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Conflict: a cause and effect of hunger - 1 views

  • Armed conflict leads to the destruction of crops, livestock, land, and water, and disrupts infrastructure, markets, and the human resources required for food production, distribution, and safe consumption.
  • Combatants frequently use hunger as a weapon: they use siege to cut off food supplies and productive capacities, starve opposing populations into submission, and hijack food aid intended for civilians.
  • Even after wars have ceased, landmines continue to exact high costs in terms of human life, economic and social development and agricultural production.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Environmental scarcities and food insecurity do not inevitably lead to conflict, but may provide an additional impetus.
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Dimensions of need - Contents - 1 views

    Comprehensive information on geography of food
Nate Merrill

This Land - 0 views

    An informational series that gives helpful methods homeowners and farmers can protect their health and the environment.
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