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Jim Tiffin Jr

New York State Common Core Aligned Sample Questions - 8 views

  • The sample questions emphasize the instructional shifts demanded by the Common Core.
  • The sample questions are teaching tools for educators
  • They are designed to help illuminate the way the Common Core should drive instruction and how students will be assessed starting in the 2012-13 school year.
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  • They were developed primarily for the purposes of communications and training. They are not test samplers, and are not meant to mirror full-length assessments. Additional information about the composition of the full-length assessments will be provided by NYSED during the summer.
  • some sample questions do not look exactly the same as what will be on future state assessments. For example, sample questions may offer clues or interact with one another, and some sample multiple-choice questions will ask the students to find the exception in the set of answer choices, although neither of these formats will be used in future state assessments.
    • Jim Tiffin Jr
      What do you think of this idea? Specifically the decision to leave the "Which one does NOT belong?" questions off of the selected-response sections?
  • While educators from around the state have helped craft these sample questions, they have not undergone the same extensive review, vetting, and piloting that occurs with actual questions used on the state assessments.
    Provided in mid-June of 2012, these are NYSED sample questions but not test samplers. The highlights and annotations help explain the difference.
    This page is particularly relevant in light of the course conversations had in the SU2012 semester course.
Jim Tiffin Jr

Jefferson Math Project - 0 views

    Homepage for JMAP. Contains tremendous resources for NYS Math Regents Exams: Integrated Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. Also has supplemental worksheets. answers. lesson plans, and ExamView resources. Database is easily searchable by Performance Indicators, content and topic.
Jim Tiffin Jr

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid - 8 views

    Collection of web-based tools (with links) aligned to Bloom's cognitive domains.
Jim Tiffin Jr

Bloom's Taxonomy of Apps - 3 views

    iPad apps separated by Bloom's Taxonomy. Created by Kelly Tankelly from Found in iPad for Education Diigo Group
Jessica DAgostino

A convenient untruth | Learning with 'e's - 10 views

  • Would it not be better to simply acknowledge that all learners are different, and that all can benefit from a range of varied experiences that ultimately leads to enriched personal experiences?
    • Rita Gupta
      This goes hand in hand with the other article that talks about how learners learn by the best means for that particular lesson. That idea can provide the varied expericences that can benefit all students.
    • Meghan Hynes
      It makes sense...all students benefit from seeing a lesson presented in many different ways. Just because a student is a visual learner, does not mean that they won't benefit from a hands on or listening activity.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I completely agree with both of you! I also think this goes well with the fact that the statistics are not there to support either side really so making this general assumption supports both sides.
  • They then actively seek to maximise their 'learning style' by engaging in reflective activities, or visually rich media.
    • Rita Gupta
      I am not sure this is true. I don't think people actively seek out their "own" way of learning. I don't think people have that much control over it. Students learn in the way it is presented to them.
    • Meghan Hynes
      I agree! Especially at a younger age, students don't know which way they learn best. They only know what is presented to them, and as sad as it is, sometimes that material is only ever presented in one way.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I agree as well. Even if a questionnaire did tell you how you learned best, how do you know the questionnaire was an accurate test? I had to take one of these tests in 7th grade and honestly, it did not change the way I did things at all.
  • Such categorisation of students is an absolute nonsense and the practice of doing so should be challenged strongly
    • Rita Gupta
      This is pretty strong language! But essentially it agrees with the previous article.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I was thinking the same thing, Rita. This definitely supports what the other article was trying to accomplish. They both seem to be challenging the theory of teaching to different modalities.
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  • One of the biggest myths known to teacherdom is learning styles.
    • Meghan Hynes
      I'm sure i'm not the only one who spend a fair amount of time about students learning styles and how to teach to those learning styles...It always made sense to me that kids learn in different ways (visually, kinestically, etc.) It's somewhat frustrating that we learned "this is the way to do things" but it's not actually true.
    • Jonathan Cotugno
      I agree it is definitely frustrating, but can't students all benefit from doing different learning styles despite their strengths? Even improving on their weaknesses,
  • " remains a fact that every human being has a learning style which can consist of contradictory components, often leading to inner confusion and uneasiness. Style mismatches between teaching and learning, physical learning environments not conducive to information intake and unmet physical needs during the learning process can lead to frustration, stress, learning problems, underachievement, low self esteem, discipline problems among younger students, and dropoutism in high schools."
  • Such categorisation of students is an absolute nonsense and the practice of doing so should
    • Jonathan Cotugno
      Students learn with a variety of methods, but to make separate lessons for each student's modality group seems like a waste of time. Tailoring the lesson to have a variety of groups involved seems much more practical to me.
  • be challenged strongly. It is lazy pedagogy, and the only reason I see that such beliefs persist, is that it is a convenient untruth which allows some teachers to stay within their comfort zones.
  • Result - the learner fails to gain a holistic learning experience, and misses out on the many rich opportunities to expand and develop their other sensory or cognitive skills.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I really like this statement. I feel like it goes well with both articles and tells us that if we are only focusing on one skill students are missing out. They need to see all sides of a lesson not just solely visual or audio.
Michelle Ginett

Do Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners Need Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic In... - 12 views

  • And, whether or not the theory is correct, might it not also be true that all of the kindergartners would learn the most about holidays by listening to stories, looking at pictures, and handling costumes?
    • Rita Gupta
      I thought that as teachers we were supposed to try and incorporate all different ways in our teaching anyway, to ensure that everyone is learning in a way that works for them.
    • Jeremy Willard
      I agree with you Rita and also I would like to add that all of us our teaching different lessons which means some units could be more influenced by visuals verse audio
    • Michelle Ginett
      I agree with you as well Rita. I thought that we were suppose to create individualized learning? I have always thought that teaching to the individual was a good thing.
  • This experiment indicates that subjects do store auditory information, but it only helps them remember the part of the memory that is auditory — the sound of the voice — and not the word itself, which is stored in terms of its meaning.
    • Rita Gupta
      I always have trouble interpreting data like this. It always seems so subjective and I feel like a researcher cannot ever know what a person is thinking. But since the authors are experts, I will take their assessment of this data as truth.
    • Meghan Hynes
      I agree! I think it's hard to tell by this data if people are more likely to remember information by seeing it rather than hearing it.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I completely agree with you both, but I also think this supports a sentence in the previous paragraph. The subjects were asked to jugde wheither or not the word was on both lists, not necessarily who said it. I think this shows that because they were not asked to focus on that content the subjects did not remember. So I feel like the point they are making is following their previous statements and contradicting what they are trying to prove.
  • Teachers should focus on the content's best modality — not the student's.
    • Rita Gupta
      This whole section makes a lot of sense.
    • Meghan Hynes
      I agree! But I think it's so hard to give meaning for many concepts in Math and Science. For example, how do you give a student a personal connection to the quadratic formula?
    • Michelle Ginett
      Same here. How do you give students a personal connection to backside attack in chemical reactions? We can't even see it, let alone prove it. However, you can sketch it out and explain how it might work. Although that does not allow the student to create a personal connection . . .
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • You typically store memories in terms of meaning — not in terms of whether you saw, heard, or physically interacted with the information.
    • Meghan Hynes
      It makes sense that students learn best if they have meaning for the learning...but I don't think students will have personal connections and meanings to all topics and concepts..therefore some sort of visual or kinesthetic demonstration or activity may be required.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I agree that students may learn best if they have a meaningful connection with the material. My question is for students who have have no previous experience with the material. As teachers shouldn't we provide students with opportunities to "play with" the material so that the student can establish a relationship or give meaning to the material?
  • But most of what we want children to learn is based on meaning, so their superior memory in a specific modality doesn't give them an advantage just because material is presented in their preferred modality. Whether information is presented auditorily or visually, the student must extract and store its meaning.
    • Meghan Hynes
      I think it's hard as a teacher to give meaning to every concept for every student.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I think, as teachers, we are supposed to provide students with many opportunities and experience with the material so they can develop their own meanings. I don't think teachers give meaning to students, they help students develop their own meanings.
  • When subjects view a picture story, they do have a visual representation of what the pictures look like, in addition to the meaning-based representation. They usually don't remember the visual representation for long, however, largely because when they see the pictures, they are thinking about what they mean in order to understand the story. If, in contrast, they were asked to remember visual details of the pictures and to ignore the story they tell, they would have a better memory for the visual details and the meaning-based representation would be worse.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I think this sentence contradicts the research they are trying to show in the highlighted portion below. The are telling us because subjects are focused on the meaning they will lose some of the visual description. However, they they say that people did not remember who said the words a man or woman and are using this to make a point about memory. But this was not the focus of the subjects?
  • It is possible that the specially prepared materials were more interesting or better organized than the "regular teaching" materials. This type of mistake calls the results into question because no one can tell if the results were caused by the change of modality or by the use of better materials.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      Isn't our goal as teachers to make our lessons as effective as possible? If we are trying to reach all children and all of their learning styles, shouldn't having more interesting materials be our goal, whether it targets different modalities or not? Maybe we should try and target these modalities and maybe lessons would be better
    • Jonathan Cotugno
      I agree. If nothing else, having a variety of more interesting teaching methods (targetting a variety of modalities) would be more effective simply because the students would be more interested. Also, having a variety of modalities targetted means there is a variety of depictions of the subject in one lesson.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I completely agree. In addition, having more modalities in one lesson allows for the students to connect to the material in many different ways using a variety of senses. You would think that this would help students understand the meaning of the material better.
  • We cannot be certain that modality theory is incorrect because it is always possible that we haven't looked for just the right sort of evidence.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I deflinately agree with this statement, to factor out all other variables and just look at the effects of modality would be extremely hard in a real life classroom. Statistics can lie.
    • Jonathan Cotugno
      This quote shows the difference between what is intended in the research and what is actually necessary to this argument in education. It is not about whether the students can remember a picture better than a sound clip, but it is about whether they can extrapolate meaning better from one than the other. Presentation is important to gaining an accurate understanding of the meaning.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I completely agree. It is not important that the students remember how something sounded or exactly what it looked like, its important for students to know the meaning of something. Developing a meaning leads to greater understanding of the material.
  • Although it is technically true that the theory hasn't been (and will never be) disproved, we can say that the possible effects of matching instructional modality to a student's
    • Jonathan Cotugno
      Matching student's modality to some instructional modality specific to that student would be difficult and impractical. Would it be more effective to provide a variety of modalities to the students so it plays into multiple strengths and still builds upon their "weaknesses"?
  • Although
  • modality strength have been extensively studied and have yielded no positive evidence.
  • Modality
  • cognitive scientists have long known that we all notice and remember examples that
    • Jonathan Cotugno
      It makes sense that students would be better at one thing than another. For example, I cannot understand a math problem if someone reads it to me but if I look at it, I can understand it right away. There is also the need to understand using other modalities, despite my strengths.
  • confirm our beliefs and, without meaning to, ignore and forget evidence that does not.
  • The mind is capable of storing memories in a number of different formats, and laboratory research indicates that a single experience usually leads to more than one type of representation.
    • Michelle Ginett
      Does this suggest that we should provide students with many different learning opportunities, not just the one that they "learn best" with? That way, students can evaluate the content using visual, auditory, kinesthetic or other techniques to help them create meaning associated with the material.
  • By combining many studies into a single statistical analysis, the researchers have greater power to detect a small effect, if one exists.
    • Michelle Ginett
      Personally, I am always skeptical of an article that uses meta-analysis. Often, the research used to combine the statistics have quite a few methodical errors and some are not peer-reviewed. Pulling data together from all different types of methods and studies cancels out the control group because no study is completely identical.
    How does the mind work - and how does it learn? Teachers' instructional decisions are based on a mix of theories learned in teacher education, trial and error, craft knowledge, and gut instinct. Such gut knowledge often serves us well, but is there anything sturdier to rely on?
Jim Tiffin Jr

A convenient untruth | Learning with 'e's blog - 11 views

  • we should realize that the value of the video or audio will be determined by how it suits the content that we are asking students to learn
    Blog post talking about the false idea of learning styles. Many resources linking claims to research-based studies and experts pertaining to the lack of evidence supporting the idea of learning styles.
Jim Tiffin Jr

Bloom's Taxonomy | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University - 1 views

    Information on the history of Bloom's taxonomy, along with it's original and revised versions. Included a section dedicated to why Bloom's taxonomy should be used.
Jessica DAgostino

"Pineapples Don't Have Sleeves": On Assessing Absurdity | Ploughshares - 10 views

  • 1) the story is absurd, and therefore nonsensical, and so it has no business being on a test, and 2) standardized testing itself is useless because it presumes the existence of an “objective reading,” and “The Hare and the Pineapple” is simply an obvious and exaggerated example of how all stories are open to multiple interpretations
    • Rita Gupta
      I tend to agree with both of these camps, and I am wondering what the people who wrote the test were thinking.
    • Meghan Hynes
      I believe that if a story is open to multiple interpretations it should not be tested based on multiple choice questions with correct answers. Just because a student interprets a story differently than another student does not make that student wrong. I believe questions for these types of stories should be short answer or essay, where students are able to defend their answers with facts and quotes from the text. This way, even if students have differing opinions...they both may be right.
    • Michelle Ginett
      It looks like Meghan beat me to my response. I agree completely. If a story is open to multiple interpretations, it has no business being in a Multuple Choice exam. If anything, this story may have served as a starter for a response paper. Otherwise, it is pointless to attach such a controversial piece to a mutliple choice exam.
  • Any number of fairy tales and fables have equally implausible premises,
    • Rita Gupta
      I think the difference with these examples is that most people are familiar with some sort of fairy tale type story, but nobody is familiar with a pinapple story. We already know how to interpret a fairy tale, but when faced with something like a talking pineapple, we don't really know what to think.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I completely agree with you! I also think as the students listened to or began reading this story the story was so abstract and did not follow the fairy tale that it was based off of that the students may have been confused. The moral of this story is the exact opposite of the tortus and the hare, but the story follows the same plot. This is just confusing!
    • Michelle Ginett
      Not to mention, the questions asked on the exam did not match what occurred in the story. By the time students finished reading the story, I'm sure the last thing on their mind was "why the animals ate the pinapple." Again, I'm not sure how they came up with these questions. The questions are more abstract and out of place than the story.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I completely agree with you Michelle, why would the students be thinking about the pineapple being eaten. The story is based on the tortus and the hare, but no one gets eaten in that story, so where is the relivance?
  • A reader properly trained to evaluate a story by its own internal logic—even an eighth grader—would be able to puzzle this out.
    • Rita Gupta
      But since this is on a test, I wonder if the students were thinking that there were trick questions. If I was faced with this on a standardized test, I would think that a trick question might be a possibility.
    • Michelle Ginett
      Same here. I would have definitely fallen for the "second-guessing" mistake like the forest creatures in the story.
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  • I agree with this reaction, for the most part. But I’m also a pragmatist
    • Rita Gupta
      Interesting that he has two views on standardized testing, both of which are complete opposites.
  • we do not have to buy into the idea that anything not-right is “wrong”
    • Rita Gupta
      Could you do this with math???
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I think so, especially when you consider doing a math problem in multiple ways. The student may not do the exact method the teacher wants for the problem and may or may not get the right answer. However if they can show their logic and process, they at least deserve partial to full credit depending on the correct or incorrect answer.
    • Michelle Ginett
      This highlighted sentence is what I was thinking while reading this article. This story cannot be subject to answers that are right or wrong. I think if the test allowed for students to answer and then explain, there would not have been so many complaints on the test. If a student who chose the crow instead of the owl for the wisest animal and could propose a descent expanation, then I think its worthy of being a "correct" answer
  • Any story with clear-cut answers regarding its “themes” or its characters’ motivations is one that probably isn’t worth reading in the first place,
    • Rita Gupta
      I don't know if I agree with this statement. A story that is worth reading is up to the reader. Having something clear and spelled out might be what some people enjoy.
  • “the test-makers had turned a nonsensical story into a nonsensical question for what he believed was a nonsensical test.”
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I think this is a great quote defining the mistakes made by the test makers. The story was not meant to make sense. It was meant to have many different opinions and different explinaitions from each reader. How could the test makers create questions that have single answers when the reader can form so many different opinions about the story. Does this show an example of how rediculuous standardized testing has become? How can they expect students to read this nonsensical story without biases and come up with the same answers?
    • Meghan Hynes
      I completely agree! It's sad that even the author states that his stories are not meant to make sense, and yet this story was still put on a standardized test and students were graded on it.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I find it strange that the test makers did not do their "research" on the story before putting it in a state test. Did they not know what the story maker was doing? Did they just make up answers to their multiple choice questions? This makes me believe that the test makers do not take their jobs seriously and therefore, teachers and students must suffer. This may sound a bit dramatic, but I would assume that the person making these tests would have a bit more common sense.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      Michelle, I really like what your saying. The test makers should have done their research before putting such an odd story on the test! I feel like if they are going to make the test they should put more time into ensuring the test and its questions are reliable and valid. (It is their job!)
  • And then the owl was able not only to predict the winner, but also to explain why the hare would win, succinctly: “pineapples don’t have sleeves.” The owl is the most wise; “the owl” is the most-right answer.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      I think this is a good explination for the answer to this question. It make sense that the students could have deduced this answer from the story and not from their own personal experiences with owls. This test is meant to judge how well students can pull information from a text and not how well they can relate their previous experiences. Even though I do not agree with using this story on the test, this statement gives a good explination of how students may have determined this answer.
  • you don’t have to be right all the time to be smart, you just shouldn’t be totally wrong all the time, and your line of reasoning should follow one form of logic or another.
    • Jessica DAgostino
      This statement makes a good argument on why the state tests are not a good form of assessment when it comes to questions of oppinion. Every student is different and has different experiences, which they bring to the table. With a nonsesical story each student is going to interpret it differently. However, with mulitple choice they can not express their reasoning and logic. Some of these students may not be correct in choosing the right choice, but their logic might make sense to the point where they deserve credit.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I like what you said, Jessica, and I agree with it completely.
  • Are the two contested questions above really so opaque, or were the students simply thrown off by a story with which they were not already familiar, and which followed a logic of its own devising
    • Michelle Ginett
      I think Rita said this earlier but I believe that these are important questions to consider. Maybe the students were just unfamiliar with the story they were presented. As mentioned in the article, other fairy tales contain abstract ideas, but are not questioned due to their familiarity. The author makes an interesting arguement suggesting that students were simply not familiar with the story.
  • A) hungry B) excited C) annoyed D) amused
    • Michelle Ginett
      My question is . . .why these answers? Why is annoyed even a chosen answer? why not angry or bored or even to show loyalty to the hare? I understand how a student may use deductive reasoning to get close to the right answer, but who's to say one of these is "right?"
  • Actually, if the implicit moral is “sometimes things are exactly what they seem.,” then “hungry” seems the best answer. Who would win in a race between a pineapple and a hare? A hare, obviously. Why do animals eat things? They are hungry, obviously.
    • Michelle Ginett
      So, I know this isn't part of the article, but I really like what this person said and I actually agree with it. In fact, I was thinking the same idea when the author stated that annoyed was the better answer.
    • Michelle Ginett
      I think that part of the problem with the questions was that there was no consistency or logic. Which essentially made all the answers wrong and all the answers potentially correct.
    A blog post in regards the literary question on the NYS exam. Author points out both the weaknesses and the strengths of using these types of questions on a standardized test.
    This post contains links to the original exam question, as well as other useful information.
Melissa Allison

5th+grade+curriculum+map+2010-2011.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    5th grade curriculum map
Melissa Allison

Trevor Day School ~ Grade 5 Curriculum Map - 0 views

    5th grade curriculum map
Melissa Allison

Curriculum/Pre-K-5th Grade - 5th Grade Curriculum Maps - 0 views

    5th grade curriculum map
Jim Tiffin Jr

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - 1 views

    Links to a YouTube video that shares some of Sir Ken Robinson's ideas on education. This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
    Video from the first day of class.
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