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Alex Parker

DONG Energy awards design contract to Atkins for Race Bank offshore wind farm - 1 views

    DONG Energy has awarded an additional contract to Atkins to design five offshore substations for its Race Bank offshore wind development project in the UK.

Barclays To Host Blockchains Hackathon To Assist Contracts Processing In Derivatives Ma... - 0 views

    Barclays, the U.K. banking behemoth, is challenging Barclays To Host Blockchains Hackathon developers to assist refurbish the worldwide derivatives market next month at a hackathon. Disclosed to the media this week, DerivHack will take place at Barclays' Rise accelerator spaces at the same time in New York and London on September 20 and 21, 2018. The ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association), Thomson Reuters, and Deloitte are co-sponsoring the hackathon.
Jack Ingram

Uniti to supply titanium for seawater desalination project in Saudi Arabia - 0 views

    Uniti, an industrial titanium joint venture between Allegheny Technologies and Verkhnaya Salda Metallurgical Production Association, has secured a contract from Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction of Korea to supply titanium for a seawater desalination plant in Saudi Arabia.
jacob logan

Iraqi Drilling Company to drill Nasiriyah oil field - 1 views

    The Iraqi Drilling Company (IDC) has signed a contract with the Dhi Qar Oil Company to drill 20 new oil wells in the Nasiriyah oil field in Southern Iraq for a fee of $128m over two years. The deal was authorised by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil on 11 September.
Alex Parker

Teesside Energy-from-Waste (EfW) Facility - Power Technology - 1 views

    The upcoming Teesside energy-from-waste (EfW) plant at Teesside in the United Kingdom will use innovative technology to generate 49MW of green energy from residual municipal and commercial waste. The power project, whose groundbreaking is scheduled for 2014 and operation commencement scheduled for 2016, is being developed under a build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) contract for Merseyside and Halton Waste Partnership (MHWP).
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