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The real problem in education: the 'opportunity gap' - The Washington Post - 33 views

  • American society has the means to provide supports for communities, for families, for students, and for teachers – to ensure that children are safe and healthy and ready to learn, that they have access to rich learning environments in schools and also in their homes and in their communities, and that they have qualified, experienced teachers.
    "We can build on children's strengths, supporting them and challenging them to excel. The good news is that closing the opportunity gap doesn't require a magical quick fix; the bad news is that to do it we need to stop grasping at those magical quick fixes. Instead, we must turn to evidence-based, best practices."
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    "Our intense focus on achievement gaps needs to be combined with an equally intense focus on opportunity gaps. The status quo of test-based accountability reform needs to give way to new, evidence-based approaches dedicated to building the capacity to accomplish accountability goals." This article by The Washington Post talks about how the opportunity gap is very large in the United States of America. It is the opinion of the author of the article that the opportunity gap needs to be reduced.
    This article isn't only telling about about opportunity gaps, it gives ideas of how we can fix or improve the problem.  It tells about the strengths, weaknesses, and other areas of improvement that the education system has and tells about the struggles some areas have. PrivateRead LaterCache Recent Tags: Savecancel "
    This article isn't only telling about about opportunity gaps, it gives ideas of how we can fix or improve the problem.  It tells about the strengths, weaknesses, and other areas of improvement that the education system has and tells about the struggles some areas have. PrivateRead LaterCache Recent Tags: Savecancel "
    "In particular, we have failed to build capacity or increase opportunities to learn." This sentence is a good example of why people feel so strongly about fixing opportunity gaps in education and supports their claims that some kids have an unfair disadvantage. Education, in years past, has been thought of as the equalizer, giving opportunities to learn to all kids, no matter their background. Today, people argue that children do not receive the same benefits as a reflection of many issues, not just teaching staff. While in many cases I agree that America is facing an opportunity gap in education driven by child poverty as well as economic and family struggles, I feel that people neglect to notice the strides we have made in education. In Henrico, for example, kids have a chance to attend a high school with a specific 'specialty center' in which the curriculum revolves around a more definitive subject, prepping them for future job or college opportunities. This is something that would never have been available years ago. This article directly relates to my opinion on the discussion question, but in some ways, contradicts it. I do not agree that we have failed to increase opportunities to learn, for instance. The main idea behind this article was that child poverty and poor teaching was the root of opportunity gaps in education. I feel that this is a poor reflection of our school systems because of the many programs we have created to further the education of our children.
    "The old Gaps 1.0 conversation simply cannot get us to where we need to go. Children learn when they have opportunities to learn. When denied those opportunities, they fall behind, and we get the devastating achievement gaps. But when they are provided with rich opportunities to learn, they thrive, and the achievement gaps close." In this article, it states that children learn when they have opportunities to learn. They fall behind when denied those opportunities, but when they are provided with rich opportunities, they learn well, and there is no education gap. Although, as of now, the country has failed to increase these opportunities to learn, creating an education gap.
    "In particular, we have failed to build capacity or increase opportunities to learn.   Our intense focus on achievement gaps needs to be combined with an equally intense focus on opportunity gaps. The status quo of test-based accountability reform needs to give way to new, evidence-based approaches dedicated to building the capacity to accomplish accountability goals." This article is about how America is not putting their focus on the right issues when it comes to education. Instead of focusing on closing achievement gaps, America should start turning their gaze on how opportunity gaps are influencing the lives of students all over the country.
    "Our intense focus on achievement gaps needs to be combined with an equally intense focus on opportunity gaps. The status quo of test-based accountability reform needs to give way to new, evidence-based approaches dedicated to building the capacity to accomplish accountability goals."
    There has been race and gender inequality in the past. It was thought, education was "equal". It's not. The good news is we are getting closer, each day, to closing the gap.
    "In particular, we have failed to build capacity or increase opportunities to learn.   Our intense focus on achievement gaps needs to be combined with an equally intense focus on opportunity gaps. The status quo of test-based accountability reform needs to give way to new, evidence-based approaches dedicated to building the capacity to accomplish accountability goals." I believe that there is no opportunity gap in Henrico because of the fact that we have so many options for high school specialty centers, extracurricular activities and clubs, sports, etc. These things give us a good amount of opportunity in order to "close" the gap and give us a well rounded education that can sustain us for a lifetime.
    "Much has happened in the last 30 years. But let's fast forward, past the 1989 Charlottesville Education Summit and past President Clinton's "Goals 2000" legislation in 1994. Let's jump right to the "No Child Left Behind Act" of 2001. That law, along with the current administration's Race to the Top policies, has placed American school reform on a stark path best defined as "test-based accountability reform" - just as was called for 30 years ago in A Nation at Risk."

Lawyer James Ryan at Harvard Graduate School of Education | Harvard Magazine Sep-Oct 2013 - 4 views

    In this article the lawyer James Ryan, the new dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, argues persuasively about the opportunity gap in counties all across the nation.
    "It is common among education reformers to describe the country's current education crisis as "the civil-rights issue of our time." For Ryan, that is literally so: the crisis stems from the failure to desegregate public schools after the Supreme Court would not let remedies for reform cross the line between city and suburbs, a fundamental divide of geography, race, and class."

America's wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on recor... - 32 views

  • America’s upper-income families have a median net worth that is nearly 70 times that of the country’s lower-income families, also the widest wealth gap between these families in 30 years.
  • The wealth gap between America’s high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09
    This article talks about the wealth gap in America between middle and upper income families. Something really important that is stated in this article is that America's upper -income families have a median net worth that is nearly 70 times that of the country's lower-income families, which is the widest wealth gap between these families in 30 years. The wealth gap between upper and middle income families has increased, the wealth ratio being 6.6. 
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    "The tabulations from the Fed's data indicate that the upper-income families have begun to regain some of the wealth they lost during the Great Recession, while middle-income families haven't seen any gains. The median wealth among upper-income families increased from $595,300 in 2010 to $639,400 in 2013 (all dollar amounts in 2013 dollars). The typical wealth of middle-income families was basically unchanged in 2013 - it remained at about $96,500 over the same period." The gap between middle income and upper income is at record high levels. The projected increase for the upper class is also projected to increase whereas the middle and lower class is not projected to increase nearly as much.
    "The wealth gap between America's high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09" Income inequality is becoming an increasingly growing problem in the U.S. The income gap between classes is at its largest since the recession. This has led to the upper class having a salary 6.6 times larger than other classes.
    "The wealth gap between America's high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09, with a clear trajectory of increasing wealth for the upper-income families and no wealth growth for the middle- and lower-income families." This article compares the difference in income between the American upper class and the middle class. In 2013, collected data showed that the upper class earned up to seven times the amount earned by the middle class, the largest wealth gap seen in thirty years.
    "The wealth gap between America's high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09, with a clear trajectory of increasing wealth for the upper-income families and no wealth growth for the middle- and lower-income families." This article explains how the wealth gap between middle income and upper income families is widest in years. The article talks about median upper income and median middle income families as of 2013. The numbers are staggering ($639,400 to $96,500)
    "The wealth gap between America's high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09, with a clear trajectory of increasing wealth for the upper-income families and no wealth growth for the middle- and lower-income families." This shows the radical difference in the economy. The rerason for this might be that the upper classes have more money to make investments in stocks, companies, etc. This eventually ends with more money being given to the spender.

The Central Crisis in New York Education - - 2 views

  • the Legislature and Gov. Eliot Spitzer adopted a new formula that promised more help for poor districts and eventually $7 billion per year in added funding. That promise evaporated in the recession, spawning two lawsuits aimed at forcing the state to honor it.
  • A lawsuit by a group called New Yorkers for Students’ Educational Rights estimates that, despite increases in recent years, the state is still about $5.6 billion a year short of its commitment under that formula.
    the Legislature and Gov. Eliot Spitzer adopted a new formula that promised more help for poor districts and eventually $7 billion per year in added funding. That promise evaporated in the recession, spawning two lawsuits aimed at forcing the state to honor it. A lawsuit by a group called New Yorkers for Students' Educational Rights estimates that, despite increases in recent years, the state is still about $5.6 billion a year short of its commitment under that formula.

Income Inequality and the Ills Behind It - - 8 views

    Is it time to stop obsessing about inequality? Whatever the reason, suddenly inequality seems to be not only at the top of the liberal agenda, but in the thoughts of concerned American voters. In his view, the defining challenge of our era is that workers in the bottom half of the distribution can no longer trust that their living standard will double every generation.
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    "It is not only that the accumulation of income at the apex of the pyramid of success is not the nation's main problem. There is little we can do to redress it anyway." This article focuses on the importance of inequality and the problems behind it. While some critics think that the inequality gap is just a part of society, others believe that the president or executive office should take action and make a decision to stop this.
    "In his view, the defining challenge of our era is that workers in the bottom half of the distribution can no longer trust that their living standard will double every generation. "The right moral question is 'are poor people rising to a higher standard of living?' Inequality itself is the wrong thing to look at," he told me. The real problem is slow growth." This article talks about the growing issues and importance of income inequality. It says that the technology and globalization has split the labor market into high and low earners. But, there are far fewer jobs left in the middle to support the middle class.
    "There is evidence that inequality among the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder can have deleterious consequences, stunting the ambition of the poor. But even avowedly liberal social scientists have had a tough time figuring out the negative consequences of the rise of the 1 percent." The article explains how income inequality is rapidly increasing as the margin from rich to poor is clearly visible. The top 1% of the people in America are controlling the income of the rest of the population in certain parts of the United States of America. This is happening because there is a lack of education which leads to other problems. It is always important to have a good education and be successful in life.
    " Inequality itself is the wrong thing to look at," he told me. The real problem is slow growth." This article talks about income inequality and why it could be important. It also talks about things other politicians, such as presidents, have said about income inequality.
    s it time to stop obsessing about inequality? Perhaps it was President Obama's speech last December, calling the nation's vast income gap "the defining challenge of our time." The American publication of the French economist Thomas Piketty's blockbuster "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" must have helped.

Equal employment opportunities needed for graduates | The Online Citizen - 0 views

  • I refer to the report “Employment rate of fresh polytechnic graduates dipped in 2014” TODAY (15 Jan) and felt that there is a need for employers to give student graduates equal employment opportunities for them to contribute their knowledge and skills-sets to the various industries that they are interested in.
    Article talks about how when people get out of college they do not always have an equal opportunity for employment.

A Fair Shot for Workers with Disabilities | Center for American Progress - 23 views

  • Disability can be both a cause and consequence of economic insecurity. It is a cause because disability or illness can lead to job loss and reduced earnings, barriers to education and skills development, significant additional expenses, and many other challenges that can lead to economic hardship. It can also be a consequence because poverty and economic insecurity can limit access to health care and preventive services and increase the likelihood that a person lives and works in an environment that may adversely affect health. As a result, poverty and disability go hand in hand.
    "Disability can be both a cause and consequence of economic insecurity. It is a cause because disability or illness can lead to job loss and reduced earnings, barriers to education and skills development, significant additional expenses, and many other challenges that can lead to economic hardship." This article depicts statistical data of people bearing disabilities and their employment rate. It shares how disabled Americans should have the same opportunities as a normal work applicant. This article also describes some barriers that can be present with disabled workers.
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    "Disability can be both a cause and consequence of economic insecurity. It is a cause because disability or illness can lead to job loss and reduced earnings, barriers to education and skills development, significant additional expenses, and many other challenges that can lead to economic hardship." This article depicts statistical data of people bearing disabilities and their employment rate. It shares how disabled Americans should have the same opportunities as a normal work applicant. This article also describes some barriers that can be present with disabled workers.
    "Yet the intersection of disability and poverty is too rarely discussed. In fact, despite the fact that 1 in 5 Americans live with disabilities, the U.S. Census Bureau's annual report detailing income, poverty, and health insurance coverage did not even include poverty rates for people with disabilities until recently. It does now, and the most recent available data put the poverty rate for working-age people with disabilities at 34.5 percent in 2013, compared with 12.2 percent for those without disabilities." This article explains how Senator, Tom Harkin, speaks about immense the unemployment rate between the disabled and the non-disabled. The comparison between the "haves" is and the "have nots" is a difference of tens of millions of people. It describes how the disabled have problems financially which lead to no health care and are in need of aid from the government. However, Senator Harken speaks about program and policies that are helping the disabled for finding jobs, food, and more.
    This article talks about how disabled persons have a less chance for getting a job.

CHARTS: Just How Fast Has College Tuition Grown? - US News - 7 views

    "According to data from the Labor Department, the price index for college tuition grew by nearly 80 percent between August 2003 and August 2013. That is nearly twice as fast as growth in costs in medical care, another area widely recognized for fast-rising prices. It's also more than twice as fast as the overall consumer price index during that same period." The increase in the cost of higher education is making it harder for people born into middle and low class families to gain more work and education opportunities. This article shows how the rate of increase is slowing, but it has not stopped.

Map: How the world's countries compare on income inequality (the U.S. ranks below Niger... - 12 views

    "The countries that come out looking best include, no surprise, the usual suspects of Northern Europe. Interestingly, Eastern Europe scores quite highly as well, as do some post-Soviet countries in Central Asia. Perhaps that's a legacy of Soviet-era social programs meant to flatten class divides. But it's also a reminder that, while economic equality is great, it's not synonymous with a healthy economy. Some countries are economically equal because everyone is well-off, as in Denmark, and some because most everyone is equally poor." This article explains that sometimes economic equality is good, and sometimes it is bad. In a wealthy country with a low population, economic equality is good, but in a country with little resources and a high population, like the United States, it is important to be able to distinguish between classes.

Educational Leadership:Closing Opportunity Gaps:Got Opportunity? - 6 views

    "To find out, the Aspirations Research Center at the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations (QISA) listened to students in 627 schools across the United States. Between 2006 and 2010, QISA surveyed 456,021 students in grades 6-12 through our My Voice survey. The results send a clear signal that both student achievement and student opportunity are connected to the kinds of expectations, relationships, and chances for participation that students perceive they have in school. We've come to think of the "opportunity gap" some students face as having three elements: the expectations gap, the relationships gap, and the participation gap." The article talks about how there is not one opportunity gap, but three that each influence how a child succeeds in life. It explains what can be done to fix these, and how each impacts a child's learning process.
    We've come to think of the "opportunity gap" some students face as having three elements: the expectations gap, the relationships gap, and the participation gap." This article is based off a survey that 456,021 students completed in 627 schools across the United States. It talks about splitting the opportunity gap in education that many students face into expectations, relationships, and a participation gap. From here, there are many solutions that can be implemented to close the gap.
    "Students are acutely aware of the view teachers hold of them, and that awareness affects their actions. It's challenging to push students to take advanced courses or even attend classes when they suspect teachers expect them to fail." This article gives a possible explanation to why there is an opportunity gap. It states that students are aware if teacher expect them to succeed or not. If teacher do not expect some students to succeed, then they are not challenged to try in school.

Inequality, joblessness are top threats in 2015, World Economic Forum experts say | Pew... - 8 views

    "Deepening income inequality - While wealth is rapidly increasing in developing nations, and advanced economies struggle with stagnation, there is great concern about rising economic inequality in all parts of the world, particularly in Asia, according to the Global Agenda survey. The Outlook 2015 report suggests renewed focus on improved education, tax policy and job creation as ways to alleviate the problem. Pew Research Center's own findings show that majorities in all of the 44 nations surveyed say inequality is a big problem facing their countries" This article is about how income inequality can be a big threat in the new year. The economy is struggling and this is a big concern in all parts of the world.

Income Inequality 2014: Ahead Of Midterm Elections, Harvard Study Says Americans Grossl... - 4 views

    "If critics of income inequality are wondering why the growing gap between rich and poor hasn't been a more potent political issue in the upcoming U.S. elections, a study offers some answers: It may be because many Americans grossly underestimate just how unequal the country is. That's one of the key findings of a survey showing the actual gap between CEO and average worker pay in America is more than 10 times higher than the typical American perceives." This article covers a survey about 40 countries on their perceptions between rich and poor. Each country said that they underestimated the pay gaps. This article offers answers about how unequal people think the country is as well.
Caroline DiFrango

Closing the Achievement Gap, One School at a Time - - 9 views

    "Unequal access to and participation in advanced high school courses are among the mix of factors that lead to the broader achievement gap. So around the country, high schools and school districts are looking for ways to expand access and close that gap." This article is about the increasingly large education gap as well as how we are planning on closing the gap.
Caroline DiFrango

Millions Of Americans Don't Work Due To Disability, And The Number Is Growing : NPR - 7 views

    "In the last 15 years the number of people in the U.S. receiving payments from the federal government for disability has nearly doubled" This article covers the startling growth of Americans who cannot work because of disabilities.

Middle school leaders diagnose education problems - Local News - 14 views

    "A summit held Wednesday sought to unite area middle school leaders in their efforts to improve early adolescent education." This site taught me that education is not nearly as good as I thought it to be. It made me realize that education is a serious problem in Henrico itself.
hcps-lyonspb - 4 views

    " In the most recent cohort, just 9% of students from the lowest income group finish college as compared to 54% from the highest income group. Moreover, the increase in college completion over time has not been equally distributed."

Where America's Social Security benefits go, in four maps - The Washington Post - 14 views

    " The states with the highest percentage of people age 18-64 on disability in the U.S. are West Virginia (where the number is nearly 1 in 10), Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Maine, Tennessee, South Carolina and Missouri." This article shows what states in what regions of the country have the highest rates of people with disabilities, and it also explains what the government is doing to help those with disabilities. It, in addition to these two things, explains in detail how the people with more money and more intellectual awareness have a responsibility to help the less fortunate ones.

Why Inequality Matters - - 18 views

    "The best argument for putting inequality on the back burner is the depressed state of the economy. Isn't it more important to restore economic growth than to worry about how the gains from growth are distributed? This article talks about the importance of income inequality. This article also gives examples that relate to income inequality. Well, no. First of all, even if you look only at the direct impact of rising inequality on middle-class Americans, it is indeed a very big deal. "
Jocelyn Marencik

World-class education that costs nothing - - 7 views

    "The country's federal state of Lower Saxony became the last region to scrap tuition fees in mid-October, which means that studying in Germany is now completely free even for international students." This article shows how education can be spread across a country, and how equality can apply to everyone, no matter what their age, gender, or nationality may be. In this article, the German government has decided to no longer force people to pay a tuition fee, so that equality is found across Germany.
Jocelyn Marencik

Chinese government assures care, education for shunned boy with HIV - - 0 views

    "The Chinese government has pledged to protect an eight-year-old boy with HIV, who was shunned by his entire village in the southwestern province of Sichuan, state media reported." This article shows how education is important to all people, even those with  a disability.  In this article, the Chinese government protected a boy with HIV by giving him the gift of education.
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