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Home/ Google in Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kyle Pace

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kyle Pace

Kyle Pace

Research Tool Features - 32 views

    I created a doc that highlights the new features of the Google Docs research tool. Please feel free to share.
Kyle Pace

Knowledge - Inside Search - Google - 22 views

    We're rolling this feature out to users over the next few days. When you search, you're not just looking for a webpage. You're looking to get answers, understand concepts and explore. The next frontier in search is to understand real-world things and the relationships among them.
Kyle Pace

Google Drive How to change destination folder location - 31 views

    Good info to share with teachers or students if they are needing to change the default location of their Google Drive folder on their computer.
Kyle Pace

Google+ Safety Center - Google+ - 8 views

    Welcome to the Google+ Safety Center Social experiences require multiple players and so does safety. We all need to do our part. These resources are here for teens, parents, and teachers to learn more about how to use Google+ in a fun, smart, and safe way. We're glad you are here!
Kyle Pace

Home - Gone Google - 21 views

    See what it's like to have gone Google. Resources for Docs, Drive, Mail, Calendar.
Kyle Pace

Google Apps Resources - 45 views

    General, Docs, Sites, Calendar, Earth, and SketchUp resources for teachers.
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