Motivation is fragile. Every student isn't the same, and some of us lack that strong will to start and finish something. Does that mean such students shouldn't enroll in college or sign up for a course? Should that type of student be deprived of a college education?
We think it just means that some of us need extra motivation. Here is how you can help us get, or stay, motivated:
Be clear about course requirements and expectations. Certain things like assignments, the syllabus, and deadlines should be discussed.
Be enthusiastic in the classroom.
Make the class feel more spontaneous by sometimes introducing something that isn't on the syllabus, like maybe a good movie or an interesting reading.
Assign projects that involve being creative without the stress of it feeling like homework.
Connect the topics in the classroom to the real world.
Reference certain situations or events from your own life because sometimes it's important to hear about the mistakes you have made, so that we don't repeat them.