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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kaden Peterson

Kaden Peterson

Why SOPA Is Dangerous - 0 views

  • I’m sure you’ve heard by now that SOPA is bad and would ruin the Internet, but have you actually read the bill? If not, it’s worth reading, for two reasons.
  • First, if you are going to oppose a bill, you should know exactly what you’re opposing, not just the vague principle behind it. Second, it’ll provide you with a valuable insight: that these bills are written in an attempt to obscure the truth.
  • DEDICATED TO THEFT OF U.S. PROPERTY- An ‘Internet site is dedicated to theft of U.S. property’ if–
Kaden Peterson

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    • Kaden Peterson
      All of the bill in text
  • Bill Text112th Congress (2011-2012)H.R.3261.IH
Kaden Peterson

Stop American Censorship - a campaign from Fight for the Future - 0 views

    • Kaden Peterson
      How people fought against SOPA
  • ince November, 24 million+ internet users have helped to seriously wound SOPA and PIPA. Yet, Congress and Hollywood are still working on backroom deals. They need to keep hearing from us, write them now.
Kaden Peterson

SOPA, PIPA: What you need to know - Political Hotsheet - CBS News - 0 views

  • t's a dangerous and troubling development when the platforms that serve as gateways to information intentionally skew the facts to incite their users in order to further their corporate interests," Dodd said. CBS Corporation, which owns, is a member of the Copyright Alliance -- a
  • nternet companies and their investors would readily say that they're holding the "blackout" to protect their corporate interests -- and the entire burgeoning Internet-based economy.
Kaden Peterson

More about SOPA and PIPA - End Piracy, Not Liberty - Google - 0 views

  • The U.S. government could order the blocking of sites using methods similar to those employed by China. Among other things, search engines could be forced to delete entire websites from their search results.
  • o make matters worse, SOPA and PIPA won’t even work. The censorship regulations written into these bills won’t shut down pirate sites.
Kaden Peterson

Internet wins: SOPA and PIPA both shelved - 0 views

  • It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products."
  • "The Committee will continue work with both copyright owners and Internet companies to develop proposals that combat online piracy and protect America’s intellectual property," Smith continued.
  • The ideas present in both SOPA and PIPA may return, but both bills in their present form—and with their present names—are probably done for good.
Kaden Peterson

SOPA, PIPA Stalled: Meet the OPEN Act | PCWorld - 0 views

  • SOPA and PIPA may have been put on hold -- thanks to possibly the most contentious uproar seen on Capitol Hill and in the tech world ever -- but other legislation was introduced this week to combat online piracy.
  • ccording to Issa’s site KeepTheWebOpen, which elucidates the bill in its entirety and asks for people to comment on it, “If the ITC investigation finds that a foreign registered website is ‘primarily’ and ‘willfully’ infringing on the IP rights of a U.S. rights holder, the commission would issue a cease and desist order that would compel payment processors (like Visa and Paypal) and online advertising providers to cease doing business with the foreign site in question.
  • Hollywood’s staunch and powerful support of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) in the House, and PIPA (Protect Intellectual Property Act) in the Senate is much maligned.
Kaden Peterson

Obama Says So Long SOPA, Killing Controversial Internet Piracy Legislation - Forbes - 0 views

  • OPA has been delayed, for now.
  • and Internet domain company (which lost many accounts as a result of its support for the bill); SOPA has been shelved.
  • The Motion Picture Association of America, one of the bill’s largest sponsors, is expected to regroup.
Kaden Peterson

SOPA sent back to the drawing board in wake of Internet protests - - 0 views

  • The SOPA online piracy bill that helped spark this week's unprecedented Internet protests will be redrafted, its lead sponsor said Friday.
  • The move came shortly after the Senate postponed a key vote on the companion PIPA bill scheduled for next week and amid calls for consensus before Congress moves forward on any legislation to address the problem of foreign piracy websites.
  • But he warned, "The day will come when the senators who forced this move will look back and realize they made a knee-jerk reaction to a monumental problem."
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  • The White House also has called for consensus legislation.
Kaden Peterson

Understanding SOPA: A Simple Q&A for Understanding the Online Piracy Debate - - 0 views

  • What is the purpose of the bill?
  • There are actually two bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act, known as SOPA, in the House and sister legislation called the Protect IP [Intellectual Property] Act, or PIPA, in the Senate. Both are designed to tackle the problem of foreign-based websites that sell pirated movies, music and other products.
  • How do the bills attempt to stop piracy?
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  • The basic method is to stop U.S. companies from providing funding, advertising, links or other assistance to the foreign sites. The bills would give Justice Department prosecutors new powers to prevent pirate sites from getting U.S. visitors and funding.
Kaden Peterson

SOPA and PIPA Newsletter - 0 views

  • That sounds about right, given the recent turn of events over the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), both of which are now more than likely gone from the legislative calendar for this year.
  • Hollywood (used as a shorthand for Big Media Megaliths and their trade groups), never, ever quits, even when they get what they want, much less when they don't.
  • In the short term, SOPA and PIPA were stopped, perhaps for this year, as a result of dedicated activities on a number of fronts from a number of angles
Kaden Peterson

Why Apple Shares Will Hit $500 This Year - DailyFinance - 0 views

  • One of the most amazing things about Apple is that demand for its products doesn't appear to be falling at all.
  • Mac sales are growing by double-digit percentages, and units sold hit 3.8 million last quarter. Sales of most PCs have tapered off in the last quarter, but the Mac continues to pick up market share despite its relatively high price.
  • And finally, Apple hasn't even introduced any 4G capable products yet. That market is increasing rapidly as the sales of the HTC Thunder Bolt show. In some Verizon stores, the Android-based smartphone outsells the iPhone 4. Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T) and Sprint (S) have only begun to aggressively market 4G in the last few months. Apple is likely to enter the market in the next year.
Kaden Peterson

Apple has more cash than it needs, CEO says | Fox News - 0 views

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook says he believes the world's most valuable company has more money than it needs.
  • Apple stopped making the shareholder payments in 1995 when it was in such deep trouble that it needed to hold on to every cent.
  • Cook, though, appears willing to return some of the cash to shareholders since he succeeded Jobs as Apple's CEO last August. Jobs died Oct. 5 after a long battle with cancer.
Kaden Peterson

Want more secrets? We need cash, WikiLeaks says | The Digital Home - CNET News - 0 views

  • WikiLeaks has been forced to shut down its secret-divulging operations until it can raise cash, the organization announced today.
  • The organization's founder, Julian Assange, continues to insist that WikiLeaks is vital to holding governments and corporate power accountable.
  • "PayPal has permanently restricted the account used by WikiLeaks due to a violation of the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy, which states that our payment service cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity,"
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  • Server costs in over 40 countries set the organization back $200,000. WikiLeaks has also faced an "added cost" of $500,000 due to Julian Assange's house arrest.
Kaden Peterson

SOPA: Why YouTube fans need to be worried about America's piracy bill | memeburn - 0 views

  • And if you’re not in the US and think SOPA is something that’s happening far away and won’t affect you, think again. If passed into law, our lives online will be very different.
  • If passed, the act will give the United States Attorney General the ability to close down websites which infringe copyrights, as well as ban them from using online paying facilities such as PayPal and Visa.
  • YouTube may have to rethink its set up as it was created as a platform on which internet users could upload, watch and share videos with each other on the internet. When uploading a video onto YouTube, users are faced with a message stating
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  • “Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts or advertisements without permission, unless they consist entirely of content that you created yourself”.
    • Kaden Peterson
      Shows some videos that would be an example of what would get taken down with the SOPA and PIPA acts.
Kaden Peterson

Huge Internet Blackout in response to SOPA - 0 views

  • In the growing battle for the future of the Web, some of the biggest sites online -- Google, Facebook, and other tech stalwarts -- are considering a coordinated blackout of their sites, some of the web’s most popular destinations.
  • No Google searches. No Facebook updates. No Tweets. No shopping. Nothing.
  • A blackout would be drastic. And though the details of exactly how it would work are unclear, it's already under consideration, according to Markham Erickson, the executive director of NetCoalition, a trade association that includes the likes of Google, PayPal, Yahoo, and Twitter.
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  • On November 15, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, and LinkedIn wrote a letter to Washington warning of SOPA's dangers. "We are concerned that these measures pose a serious risk to our industry's continued track record of innovation and job-creation, as well as to our Nation's cybersecurity,"
  • Microblogging site Tumblr generated 87,834 calls to Congress with its own anti-SOPA campaign -- a total of 1,293 total hours spent talking to representatives.
  • "Rogue Web sites that steal America's innovative and creative products attract more than 53 billion visits a year and threaten more than 19 million American jobs,"
Kaden Peterson

Anonymous Goes After World Governments in Wake of Anti-SOPA Protests | Threat Level | W... - 0 views

  • Anonymous has launched unprecedented string of attacks on government and business sites around the world, as the anger of the hive that a year ago turned on Egypt’s Mubarak regime turned on governments around the world.
  • Over the last week, Anonymous has launched unprecedented string of attacks on government and business sites around the world, as the anger of the hive that a year ago turned on Egypt’s Mubarak regime turned on governments around the world.
  • Continuous DDoSing and hacking attacks by Anonymous seems to be largely a response to proposals to strengthen intellectual property law at the expense of an open internet and to what Anonymous perceives to be overreaching of the power by various governments.
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  • in response to arrests of employees of the file sharing site Megaupload,
  • is a secretive treaty pushed and quite possibly in part penned by the same interests that just saw their plans for SOPA go up in internet flames — the entertainment industry.
Kaden Peterson

Effects of SOPA & PIPA | Brajeshwar - 0 views

  • House Judiciary Committee Chair and Texas Republican Lamar S Smith, along with 12 co sponsors, introduced SOPA, on October 26th 2011.
  • to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. The law intends to expand existing criminal laws, by imposing a maximum penalty of five years in prison for unauthorized streaming of copyright material.
    • Kaden Peterson
      video that explains PIPA and SOPA. Along with the effects that it could lead to.
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  • For example, if Warner Bros would claim that a site in Italy is perturbing a copy of The Dark Knight, the studio could make the following demands:
  • That Google remove that site from its search results. That PayPal may no longer accept payments to and from that site. That Ad services pull out ads and finances from it That the site’s ISP would avert people from going there.
  • Once the notice is sent to Google or PayPal or whoever, the recipient would have five days to either abide or to challenge the claim in court.
Kaden Peterson

SOPA opposition from tech heavyweights Google, Facebook - Tech Talk - CBS News - 0 views

  • If this law was passed 10 years ago we might not have YouTube or Facebook.
  • If you recall the early days of YouTube, it was rife with copyright infringement. Only after it was purchased by Google, did the company enforce copyright laws effectively. Thus, YouTube became the legitimate media website it is today, that companies use as a tool to promote their projects or artists.
  • The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Wednesday on H.R. 3261 (SOPA). A statement released by Judiciary Committee chairman Lamar Smith defended the bill.
Kaden Peterson

WikiLeaks: We Want to Fix "Attack on the Truth" - CBS News - 0 views

  • Military documents laid bare in the biggest leak of secret information in U.S. history suggest that far more Iraqis died than previously acknowledged during the years of sectarian bloodletting and criminal violence unleashed by the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
  • 400,000 purported Iraq war logs
  • "We hope to correct some of that attack on the truth that occurred before the war, during the war, and which has continued on since the war officially concluded," said Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, at a news conference Saturday morning in London.
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  • The war logs were made public in defiance of Pentagon insistence that the action puts the lives of U.S. troops and their military partners at risk.
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