Arquillian es unframework que complementa otros más básicos (como JUniti, por ejemplo) para facilitar el testeo sin tener que desarrollar mocks de contenedores, etc.
Or if your own Piwik server is on the internet, you can use client side tracking there, too. For that, you'd just be following the instructions on Piwik's site to embed the tracking javascript into your portal_norma.vm file and you should be good to go...
Toda esta integración es para no emplear el JavaScript, que es la forma normal y recomendable de emplear Piwik + Liferay Portal
Note that the tracking cookie name is defined in the global piwik configuration (global.ini.php) and the default value does not match the cookie name the code is looking for (a string that contains "id.#.", where the # is the site id), so you'll probably need to make modifications to the code to match the global.ini.php configuration before using it.