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Sharanda Payseur

Math in the News - 0 views

    These PowerPoint presentations are our archive of our "Math in the News" current events weekly series. These are downloadable PowerPoint presentations. Simply right-click on the underlined text below to download the PowerPoint presentation. Math in the News: 11/14/11. In this issue, we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty.
Leslie Noggle

anderson and krathwohl - beyond bloom - 0 views

    A comparison of the old and new Blooms Taxonomy.
Kyle Wood

Newseum | Today's Front Pages - 0 views

    Newspapers from around the country daily. What is news in other places? What are the different points of view?
Kyle Wood

Tequipment's Downloads - 0 views

    Add cool new tools to smartnotebook
Audra Robertson

K-12 State Testing Resources (2008-2009) - 0 views

    Released testing from New York, Florida, Massachusetts, and many more states.
David Shearer

Schools as Collaborative Learning Communities - 0 views

    The focus of the collaborative learning community is learning - learning where students are actively demonstrating their understanding, rather than students passing written tests as the sole sign of knowing. Learning, that is based on conceptual understanding and the ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of contexts, is a primary goal within a collaborative learning community. It is a new way of thinking for most educators (and the public) to know that all students can and will learn, that learning needs to be demonstrated, that it is important to learn not only facts, but also conceptual relationships of ideas and the processes and positive attitudes of learning. There is much talk about thinking and problem-solving skills, multiple intelligences, learning styles and fostering creativity; yet, implementation of these ideas are often relegated to separate programs. They have not yet been embedded in each and everything that is taught. Putting the focus on student learning, rather than teacher telling or "covering the content", means (1) students take responsibility for their own learning, (2) learning experiences are geared to students' interests and needs, (3) students are actively engaged in learning in a variety of groups and contexts, and (4) learning is understood, applied and internalized.
Leslie Noggle

Web 2.0 Guru » Resourses - 0 views

    This wiki has a looooong list of Web 2.0 resources. Try some new ones out in your spare time!
Leslie Noggle

Voicethread 4 Education » home - 0 views

    For those of you on the fence with VoiceThread, or just looking for new ideas, this is a great collection of VoiceThread tutorials, examples, and ideas. Categorized by grade level.
jason mammano : Where Teachers Meet and Learn - 0 views

    News, network and resources for teachers. may appeal to some.
jason mammano

Legistalker - 0 views

    Legistalker combs a variety of news, social networking, and government sites to pool information about members of the U.S. Congress. Searching for a Senator or Representative will return mentions of that individual in the media
Sharanda Payseur

Speech Room News: angry birds - 1 views

    Using Angry Birds for Speech & Language activities
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