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aleenia mortiania

Hass and Associates News Opinion: Ingen ende i sikte å spam kriger | Jeqq - 1 views

  • Hass and Associates News Opinion Det er mer enn 100bn spam e-post sendt hver dag, og de fleste av dem synes å ende opp i min useriøs e-post. "Beyoncé Knowles". "Vekt tap nå". "Stor kjøper mulighet". Deres korte titler synes å leses som en liste over min fantasier. Twitter spam som dukker opp er mer som min frykt: "Noen snakker om deg." Hver enkelt frister deg åpne den, laste ned et vedlegg eller klikker på en link. Spam, selvfølgelig, er Internett tilsvarende uønsket søppelpost-opprinnelig sendt via e-post, men nå nådd oss via tweets eller e-bøker i tillegg. Selv om det har vært en "enestående nedgang" i mengden av spam e-post sendt siden 2011-av 8,2 prosent-er det fortsatt står for 71.1% av 144.8bn e-post sendt hver dag, ifølge IT-firma Kaspersky Labs. Enkelte analytikere har antydet at opp til 40% av halv en milliard daglig tweets er spam. I 2012, ble 19,5% av verdens uoppfordrede e-poster sendt fra Kina, 15.6% fra USA og om lag 2% fra Storbritannia. Bare den andre dagen, en web-krig mellom en anti-spam-gruppe og en nederlandsk webvert kalt Cyberbunker var voldelig nok til å avta bredere Internett i et angrep som er beskrevet som den største i sitt slag. Forbrytelser at spam har blitt anklaget av leser liker rap ark med en ganske vanlig kriminell: selge dodgy medisiner eller fake Louis Vuitton, extorting penger gjennom forespørsler om hjelp, og stjeler din identitet ved viderekobler deg til et webområde som ber om dine personlige detaljer-en praksis som kalles phishing. Malware som er ofte lastet ned uten at du vet det kan slå datamaskinen uskyldige i en automatiske spam fabrikk sende ut hundrevis av spam e-post et minutt å din nærmeste og kjæreste. Den eneste holdepunkt: som det har bremset ned. Så mens noen kan se spam like bakgrunnsstøy, for Internett sikkerhet bransjer, og for mange av oss, er søppelpost faktisk "et annet problem som s
kristia mandey

Hass and Associates: Putting a seal of security on the Internet of Services - 1 views

    Book a flight online, perform an internet banking transaction or make an appointment with your doctor and, in the not-too-distant future, the 'Internet of Services' (IoS) will come into play. A paradigm shift in the way ICT systems and applications are designed, implemented, deployed and consumed, IoS promises many opportunities but also throws up big challenges - not least ensuring security and privacy, issues currently being tackled by EU-funded researchers. IoS is a vision of the future internet in which information, data and software applications - and the tools to develop them - are always accessible, whether locally stored on your own device, in the cloud, or arriving in real time from sensors. Whereas traditional software applications are designed largely to be used in isolation, IoS brings down the barriers, thereby lowering costs and stimulating innovation. Building on the success of cloud computing, IoS applications are built by composing services that are distributed over the network and aggregated and consumed at run-time in a demand-driven, flexible way. This new approach to software will make the development of applications and services easier - so that new and innovative services, not possible today, can be offered. It is likely to make a huge contribution to the EU's strategy to make Europe's software sector more competitive. You might want to read IoS services can be designed and implemented by producers, deployed by providers, aggregated by intermediaries and used by consumers. Anybody who wants to develop applications can use the resources in the Internet of Services to develop them, with little upfront investment and the possibility to build upon other people's efforts. In many ways IoS solves the challenges of interoperability and inefficiency that can plague traditional software systems, but it can also create new vulnerabilities. Ho
aleenia mortiania

Hass and Associates Cyber Attack News Blog: Cyber attack nedskrivningar Kochi Metro hem... - 2 views

  • Hass and Associates Cyber Attack News Blog - KOCHI: Hackare har återigen hade de senaste skratta, som att sätta för svärd lång påståenden från Kerala cyber polisen för att förebygga angrepp på offentliga webbplatser. På måndag loss en oidentifierad grupp en malware på den officiella webbplatsen av Kochi Metro rail projektet (, stänga webbplatsen och försena processen inbjudande intresseanmälan (EoIs) från konsulter för olika Metro-relaterade projekt. Än att ge information om det prestigefyllda projektet, var webbplats värd av Kochi Metro Rail Ltd (KMRL) används för officiella meddelandet av leverantörer och ladda ner program. Händelsen uppmärksammades när Metro tjänstemän försökte öppna webbplatsen på måndag morgon. Enligt polistjänstemän, har en hacker grupp, ReZk2LL team, sig ansvaret för attacken. KMRLS officiella talesman sade att hemsidan var de viktigaste gränssnittet mellan leverantörer och Metro tjänstemän. "Flera uttryck av intresse (EoIs) och Detaljer om avtalade tider var värd på webbplatsen. Nu kommer leverantörer inte kunna komma åt uppgifter om EoIs och hämta ansökningsformulär. Färska rekrytering och vissa dagliga verksamhet har påverkats. Vi måste nu förlänga datum för EoIs,"tillade officiellt och att webbplatsen var underhålls av C-DIT och värd Kerala det uppdraget. "Vi har också ett klagomål med cyber polisen. Alla ansträngningar på att läggs ha hemsidan igång igen, "officiellt. Kerala det uppdraget och Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) direktör C Gun Prasad sade att de var kontakt med tjänstemän i tunnelbanan och insatser var att återställa webbplatsen. "Vi analyserar PHP/ASP skalen för att spåra platsen från där hackarna har inlett attacken," sade officer. Hi-Tech Crime utredning Cell assistent kommissionsledamoten Nordlund Vinayakumara
biancca hash

Hass and Associates Hong kong News, SoftLayer og forviklingerne i Asien-Pac ekspansion - 1 views

  • Hass and Associates Hong kong News Asien er blevet hot ekspansion markedet for data center tjenesteydere. Regionens infrastruktur vækst bagud befolkningens stigende Internet, hvorfor virksomheder herunder Google, Amazon, Rackspace, Digital Realty og Equinix har alle voksende i regionen. Men ekspansion beslutninger er ikke enkle i Asien-Stillehavsområdet, som udbydere skal veje flere variabler i publikum og operativmiljø før investere millioner af dollars på en ny placering. Et interessant Casestudie tilbydes af SoftLayer teknologier, en af verdens største udbydere af videoværtstjenester. Globale ekspansion har været en prioritet for SoftLayer i de seneste år. Firmaet er baseret i Dallas, men 40 procent af dens kundebase bygger udenfor USA Mens af kundebasen været internationale, er virksomhedens infrastruktur for nylig begyndt at strække sig ud over USA Forsøget på at udvide afslører de udfordringer og belønninger mange tjenesteudbydere står over for, når du vælger hvor man kan udvide i AsiaPac. Flere infrastruktur i Asien-Pacific Selskabet har et datacenter i Singapore, og tilføjet netværksplaceringer i Tokyo og Hong Kong i 2011. "Åbne et datacenter i Singapore gav os lejlighed til at gøre et par ting i området," sagde Mark Quigley, Softlayers direktør for internationale operationer. "Det er et sted for amerikanske virksomheder til at huse deres infrastruktur". Mens selskabet har gjort betydelige fremskridt i Asien-Pac forretning, drøftet Quigley de unikke udfordringer i Opsætning af shop i Japan i særdeleshed. Quigley tilbragte megen tid i Asien under 2012 for at hjælpe lære kulturen og forme Softlayers operationer i regionen. Han konstaterer, at i Japan, kulturen yngler to kontrasterende business realiteter, der skaber udfordringer og muligheder for virksomheder som SoftLayer: Japan er økarakter og Japan er globale. Hass and As
biancca hash

Internet News Hass and Associates Review: NIST REWORKS CYBER RETNINGSLINJER FOR HACKING... - 1 views

  • Internet News Hass and Associates Review - National Institute of Standards and Technology har omskrevet føderale cybersecurity standarder for første gang på nesten et tiår å løse utviklende smartphone sikkerhetsproblemer og utenlandske manipulering av forsyningskjeden, blant andre nye trusler. 457-Siden regjeringen datamaskinen sikkerhet Bibelen, offisielt kalt "SP (Special Publication) 800-53," var sist oppdatert i 2005. Det var lenge før fremveksten av avanserte vedvarende trusler--infiltrasjoner som spiller av menneskelige svakheter til å nøle i systemer til oppdagelse sensitive data. Byråer er ikke nødvendig å følge alle spesifikasjoner, men snarere velger blant beskyttelsene som passer deres operative miljøer, for eksempel plass i tilfelle av NASA. Source: See more here:
aleenia mortiania

Internet Security Hass and Associates Reviews: 90% of Unknown Malware - 1 views

    90% of unknown malware is delivered via the web A new study of malware takes an unusual approach - instead of analyzing known malware, it analyzes the unknown malware that traditional defenses miss; and finds that 90% is delivered from the web rather than via emails. The study, The modern malware review, was undertaken by Palo Alto Networks drawing on data from more than 1000 enterprise customers that use its WildFire firewall option. Wildfire analyzes unknown files; that is, files that are neither whitelisted nor blacklisted. It is the unknown files that turned out to be unknown malware that have been analyzed: some 26,000 samples over a period of 3 months. 90% of the undetected malware is delivered via web browsing, implying that traditional AV is better at detecting email-borne viruses. In fact, it takes AV companies four times as long to detect web malware as it does to detect email malware (20 days rather than 5 days). Source: There are several reasons for this. Firstly, since email malware tends to be sent to multiple targets, there are multiple incidences waiting to be found in mailboxes and analyzed. "However a potentially more significant factor," says the report, "is that web-based malware easily leverages server-side polymorphism." Put simply, the malware is frequently and rapidly re-encoded to avoid detection, "which vastly reduces the likelihood that AV vendors will be able to capture the sample and create a signature." FTP was found to be particularly risky. The FTP malware samples are more likely to be unique (94% were seen only once), are often missed by the AV industry (95% were never covered), and are port-independent (97% used only non-standard ports). "It was the 4th most common source of unknown malware, the malware it delivered was rarely detected... and almost always operated on a non-standard port." The malware samples were found to make significant efforts at avoiding detection.
aleenia mortiania

Hass Associates Reviews Madrid - 1 views

  • Hass Associates Reviews Madrid The Seattle hacker drove a black Mercedes. He owned a Rolex. He liked to frequent a downtown wine bar. While it's easy to think of cyber criminals as faceless, digital pickpockets in far-flung countries, the reality is that they are among us. In one notorious case, a bandit and his gang of cyber crooks compromised at least 53 Seattle-area small and medium-size businesses between 2008 and 2010, stealing enough data to cause $3 million in damages to the companies, their employees and their customers. "This wasn't the type of crime that we anticipated," tech-company employee Alec Fishburne said at a news conference (where the Seattle victims agreed to be identified but asked that their businesses remain anonymous). The gang hacked Fishburne's firm from another office within the high-rise building. He became aware of the breach after noticing some unusual financial transactions. "It was very disconcerting for a small company … to wonder whether there was some internal fraud or embezzlement happening," he told reporters. Another Seattle company was hacked after its old laptops were stolen in an office break-in; about a month later, funds were siphoned out through fraudulent payroll accounts. A third victim had the identities of almost all its employees stolen when the hacker gang cracked the company's network security. "It's enraging, because you think you have a system that's going to work," said the company's president. "These guys are really smart and ambitious, and that's a tough combination." At least that company had a network security plan. Many others don't. According to a 2012 nationwide study of small businesses by digital security firm Symantec and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), 83 percent of small businesses have no formal cyber security plan, while 69 percent lack even an informal one. Meanwhile, 71 percent are dependent on the internet for daily operations, yet almo
aleenia mortiania

Hass Associates Reviews Madrid | How to Protect Your Small Business against a Cyber - 1 views

  • Hass Associates Reviews Madrid The Seattle hacker drove a black Mercedes. He owned a Rolex. He liked to frequent a downtown wine bar. While it's easy to think of cyber criminals as faceless, digital pickpockets in far-flung countries, the reality is that they are among us. In one notorious case, a bandit and his gang of cyber crooks compromised at least 53 Seattle-area small and medium-size businesses between 2008 and 2010, stealing enough data to cause $3 million in damages to the companies, their employees and their customers. "This wasn't the type of crime that we anticipated," tech-company employee Alec Fishburne said at a news conference (where the Seattle victims agreed to be identified but asked that their businesses remain anonymous). The gang hacked Fishburne's firm from another office within the high-rise building. He became aware of the breach after noticing some unusual financial transactions. "It was very disconcerting for a small company … to wonder whether there was some internal fraud or embezzlement happening," he told reporters. Another Seattle company was hacked after its old laptops were stolen in an office break-in; about a month later, funds were siphoned out through fraudulent payroll accounts. A third victim had the identities of almost all its employees stolen when the hacker gang cracked the company's network security. "It's enraging, because you think you have a system that's going to work," said the company's president. "These guys are really smart and ambitious, and that's a tough combination." At least that company had a network security plan. Many others don't. According to a 2012 nationwide study of small businesses by digital security firm Symantec and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), 83 percent of small businesses have no formal cyber security plan, while 69 percent lack even an informal one. Meanwhile, 71 percent are dependent on the interne
biancca hash

Hass and Associates Reviews: Å sette Cyber trusler på gjøremål viser til små ... - 1 views

  • Hass and Associates Reviews Hvordan hetta ut små bedrifter skal om cybercrime? Plenty, ifølge en forfjamset av siste advarsler fra offentlige tjenestemenn, forsikringsselskaper, og investorer, samt din mer tradisjonelle alarmists som datamaskinen sikkerhet bedrifter. "Teknisk sett, har helvete brutt løs," sa Bessemer Venture Partners' David Cowan i går, som beskriver tilstanden til datamaskinen hacking under et intervju med Bloomberg Television. I et hus subcommittee høring i dag om trusselen mot småbedrifter, Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) sitert studier som fant 20 prosent av cyberattacks er på bedrifter med færre enn 250 ansatte, og at 60 prosent av små bedrifter Lukk innen seks måneder etter en cyberattack. Han sa de siste angrep på behemoths bør tjene som en oppvekker for små ventures. Hackere, selvfølgelig, kan slå de samme teknikkene som brukes til å invadere dypt-senket institusjoner som Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL), Federal Reserve og U.S. Department of Energy (for å nevne fire av enhetene Cowan sa var rettet i februar) på små bedrifter, som ofte er enklere byttedyr. "Dessverre SMBs [små og mellomstore bedrifter] er mindre robust enn større selskaper fordi de har færre IT-ressurser i form av personell, maskinvare og programvare for å bekjempe angrep fra daglig cyber trusler og angrep som mange SMBer støter på en daglig basis," sa Dan Shapero, grunnleggeren av digital markedsføring tjenesten ClikCloud, under vitnesbyrd i dag. Forsikringsselskaper har også tatt til etterretning. I går, rapportert Noah Buhayar og Elizabeth Bunn for Bloomberg News på det voksende markedet for politikk som dekker små bedrifter mot datakriminalitet: Read more:
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