What are the major questions concerning the Darness in El Dorado controversy? - 72 views
#22 Michael Savery on 07 Feb 13I think the whole point of the article was to not only bring attention to Chagnon and Neel's flawed vaccination program but bring to light potential atrocities that other anthropologists have committed against tribes or native people across the world. While anthropology as a study is important to understand lesser known populations, all too often the native people are taken advantage of in order to shape them into what the First World feels they should be. the blame on what happened to the Yanomami people should not be placed on their tribe or community, just as the blame for the devastation of communities in the Amazon or Africa cannot be placed on those peoples. These people were told their lives would be bettered by the intrusion of Westerners and unfortunately their trust in two people failed them.