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U.S. Drone Kills 3 Qaeda Operatives in Yemen, Continuing Policy on Strikes - - 0 views

  • since the resignation of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi
    • saniyajoshi
      the president resigned after Houthi rebels stormed his residence and clashed with government forces in recent days 
  • counterterrorism operations there despite the apparent takeover by Houthi fighters.
  • American counterterrorism efforts had not abated.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The turmoil in Yemen comes at a particularly fraught time, just two weeks after A.Q.A.P. claimed responsibility for the deadly attacks in Paris
    • saniyajoshi
      This terrorist group was part of the Charlie Hedbo attacks
  • the current political standoff could lead to the partition of Yemen
    • saniyajoshi
      partition of Yemen could take place due to the current political turmoil 

Fate of Japanese hostages unknown as ISIS deadline apparently passes - - 3 views

    • gr332107
      Japanese army constitutionally forbidden from taking action other than for self-defence → The negative legacy of the WW2 became the obstruct which came up to solve the issue currently. 
Blair Peterson

John Mearsheimer on America Unhinged - YouTube - 2 views

    Realism v. Liberalism
Blair Peterson

Glossary of Terms for IR - 1 views

  • non-governmental organization (NGO): any private organization involved in activities that have transnational implications
  • state: an organized political entity that occupies a definite territory, has a permanent population, and enjoys stable government, independence and sovereignty

Obama on Russia: 'Large countries don't bully smaller countries' - - 1 views

  • We have no interest in seeing Russia weakened or its economy in shambles. We have a profound interest, as I believe every country does, in promoting a core principle, which is: Large countries don't bully smaller countries,"
  • Pro-Russian separatists are blamed for the attack on residential areas in the port city, Donetsk regional police chief Vyacheslav Abroskin said on his Facebook page.
  • Another 102 people were injured, at least 75 of whom needed hospital treatment, and many suffered shrapnel injuries, Mariupol City Council sai
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "expressed grave conce
  • "The Secretary reiterated the need for an immediate resumption of the ceasefire, a withdrawal of heavy weapons, and closing the border.
  • "look at all the additional options that are available to us short of military confrontation."

G1 - Reservatório de Funil, no RJ, chega ao nível mais baixo desde 1969 - not... - 0 views

  • em apenas um dia, o volume do reservatório caiu de 4,15 % para 3,49%
  • Esse é o menor nível do reservatório desde que ele começou a operar, em1969
  • O Reservatório de Funil, em Itatiaia, no Sul Fluminense, atingiu, no sábado (24), o nível mais baixo da história.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • É desse reservatório que sai água para a Usina Hidrelétrica de Funil, responsável por parte do abastecimento de energia de Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Espírito Santo.
  • volume morto, em que o reservatório fica impossibilitado de gerar energia
  • O Reservatório de Funil fica numa região estratégica, onde há várias indústrias
  • o nível do reservatório de Paraibuna, o maior de quatro que abastecem o estado do Rio de Janeiro, atingiu o volume morto pela primeira vez desde que foi criado,
  • a usina hidroelétrica foi desligada após o nível atingir zero.
  • O volume morto é a água que está abaixo do nível das comportas e precisa ser puxada por bombas.
  • duraria de seis meses a um ano
  • economizando água.
Blair Peterson

International Relations: An Introduction - YouTube - 0 views

    From the international school of economics. Their program.
Blair Peterson

Department of International Relations - Department of International Relations - Home - 0 views

    London School of Economics
Blair Peterson

International Relations: An Introduction - YouTube - 0 views

    REalism, liberalism, constructivism.
Blair Peterson

International Relations: An Introduction - YouTube - 3 views

    REalism, liberalism, constructivism.
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