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Jack Ingram

Ford Motor Company to use Balqon electric yard tractors - 0 views

    Balqon, a developer and manufacturer of heavy-duty electric vehicles and drive systems, has partnered with T&K Logistics, a provider of switching, shuttle and yard management services, to provide electric yard tractors for Ford Motor Company at its Wayne Assembly Plant in Michigan.
Jack Ingram

Ford and New York Power Authority collaborate on EV project - 0 views

    Ford Motor Company has collaborated with the New York Power Authority (NYPA), an electric utility, to help the state of New York prepare for the operation of electric vehicles (EVs).
Infogreen Global

Fuel-cell Buses for Tokyo Airport Routes - 0 views

    The bus is fitted with an electric-motor hybrid system powered by batteries and fuel cells, and is fueled with high-pressure hydrogen gas. During operation, the vehicle does not emit carbon dioxide, said to be a cause of global warming, or any other atmospheric pollutant such as nitrogen oxide; it is both highly energy-efficient and very quiet.
Infogreen Global

The Advantages of Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles - 0 views

    The performance of vehicles with fuel cells is twice as high as those with combustion engines. So we reduce fuel consumption by a factor of 2. What's more, it's possible to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, or green gas emissions due to road traffic.
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