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Alex Parker

Six of the most promising new green power technologies - 1 views

    From concentrated solar power to floating wind turbines and from printable organic solar cells to biomass gasification, picks six of the most promising new green power technologies. Concentrating solar power technology Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology involving the use of mirrors to focus sunlight onto a receiver that captures and converts the solar energy into heat for electricity generation has been in use since 1980s.
Alex Parker

Breaking the ice: researchers chart new ground in Arctic oil spill response - 1 views

    Founded in January 2012, the Arctic Oil Spill Response Technology Joint Industry Programme (JIP) has just moved into phase II of its research. As it tests the waters in six different areas - and welcomes its latest member Gazprom Neft - what lies ahead for response teams working in icy conditions?
Alex Parker

Star-spangled super power- the ten biggest power stations in the US - 1 views

    Six of the ten biggest power stations in the US are fossil-fuelled, while the other four, including the two biggest Grand Coulee and Palo Verde, are hydro -and nuclear-powered. profiles the ten biggest power stations in the US based on installed capacity.
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