When it come to a bebate between Deist Clockwork Evolution vs Creationism vs Atheistic Evolution, all too often, those who take up this topic for debate neglect to acknowledge the Deist option.
Is the Bible Code real? Can true insights be found through Bible Code analysis? Has God hidden secret messages that can be revealed through application of the code techniques? Or is it all a game of probability played against a large enough sample of words?
I found myself recently confronted with a debate about God's existence. Those on the atheists' side of the debate presented the argument that faith equaled "believing in something without proof", and doing so was irrational. From this debate, the following article emerged.
For the last few years, I've been composing a collection of expressions and thoughts I call "Kernels of Truth". This free form verse is one of these kernels.
A writing partner and I have lately been working on a science fiction novel in which we deal with an alien race of beings who might best be called "prophecy obsessed". While doing research for this story, I asked myself "What is the objective of prophecy?" The following two page article came out of that research.
For the last few years, I've been composing a collection of expressions and thoughts I call "Kernels of Truth". This is another one of the free form verses found among these kernels.