CR works best with high-resolution images, and not all formatting may be preserved. T
Google Swiffy - 21 views
"Swiffy converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads). Swiffy currently supports a subset of SWF 8 and ActionScript 2.0, and the output works in all Webkit browsers such as Chrome and Mobile Safari. If possible, exporting your Flash animation as a SWF 5 file might give better results. "
Optical character recognition (OCR) in Google Docs - Official Google Docs Blog - 0 views
onvert text from PDF
Converting a PowerPoint Attachment to Google Slides | Teacher Tech - 11 views
8 Google Tricks For Your Classroom - 1 views
Converting Units
Searching within A website
Explore the Sky
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