What are the major questions concerning the Darkness in El Dorado controversy? - 63 views
#16 Kelsey P on 06 Feb 13The major issue that I saw in this controversy was the overall blatant disregard for the well-being of the Yanomami. Neel, for one, used the Yanomami people as test subjects essentially and did not give much reason as to why he did administered this vaccine into the people. The Yanomami were most likely not fully aware that they were being taken advantage of and so this injustice unfortunately occurred. Chagnon went along with it and also gave very vivid but incorrect accounts about his experiences there. Chagnon was able to do this most likely because the exploration of remote places was practically unheard of at that time, or at the very least, unlikely because of transportation and funding issues. Since other anthropologists could not easily access the Yanomami people, they had to believe what information Chagnon and Neel provided to the rest of the scientific community. The Yanomami were clearly not respected or protected from these injustices and many more that occured during Chagnon and Neel's visits.