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Corsodyl unveils new toothpaste and mouthwash range targeted at preventing gum problems - 0 views

    With more than half of the UK population experiencing gum problems and many not believing their condition warrants treatment, there is a significant need for an oral care range that promotes good gum health and prevents future issues. Corsodyl is set to launch a new Gum Strength & Protect line, featuring two toothpastes and a daily mouthwash which are clinically proven to protect against gum problems. This range aims to meet the growing consumer demand for oral care solutions that help proactively manage gum health and prevent issues related to poor oral hygiene. The Corsodyl Gum Strength & Protect line is designed to strengthen the gum seal around teeth, offering long-lasting protection. The product is enriched with hyaluronic acid, a key building block for strong gums, and includes IPMP (Isopropyl Methylphenol) and zinc as antibacterial active ingredients.

3 Pharmacists Recognized In Queen's New Year Honours List - 0 views

    Three leading pharmacists - professor Mahendra Patel, Asif Aziz and Ade Williams - have been recognised in Queen Elizabeth's annual New Year's honours list. Professor Patel, an academic pharmacist from West Yorkshire, was awarded an OBE for his "services to pharmacy." He told Pharmacy Business: "I am truly honoured and deeply humbled by this highly prestigious award that I have always believed was more deserving for others. "That's not to say I'm not proud of it - far from it, although for me it's not necessarily about rewards and recognition but more the intricacies of the journey I embark on and the learning and joy that those encounters bring with it. Most recently, Professor Patel - who has had a broad ranging portfolio career spanning community pharmacy, health education and health promotion, academia, and research - has been involved in promoting clinical trials across community pharmacies in the UK. His latest work has seen him act as one of the national leads for the PRINCIPLE and PANORAMIC trials, run by Oxford University - both trials seek to pioneer repurposed and new drug treatments in the community to prevent hospitalisation due to Covid-19.

Victoria Atkins CliniChem Visit:Boosting Pharmacy Services - 0 views

    Victoria Atkins MP, the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, visited NPA board member Sukhi Basra (L) at CliniChem pharmacy in Central London on Thursday (16 November). Basra was accompanied by NPA Chief Executive Mark Lyonette. This was among Atkins' first appointments following her recent promotion in the recent Cabinet reshuffle. Atkins met with staff and patients to explore clinical services and discuss the evolving role of the community pharmacy sector. "Welcoming politicians and officials to my pharmacy is always a pleasure," Basra said. Basra highlighted the opportunity to brief the Health Secretary on the latest developments, including Pharmacy First.

RPS new campaign 'be kind' pharmacy teams in Scotland - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has urged people across Scotland to be kind to their pharmacy teams this winter through its campaign called 'Be Kind'. The pharmacies are facing lot of pressure and challenges during winter, RPS has heard from its members that abuse towards pharmacy teams, particularly those in community pharmacy, has 'unfortunately' risen. The campaign has been running throughout December, to promote 'be kind' message to the public at a time when pharmacy services are particularly stretched by winter pressures and other factors, including the recent shortages of antibiotics. "Throughout December, leading figures have provided a series of powerful videos, which all encourage the public to be kind to their pharmacy teams. The campaign has highlighted personal video messages from many figures including Jason Leitch, Scotland's National Clinical Director, Maree Todd, Minister for Public Health, Women's Health and Sport, and Andrew Carruthers, RPS Scottish Pharmacy Board Chair," said RPS.
DeFlame Enterprise

Nutritional Supplements | Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Diets | - 0 views

  • is devoted to nutritional supplements and other lifestyle approaches for reducing inflammation.

Pharmacy First: England desperately needs - 0 views

    Sobha Sharma Kandel wants community pharmacy teams up and down the country to be super responsive to emerging needs of their patients - by always being pro-active rather than reactive. "We know that every patient benefits from our proactive approaches - listening, asking questions, providing information and making clinical interventions when appropriate. "At a time when general practice is overstretched, community pharmacy must be relied upon as the frontline of the NHS when it comes to providing diagnosis, treatment and continuous care in our communities to promote health and wellbeing of our patients." Sobha believes Covid-19 has helped shift public perception of community pharmacies from being a place where one goes to collect a prescription to a hub where one can access a range of healthcare advice and services. "We are way more than just a shop where you can collect your medicines," she said, giving examples of how her interventions have helped reduce medication errors, prevent harm and subsequently reduce cost of care. She once saved a baby from getting overdosed with omeprazole when they had issues with gastroesophageal reflux. On another occasion, she managed a lady's high blood pressure by finding equivalent medications to a combination dose prescribed by her doctor in another country.

Pharmacy First Campaign Relaunch by NHS England | Maximize Access to Care This Winter - 0 views

    As NHS England prepares to relaunch its Pharmacy First public-facing campaign on Monday, 11 November, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has highlighted the need for a sustained, large-scale effort to maximize the service's impact. Minor updates have been made to the original campaign materials from earlier this year, including additional information on the age criteria for the clinical pathways. Community pharmacies are informed that campaign materials are available on the Department of Health and Social Care's Campaign Resource Centre website. These include a campaign toolkit, social media assets, and posters. These materials can be used ahead of the official launch date. CPE chief executive Janet Morrison said: "It's good that we are finally seeing the resumption of the NHS Pharmacy First marketing campaign, alongside new resources to help with promotion, as we head into winter.
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