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Phil Marshall

Master Lens Database - 0 views

    The Master Lens Database is the intended successor to CASTLeS: it contains much more extensive information (including lens model parameters) for a much larger, almost complete, sample of lenses. (A)
Phil Marshall

CASTLeS Gravitational Lens Data Base - 0 views

    This is a database of galaxy-scale gravitational lenses, listing their coordinates, their image astrometry, photometry and spectroscopic data and, for some systems, a list of references. The database is not complete, and some of the data are unreliable or out of date, so it is important to double check the information (A).
Douglas Clowe

The Galaxy-Mass Correlation Function Measured from Weak Lensing in the Sloan Digital Sk... - 0 views

    This presents a galaxy-galaxy lensing study using a database large enough to subdivide the foreground galaxy sample by various properties, and still obtain a high signal-to-noise measurement of the mass profiles. (A)
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