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Moultrie Creek

The Conquest of the Old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into - Proj... - 0 views

    The Conquest of the Old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, 1740-1790 This book is also available in Google Books
Moultrie Creek

The Papers of James Madison Digital Edition - 1 views

  • The Papers of James Madison documents the life and work of one of the most important political and constitutional thinkers in our nation’s history. As chief author of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, secretary of state during the Louisiana Purchase, and the fourth president of the United States, Madison played a central role in the American founding and the growth of the early Republic. This online resource contains all of the content of the print edition and adds to this a powerful XML-based search functionality, linked cross-references, and the ability to navigate chronologically or by series volume.
    The Papers of James Madison documents the life and work of one of the most important political and constitutional thinkers in our nation's history. As chief author of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, secretary of state during the Louisiana Purchase, and the fourth president of the United States, Madison played a central role in the American founding and the growth of the early Republic. This online resource contains all of the content of the print edition and adds to this a powerful XML-based search functionality, linked cross-references, and the ability to navigate chronologically or by series volume.
Sylwia Rees

U.S. economic growth hampered by dollar, energy prices: Fed | Reuters - 0 views

    "The U.S. economy continued to show mixed signals from late November to early January, with improvements in the labor market and consumer spending offset by the drag of a strong dollar and low energy prices, the Federal Reserve said on Wednesday."
Moultrie Creek

Library CDs capture Grand Haven (MI) history - 0 views

  • Library CDs capture GH history It is now possible for Loutit District Library patrons to hear stories of what life was like in the Grand Haven area in the early 20th century in the words of local citizens. Loutit District Library received $16,314 from the Library of Michigan's Digitization for Preservation and Access grant program to preserve in digital form interviews with Grand Haven area citizens recorded by local historian Dr. David Seibold and others. The CDs can be checked out at the library. The project was developed in cooperation with the Tri-Cities Historical Museum. Museum volunteers conducted interviews from the late 1970s through the early 1900s to preserve first-hand recollections of life in the area. Very few of the people whose voices were captured on tape are still living. Among those available is an interview with Ray O'Malley, a survivor of the sinking of the Escanaba, who died recently. There are more than 100 CD-ROMs with more than 6,600 minutes of interviews. In addition, more than 50 interviews were transcribed and can be searched by keyword or printed. Each of the CD-ROMs includes historical photographs from the library's collection. Patrons can listen to the interviews and view the photographs at the library or check out a CD-ROM, which can be accessed on their personal computers. Beginning in June, these materials will be available on the library's Web site,, along with many other local history and genealogy resources.
Moultrie Creek

Patient admission records at The Hospital for Sick Children at Great Ormond Street, Eng... - 0 views

  • Small and Special is a collection of resources relating to the early years of The Hospital for Sick Children at Great Ormond Street, England’s first in-patient children’s hospital. Here you can trace a patient, learn about childhood diseases, or investigate a member of the medical staff. Small and Special includes a database of patient admission records - from the Hospital’s first in-patient in 1852 to the last admission in 1914; a collection of articles on the early history of the Hospital and pen-portraits of the Hospital’s personalities; and a gallery of images.
Brian DeGraaf

California Digital Newspaper Collection - 0 views

    "The California Digital Newspaper Collection offers over 200,000 pages of California newspapers spanning the years 1849-191l: the Alta California, 1849-1891; the San Francisco Call, 1893-1910; the Amador Ledger, 1900-1911; the Imperial Valley Press, 1901-1911; the Sacramento Record-Union, 1859-1890; and the Los Angeles Herald, 1905-1907. Additional years are forthcoming, as are other early California newspapers: the Californian; the California Star; the California Star and Californian; the Sacramento Transcript; the Placer Times; and the Pacific Rural Press."
Julie Cahill Tarr

Castle Garden - 1 views

    Immigration data from Castle Garden - official U.S. immigration entry point from 1855 to 1890.
    "This free site offers access to an extraordinary database of information on 12 million immigrants from 1820 through 1892, the year Ellis Island opened. Over 100 million Americans can trace their ancestors to this early immigration period."
Nolichucky Roots

Bible Records Online - 0 views

    dedicated to transcribing and digitizing the contents of family records that were written inside family Bibles and in other important documents from as early as the 1500s through today. Last updated 2/6/2007
Moultrie Creek

Panoramic Maps Collection - LOC - 0 views

    "The panoramic map was a popular cartographic form used to depict U.S. and Canadian cities and towns during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Known also as bird's-eye views, perspective maps, and aero views, panoramic maps are nonphotographic representations of cities portrayed as if viewed from above at an oblique angle. Although not generally drawn to scale, they show street patterns, individual buildings, and major landscape features in perspective. "
Moultrie Creek

Mapping the National Parks - LOC - 0 views

    "The Mapping the National Parks collection documents the history, cultural aspects and geological formations of areas that eventually became National Parks. The collection consists of approximately 200 maps dating from the 17th century to the present, reflecting early mapping of the areas that would become four National Parks, as well as the parks themselves. Production of this collection is being supported by a generous gift from The Rockefeller Foundation. "
Moultrie Creek

Flickr: LlGC ~ NLW's Photostream - 0 views

    Established in 1907, The National Library exists to collect, preserve and celebrate the heritage and culture of Wales. At present our photography collection contains over 800,000 photographs ranging from the early days of photography to contemporary photographers.
Moultrie Creek

James Jowers - Flickr Commons George Eastman House - 0 views

    "The photography collection at George Eastman House holds approx. 400 James Jowers prints. The majority of the images were shot in New York City in the 1960s and early 1970s, an important and interesting time in US history. The photographs are of the New York City street photography genre. There are some remarkable images in this collection, including portraits of New Yorkers in various settings and anti-war protests in Central Park and elsewhere. There are also approximately 25 photographs of New Orleans in the 1970s. "
Moultrie Creek

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Virginia Company of London, 1606-1624, by Wesley Fra... - 0 views

    This is the story of the Virginia Company and only indirectly of the Virginia colony. Those who seek an account of the early years at Jamestown should turn to another number in this same series. Here the focus belongs to the adventurers in England whose hopes gave shape to the settlement at Jamestown, and whose determination brought the colony through the many disappointments of its first years. In terms of time, the story is short, for it begins with the granting of the first Virginia charter in 1606 and ends with the dissolution of the company in 1624. It thus covers a period of only eighteen years, but during these years England's interest in North America was so largely expressed through the agency of the Virginia Company that its story constitutes one of the more significant chapters in the history both of the United States and of the British Empire.
Nolichucky Roots

VA Road Orders - 0 views

    VA Dept of Transportation reports including Early County Road Orders. Search by "road orders".
Moultrie Creek

Sydney Observatory - Flickr Commons Powerhouse Museum - 0 views

    Photos of Sydney Observatory on Observatory Hill, The Rocks, from the late 19th and early 20th century taken from the Powerhouse Museum's Tyrrell Collection.
Moultrie Creek

Tyrrell Collection - a set on Flickr - 0 views

    The Tyrrell Collection consists of 7903 glass plate negatives from the studios of Charles Kerry (1857-1928) and Henry King (1855-1923) who had two of Sydney's principal photographic studios in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The collection - an important record of city and country life - was bought by James R. Tyrrell in 1929 and sold in 1980 to Australian Consolidated Press who donated it to the Powerhouse Museum in 1985.
Moultrie Creek

Brown Collection - Flickr Commons Florida Memory - 0 views

    This series consists of photographic negatives taken by the Brown family of Eastpoint, Florida, circa 1898 to 1912. The photographs depict members of the Brown family and other early settlers of Eastpoint; scenery and buildings of Eastpoint, Apalachicola, and St. George Island; ships and boats in the Apalachee and Apalachicola Bays; local schools; and farm workers.
Craig Manson

LOUISiana Digital Library : WPA Collection - 0 views

    From 1935-1943, the WPA built many public buildings and roads. Almost every American community has a park, bridge or facility constructed by the WPA. The program promoted literacy training, health and education improvement projects as well as programs for art and music. This collection provides over 5,000 photographs documenting these activities in Louisiana. The Louisiana Writers Project compiled collections of folklore, legends, recipes, local history and interviewed local citizens and former slaves. Transcriptions of newspapers dating to 1815 provide insights into the culture and history of Louisiana. The WPA Collection was placed in the custody of the State Library when the WPA ended early in 1943. It has since remained, more or less in storage, and in large degree inaccessible. Now available to the public, this digitized material provides a unique look into the history and culture of Louisiana.
Moultrie Creek

1812 History Home - 4 views

    "On 18 June 1812, President James Madison of the United States signed a Declaration of War against Great Britain. In response to the American's early attacks, Major General Isaac Brock proclaimed, "Every Canadian freeholder is, by deliberate choice, bound by the most solemn oaths to defend the monarchy as well as his own property. To shrink from that engagement is a treason not to be forgiven." The lines were drawn. From 1812 to 1815, the inhabitants of what was to become Canada fought side by side with the British forces and their First Nation allies to defend their lands against the Americans. The battles were waged on land and sea on both sides of the border. The impact of the War was felt by all. This website is dedicated to make the surviving records and artefacts from this time period available to everyone. There is much to discover about the War of 1812 era."
Moultrie Creek

Internet Archive: Emory University Libraries - 1 views

    Includes a collection of Atlanta City Directories from early 20th century.
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