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Infogreen Global

Cheap portable solar panel could make electricity more accessible in the developing world - 0 views

    For cell phone charging, the Emerald has USB and cell phone ports and will come with a bag of adapters. It can fully charge a smartphone in the same time it would take at an outlet, developers say. It recharges in full sunlight in three hours.
Maluvia Haseltine

M2E Charges Your Cell Phone With Kinetic Energy! | Inhabitat - 0 views

    Revolutionary cell-phone charger that gereates 300--7-- percent more energy than current kinetic energy technologies
Maluvia Haseltine

Android Phone Users May Get to be Part of the Solar Power Party Too : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Way cool! :-D
    ZTE showed off the first affordable cell phone featuring solar power. Now, it looks like the company is planning on releasing a version for Android users
Infogreen Global

Greener lithium-ion batteries for electronic devices and electric vehicles - 0 views

    The proliferation of portable consumer electronics such as computers, cell phones and e-book readers combined with expected expanded production of hybrid and all-electric vehicles has placed significant new demands upon manufacturers for low-cost, energy efficient and environmentally-friendly batteries.
Infogreen Global

Ultra thin gadgets and high energy efficency electronic devices with multi-core voltag... - 0 views

    There was a time when a laptop could weigh 10 pounds and still sell-a time when a cell phone was larger than a pocket-and a time when an iPod only played music.
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