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Home/ Google in Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Valerie B.

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Valerie B.

Valerie B.

gmapsmania - 100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups - 0 views

    100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups
Valerie B.

Google Docs Templates - 1 views

    spreadsheet art
Valerie B.

KickYouTube - 1 views

    way around blocked youtube
    download youtube videos - choose the format frm top of the screen
Valerie B.

GoogleTouring - 0 views

    Our collection of Google Earth tours grows by the day, with many contributors adding theirs. All the sights of the world are now at your fingertips right here!
Valerie B.

googleschool / FrontPage - 0 views

    Thanks to Mr. Mayo's 8th graders, who made the suggestion, and Mark Wagner's prompting to create a wiki -- here is a wiki for interested people to start dreaming about a Google school in connectioin with Google's 10 to the 100th project. The deadline is Oct. 20. Basic guidelines are: * Reach: How many people would this idea affect? * Depth: How deeply are people impacted? How urgent is the need? * Attainability: Can this idea be implemented within a year or two? * Efficiency: How simple and cost-effective is your idea? * Longevity: How long will the idea's impact last?
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