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Home/ Google in Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by andrew bendelow

Contents contributed and discussions participated by andrew bendelow


Stay N Alive: The Power of Google+: Privacy "Circles" the Entire Experience - 13 views

  • No one can just "follow" me and get the updates I want them to see. I have to let everyone into my network, and as a result, they have to let me into theirs.
    The problem w. Facebook that Google+ fixes--fine-tuning your social network

20+ Awesome & Unique Uses Of Google Reader You Probably Didn't Know About - 78 views

    Could Google reader be the synthesizer of one's digital knowledge?

Google Test - 29 views

    plain spoken explanation of making google form test--multiple choice only
1More - 15 views

    Vermont educators/students take National Ed. Tech Standards for students--who will be tested on these skills--and create "verbal pictures" for each grade level on a wiki

#educon-Session 3 - 9 views

    It may not look like much, but it's Open Source conferencing. Here is an archive of the tweets concurrent with the afternoon session at the EDUCON 10. Eavesdrop on a dozen conversations and infer the good parts

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - National Action Agenda on 21st Century Skills - 8 views

    More consensus for the leap forward...

CHS lifts ban on social networking sites - 8 views

    it's happening in places...
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