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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Bryan Moses


Change For Life - The Straightforward Technique To Stop Drinking - 0 views

started by Bryan Moses on 07 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
  • Bryan Moses
    In my opinion the easiest method to stop drinking alcohol is on your own, it'll be hard at times but you will come out as a more robust and a lot more empowered person. You won't need a "higher power" all you need is yourself and a dedication not to drink. I bet you don't realize how capable and strong you truly are, I did not at that time, but I sure do now! Anyhow follow these steps to stop drinking alcohol...

    Identify the reasons why you need to stop drinking alcohol and set a date for quitting. Talk to your friends and family about your intention to stop and ask them to be considerate in the beginning and to not drink around you. Endeavor to not drink for 1 month, I read somewhere that it takes 30 days to beat a habit. The toughest thing we have to face in our lives is change and it is tough to change learned behavior, but it may be done. Good new behavior will also become a habit and it doesn't take too long before you're comfortable to be around alcohol without being annoyed by it.

    Accept that alcoholism is a learned behavior and a "CHOICE". The alcohol dependency disease model is flawed, a disease implies something we have little if any control over. Every time you reach for the bottle, you're making the decision to do so. You can take steps towards quitting drinking today, but I bet that is a little scary is it not? The main problem is a part of you, truly doesn't want to quit and I would not be astonished if you felt a sense of panic at the very thought. You really have to want to stop to succeed, or else you are wasting your time. Are you prepared to stop drinking?

    Here are 5 give up drinking tips that aided me to stop drinking alcohol:

    Analyze your drinking habits and discover what triggers your drinking and what you can do to stop doing so. Maybe you have to check out the company that you keep or the places you frequent.

    Make a list of all the reasons why you want to stop drinking alcohol, list all of the issues and negative consequences of your drinking. The justifications, the fights, the lost jobs etc.

    Make a scheduled visit to see your Physician to evaluate the seriousness of your addiction and to find out what medication is available to help you through withdrawal. Be completely honest with your Physician about the amount that you drink and take your list you made before with you, so that you don't forget anything. I was scared to learn that I was drinking over 10 times the safe drinking limit.

    I was a serious alcoholic but was able to withdraw at home without hospitalization, but I needed medication to see me throughout the withdrawal process. I was given a one week course of diazepam and this was a great aid. The Doctor might also recommend pills too like Antabuse which makes you feel sick if you drink. I think drugs of this type will just keep you sober whilst you're on them, I do not believe they are a long term solution.

    stop drinking guide, change for life, change for life
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