and the Welsh government have entered an agreement on Thursday (December 16), enabling all pharmacies to deliver provision of contraception, treatment for common minor ailments, and access to repeat medicines in an emergency. Expansion of clinical community pharmacy service will be supported with an increased funding of £20 million a year by April 2024 from the current level of £11.4m. The two bodies have been negotiating the terms of agreement, which also includes plans to roll out a Wales-wide pharmacy prescribing service, allowing trained pharmacists to treat an extended range of conditions that currently require GP visits. The agreement will allow patients to access NHS services closer to home which in turn would free up GP and other NHS services for patients with more complex needs. Eluned Morgan MS, minister for Health and Social Services said: "I welcome the positive approach to negotiations taken by Community Pharmacy Wales, embracing our ambition for a reimagined community pharmacy service, which is an integral part of a strong primary care landscape."

Community Pharmacy Funding Requires Improvement :HSC Report - 0 views

    The Health Select Committee Expert Panel has concluded in its report published on Tuesday (25 July) that the funding aspect in the community pharmacy sector 'requires improvement' based on the evidence received. The Expert Panel reviewed nine Government commitments, seven of which were from the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. It was found that available funding was not sufficient to keep pharmacies open, struggling financially with increased demand for dispensing, workforce pressures and rising costs due to inflation. One of the other commitments requiring improvement covered a scheme intended to protect access to local physical NHS pharmaceutical services in areas where there were fewer pharmacies. Professor Dame Jane Dacre, Chair of the Expert Panel, said: "Pharmacy plays a key role in the delivery of care so it's disappointing that progress overall to deliver on the Government's commitments was rated as 'requires improvement'.

CCA Lauds NHS Investment in Pharmacies - 0 views

    Keith Ridge, who retired from the role of England's chief pharmaceutical officer this month, has written to the NHS regional directors regarding a package to empower community pharmacies to implement clinical services in their integrated care systems. Though details about this letter are not available, Malcolm Harrison, chief executive officer of the Company Chemists' Association, welcomed the move saying: "It is a positive step towards the greater integration of community pharmacy care into the NHS. "It is vital for the NHS that patients can benefit from the clinical care services set out in the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework." Harrison, however, highlighted that while pharmacies are being pushed to do more, the efforts to introduce new clinical services should be supported with "sustainable funding and material actions to increase workforce numbers in the sector." "We are concerned that without the funding and people in place, the desired volume of necessary services cannot be delivered, no matter how well coordinated."

Negotiations on CPCF arrangements for 2022/23 begin - 0 views

    The tripartite negotiations to set the arrangements for the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) in 2022/23 - Year 4 of the five-year CPCF deal - have now begun, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) said. The discussions, beginning ahead of the start of the financial year, are taking place between the PSNC and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I). It will cover issues related to service, funding and other arrangements for pharmacies in 2022/23, in line with the five-year CPCF deal. The three entities will also discuss the progress made to date, which has been partly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the recent joint Annual Review process, where PSNC raised serious concerns around the available capacity within community pharmacy.

Pharmacy Future Predictions by Hutchings Consultants for 2024 - 0 views

    Pharmacy sales specialist, Hutchings Consultants has revealed its market predictions for the next 12 months in a new report. The broker is anticipating that both independent group operators and corporate owners will continue to reassess their existing portfolios in 2024, making strategic disposals of varying sizes. "This is likely to result in transaction volumes remaining high for the foreseeable future," stated the report authored by Paul Steet, Associate Director, Hutchings Consultants. Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework negotiations will be the most notable opportunity for the sector to capitalise upon this year, the broker said, adding that it's "a belated opportunity for the sector to secure a vital uplift to the contract's fixed global sum."

Wales rolls out pharmacy prescribing service - 0 views

    Wales has begun the rolled-out of a community pharmacy prescribing service as part of reforms agreed by the Welsh health minister last December. Eluned Morgan approved wide-ranging changes following re-negotiation of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework with Community Pharmacy Wales, the representative body for community pharmacies in Wales. The roll out will allow appropriately trained community pharmacists to treat an extended range of conditions that currently require people to visit their GP. Initially pharmacist prescribers will be able to prescribe medicines, including antibiotics for acute illnesses like urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infections, and also prescribe routine contraception. The first of its kind in the UK, the service is being rolled out progressively across Wales, building on local schemes which are already in place.

ABPI welcomes NICE's guidance on value of new antibiotics - 0 views

    The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has welcomed the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's leadership in introducing a new approach to the evaluation of antibiotics. On Tuesday (12 April), NICE published a draft guidance to tackle antimicrobial resistance under which two new antimicrobial drugs - cefiderocol and ceftazidime-avibactam - became the first to be made available as part of the UK's innovative subscription-style payment model. Commenting on the announcement of the new draft guidance, Richard Torbett, chief executive of the ABPI, said: "This is an important milestone in the UK's global leadership on AMR. Antibiotics underpin modern medicine, but the increasing threat of antibiotic resistance remains one of the biggest global health challenges we face. "To tackle this, it is critical that the appropriate frameworks are in place for companies to invest the billions of pounds required to discover the new antibiotics needed for patients.
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