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Antony Wilson

Craig and Marc Kielburger: Don't Expect Kids to Change the World Without Role Models - 0 views

    "But we can't help but feel that adults are passing the buck. How can people in their 40s and 50s -- in the prime of their careers, with connections, influence and cash -- be so quick to wash their hands of the world's many messes, such as inequality, global warming, homelessness, and the injustices experienced by aboriginals? They don't realize the power they hold. There is solid evidence that when parents -- as well as teachers and mentors -- show their helping side, children internalize and adopt these behaviours."
Antony Wilson

Slamming the hipster activist - 0 views

    love the reference to Kony2012 NOTE: explicit language (in more ways than one)
Antony Wilson

Mitt Romney and the New Gilded Age - 0 views

    Casino Capitalism and Social Darwinism find a home with Romney: "The reforms of the Progressive Era at the turn of the 20th century saved American democracy from the robber barons, but the political power of great wealth has now resurfaced with a vengeance. And here again, Romney is the poster boy" Not so sure I see the link to the 19th Century guided age but
Antony Wilson

Who Could Handle Alien Invasion: Obama or Romney? - 1 views

    A poll has found that President Obama has a commanding lead over Mitt Romney on an issue that neither candidate has addressed with even a single policy speech: how they would handle an alien invasion." 
Antony Wilson

Internet Rallies Behind 9-Year-Old Food Blogger - 0 views

    Nine-year-old food blogger-turned-citizen-journalist Martha Payne from Argyll, Scotland, won the Internet's heart after using her cameraphone to expose the shoddy quality of her school meals.
Antony Wilson

The Austerity Agenda | Common Dreams - 0 views

    "For economic recovery was never the point; the drive for austerity was about using the crisis, not solving it. And it still is." "The boom, not the slump, is the right time for austerity." So declared John Maynard Keynes 75 years ago, and he was right. Even if you have a long-run deficit problem - and who doesn't? - slashing spending while the economy is deeply depressed is a self-defeating strategy, because it just deepens the depression
Antony Wilson

Gun School - 0 views

    Since when was "the right to bear arms" a Canadian right? "...there's never been a better time to be a Canadian gun owner..."
Antony Wilson

Port Moody enacts bylaw that bans sale of shark fin - 0 views

    Scientists say up to 73 million sharks are killed annually for their fins, which are used in traditional shark fin soup popular at Chinese weddings, birthdays and other celebrations. Next step... banning shark fin on the North Shore,? MYP Personal Project considers taking this one on...? Read more:
Antony Wilson

Admit It: Kony 2012 Is Making a Difference - 0 views

    Invisible Children, the group behind the viral video phenomenon Kony 2012, has been vilified for its "white savior complex," evangelical donor base, financial record, particularly $1 million on travel expenses, over-simplified message and hipster do-nothing-ism. But it will be increasingly difficult for the advocacy group's critics to make the case for its inefficacy following the Senate Armed Service Committee's approval of a defense authorization bill allocating money to bring down African warlord Joseph Kony Thursday. 
Antony Wilson

The Tyee - Canada's Economy, Deconstructed (by a 12 year-old) - 0 views

    12 year old critiques the world of evolution of finance capital and private banks
Antony Wilson

Vancouver Island Red Cedar: 800-Year-Old Tree Hacked Down, Says Environmental Group (PH... - 0 views

    When an 800 year old tree falls in the forest, does anybody care?
Antony Wilson

Activating Empathy: Transforming Schools To Teach What Matters - 0 views

    ctivating Empathy is a global collaborative competition to find the best ideas, programs, and learning-models from around the world that: Encourage social and emotional development Unlock new ways of viewing problems, opening the door to a new world of potential solutions Address bullying or aggression in ways that advance understanding of others' perspectives Promote community diversity and a respect for differences Champion children as real-world problem solvers rather than simply bystanders Prepare to Enter or Nominate an individual, organization, or partnership with a solution online starting now.
Antony Wilson

Lagging at school, the butt of cruel jokes: are males the new Second Sex? | Society | T... - 0 views

    Let me get this straight. A South African man, from one of the most patriarchal cultures, thinks men are the second sex? There are a few interesting points, but most of this is not relevant to the premise and a product of male dominated culture anyway... any reference to a matriarchy is absurd. Men die early due to genetics, dominate the army because women are excluded and are more likely to be victims of violence because well... men are violent against men.  Where's the matriarchy in this? Where's the discrimination? Discrimination by whom? Other men? Patriarchal cultures? Butt of whose jokes and who cares? In South Africa... men suffer discrimination over women and girls... really? This is all part of the continued backlash against women/feminism which hopefully is coming near the end of its time as the conservative era starts to wane (wishful thinking perhaps)... Whether there are more or less boys in higher education, this is not a product of a matriarchy in South Africa or elsewhere. And for most of the world women and girls are a fundamental focus of international development gender equality rights and actions... Now an analysis of "emasculation" within the patriarchy might work here, but the new second sex thesis sound ridiculous
Antony Wilson

Police call on 'Twitter squad' to fight web bullies - 1 views

    Interesting concept of self-regulation... maybe.... Police chiefs ask users of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to help combat criminal behaviour online
Antony Wilson

Continued Tar Sand Exploitation means "Game Over for the Climate" - 0 views

    Canada's tar sands, deposits of sand saturated with bitumen, contain twice the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by global oil use in our entire history. If we were to fully exploit this new oil source, and continue to burn our conventional oil, gas and coal supplies, concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere eventually would reach levels higher than in the Pliocene era, more than 2.5 million years ago, when sea level was at least 50 feet higher than it is now. That level of heat-trapping gases would assure that the disintegration of the ice sheets would accelerate out of control. Sea levels would rise and destroy coastal cities. Global temperatures would become intolerable. Twenty to 50 percent of the planet's species would be driven to extinction. Civilization would be at risk.
Antony Wilson

Why Atheists Have Become a Kick-Ass Movement You Want on Your Side | Belief | AlterNet - 0 views

    Atheists are becoming a force to be reckoned with. Atheists are gaining clout. Atheists are becoming a powerful ally when we're inspired to take action -- and a powerful opponent when treated like dirt.
Antony Wilson

BlackOutSpeakOut - 1 views

    Speak out on June 4, 2012 in defence of two core Canadian values: nature and democracy. Join a committed group of organizations representing millions of Canadians as we darken our websites in protest against efforts to silence your voice.
Marlena Morgan

Why fiction is good for you - 2 views

    Aaaaah.....a theory that makes me happy. I wonder if there is a tweet or Sparks Notes on the topic? It is rather difficult to read more than a page....
Antony Wilson

Friendly Advice to CNN -- Change Everything - 1 views

    Because people want an alternative -- the real news.  In other words, do your job -- report the news. The real news, not dueling talking points and manufactured controversies. My God, where is your investigative team? What's the last story you broke? Of course, the reality is that you don't want to break stories about Washington because that might offend some people. What kind of a so-called news operation is this afraid of their own shadow? "Oh my God, what if we offended someone in power. They might not come on our shows anymore and they might call us biased." Or they might call you journalists.
    Loved the story about getting a raise when criticized for 'stirring the pot'. Is that still possible now? Is it time to bring back the iconoclasts? Just an early morning thought.
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