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Ihering Alcoforado

PetróleoETC - Sua nova fonte de notícias na web - 0 views

    Schahin obtém crédito de US$ 700 mi para navio-sonda de perfuração Apesar do momento conturbado no mercado de crédito, o grupo Schahin conseguiu equacionar o financiamento da construção de um navio-sonda de perfuração que deverá ser usado pela Petrobras na exploração de petróleo no pré-sal. Após um período de quatro meses desde a estruturação até a aprovação do crédito, a empresa conseguiu um empréstimo sindicalizado de US$ 700 milhões, ou 80% dos US$ 870 milhões investidos na plataforma, construída na Coreia do Sul pelo braço de indústria pesada da Samsung. Fernando Schahin, diretor financeiro do grupo paulista, destaca o sucesso da captação apesar do ambiente desafiador no mercado financeiro, marcado pela tensão dos agentes com os desdobramentos da crise da dívida na Europa e seu risco de contágio em economias emergentes como o Brasil. Entre os bancos que participaram da operação de empréstimo estão europeus como o britânico Standard Chartered Bank e o alemão WestLB, além do braço financeiro da alemã Siemens. Também participaram da operação os japoneses Mizuho e Mitsubishi, junto com as agências de fomento às exportações Korea Eximbank e o canadense Export Development Canada (EDC). O empréstimo foi aprovado há dois meses. Navio será usado pela Petrobras no pré-sal e foi construído pela Samsung, na Coreia do Sul, por US$ 870 milhões. O navio já está em navegação e deve chegar ao Brasil até o fim de janeiro. Terá capacidade máxima de perfuração de 11,4 mil metros em lâmina d'água máxima de 3 mil metros. O equipamento será afretado para a Petrobras por um prazo não divulgado pela Schahin. Com uma atuação diversificada nos setores de engenharia, desenvolvimento imobiliário, telecomunicações e energia, o crescimento do grupo Schahin no segmento de petróleo e gás está colado aos novos projetos da Petrobras no pré-sal. A expectativa do grupo é alcançar uma re
Ihering Alcoforado

World Bank Natural Gas in Developing Countries - 0 views

    Natural Gas in Developing Countries Author: Homer, John Add to Marked List Share: This paper promotes the cause of natural gas in the developing countries in the firm belief that their own natural gas resources offer significant opportunities for sustainable economic growth. The paper describes the size of the natural gas resource in the developing countries, gives a broad indication of its costs, and outlines its main environmental benefits as an alternative fuel. It discusses the opportunities presented by new (and old) technology for using natural gas in an efficient way to reduce air pollution and relates that to recent developments in international concerns over the world's environment. The paper gives a perspective on the extent of flaring of natural gas in the petroleum industry and on the amount of emissions of the greenhouse gases of methane and carbon dioxide during production and use. It establishes a data source for many of the parameters necessary to derive both a country and a global perspective of the opportunities for natural gas. The paper moves on to explore how the environmental benefits of natural gas can be valued with the aim of bringing that evaluation into decision processes on energy investment. It attempts to move more towards evaluating those benefits in a quantitative way and, where possible, describing them in economic terms. It examines three country case studies, and describes the way in which the respective governments approached the problems of severe air pollution and ascribe a high economic value to natural gas.
Ihering Alcoforado

Economia da energia: fundamentos ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    Economia da energia: fundamentos econômicos, evolução histórica e organização industrial EDMAR FAGUNDES DE ALMEIDA, HELDER QUEIROZ PINTO JUNIOR, JOSE VITOR BOMTEMPO 0 Resenhas Elsevier, 2007 - 343 páginas A economia da energia é, por definição, um ramo de economia aplicada que busca conjugar a análise econômica com a dimensão técnica e a dimensão político-institucional da energia. Este livro pretende proporcionar ao leitor os instrumentos necessários à compreensão dessas dimensões, bem como o entendimento das relações geopolíticas e dos objetivos de política energética de diferentes países.
Ihering Alcoforado

Right of Way Easements - 0 views

    RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS WHAT ARE "RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS"? The term "right-of-way" is often used interchangeably with "easement". But more specifically, the term refers to a right granted after an easement agreement has been negotiated or taken through condemnation proceedings. A right of way is a legal right of another party to use your property for a specific purpose. The specific purposes are agreed upon beforehand during an easement negotiation. The right of way easement agreement terms and rights vary greatly, but in most cases the agreement would allow a company to enter or cross your property in order to install, inspect, operate and maintain equipment located on or crossing through your property. Most rights-of-way are considered to extend along, across, below and above the easement. WHAT TYPES OF EASEMENTS CAN YOUR COMPANY ASSIST ME IN NEGOTIATING? The most common right of way request involves the placement of power transmission or power distribution lines. Accordingly, most easements involve a negotiation with an electric or power company. However, there are other types of private and public companies that may need access across your land. Depending on the situation, we may be able to assist you with easement negotiations involving pipelines, gas lines, fiber optics communication easements, and other right of way easement requests. The negotiation process during these other types of easement agreements is similar to what happens during power line negotiations; there will be a survey request, easement negotiation, and a possibility of condemnation. Please see our other articles for a more detailed description of the right-of-way procurement process. Below are a few common types of lines requiring an easement agreement: Pipeline Right of Ways: Companies use pipelines to carry various refined petroleum products. For safety reasons, pipelines are preferred over vehicular transportation on highways and railways. Gas Line Right of Ways: Natural gas companies re
Ihering Alcoforado

SpringerLink - Abstract - 0 views

    In this paper, we provide an overview of the natural gas value chain, modeling aspects and special properties that provide challenges when doing economic analysis. We present a simple value chain optimization model and discuss important properties of this model.
Ihering Alcoforado

Socializing Risk: The New Energy Economics « Real-World Economics Review Blog - 0 views

    Socializing Risk: The New Energy Economics May 27, 2010frankackermanLeave a commentGo to comments from Frank Ackerman Despite talk of a moratorium, the Interior Department's Minerals and Management Service is still granting waivers from environmental review for oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, including wells in very deep water. Until last month, most of us never thought about the risk that one of those huge offshore rigs would explode in flames and then sink, causing oil to gush out uncontrollably and befoul the oceans. The odds seemed low, and still do: Aren't there lots of drilling rigs in use, year after year? Twenty years ago, your elected representatives thought that you'd be happy to have them adopt a very low cap on industry's liability for oil spill damages.  Nuclear power was never quite free of fears; it was too clearly a spin-off of nuclear weapons to ignore the risk of a very big bang. Yet as its advocates point out, we have had hundreds of reactor-years of experience, with only a few accidents. (And someday when Nevada's politicians aren't looking, maybe we can slip all of our nuclear waste into a cave in the desert.) Again, the risks are so low that you'd be happy to learn about a law limiting industry's liability for accidents, wouldn't you?  Environmentalists have long warned that the world could run out of energy and resources, from the "limits to growth" theories of the 1970s to the more recently popular notion of "peak oil." The response from economists has been that prices for energy and raw materials are still moderate, and declined over the course of the 20th century; if we are running out of something, why doesn't its price skyrocket? The problem is that what we're running out of is low-risk conventional energy supplies. Because our economy conceals and socializes energy risks, prices remain deceptively low for an increasingly risky energy supply. The market wasn't supposed to work this way. In the
Ihering Alcoforado

A Tool for Creating Market Scenarios for Evaluation of investment in energy intensive ... - 0 views

    The energy intensive industry can be a major contributor to CO2 emissions reduction, provided that appropriate investments are made. To assess profitability and net CO2 emissions reduction potential of such investments, predictions about future energy market conditions are needed. Energy market scenarios can be used to reflect different possible future energy market conditions. This paper presents a tool for creating consistent energy market scenarios adapted for evaluation of energy related investments in energy intensive industrial processes. Required user inputs include fossil fuel prices and costs associated with policy instruments, and the outputs are energy market prices and CO2 consequences of import/export of different energy streams (e.g. electric power and biomass fuel) from an industrial process site. The paper also presents four energy market scenarios for the medium-term future (i.e. around 2020) created using the tool. Article Outline Nomenclature 1. Introduction 2. Future energy market price mechanisms 2.1. Overview 2.2. Policy instruments 2.2.1. CO2 charge 2.2.2. Green power certificates 2.2.3. Green transportation fuel certificates 2.3. Fossil fuel market 2.3.1. Fuel oil 2.3.2. Natural gas and coal 2.3.3. CO2 emissions charge 2.4. Electricity market 2.5. Biofuel market 3. Four scenarios for around year 2020 3.1. Inputs to the tool 3.2. Energy market scenarios for 2020 4. Discussion 5. Conclusions Acknowledgements References
Ihering Alcoforado

Energy, Environmental and Economic Comparison of Different Power - 0 views

    We provide the description, mathematical formulation and illustrative results of the World Gas Model, a multi-period complementarity model for the global natural gas market with explicit consideration of market power in the upstream market. Market players include producers, traders, pipeline and storage operators, LNG (liquefied natural gas) liquefiers and regasifiers as well as marketers. The model data set contains more than 80 countries and regions and covers 98% of world wide natural gas production and consumption. We also include a detailed representation of cross-border natural gas pipelines and constraints imposed by long-term contracts in the LNG market. The model is calibrated to match production and consumption projections from the PRIMES [EC. European energy and transport: trends to 2030-update 2007. Brussels: European Commission; 2008] and POLES models [EC. World energy technology outlook - 2050 (WETO-H2). Brussels: European Commission; 2006] up to 2030. The results of our numerical simulations illustrate how the supply shares of pipeline and LNG in various regions in the world develop very differently over time. LNG will continue to play a major role in the Asian market, also for new importers like China and India. Europe will expand its pipeline import capacities benefiting from its relative proximity to major gas suppliers. Article Outline 1. Introduction 1.1. Mixed complementarity problems 2. Model formulation 2.1. The world gas model 2.2. Mathematical formulation of the world gas model 2.2.1. Natural gas producers' problem 2.2.2. Production input data and supply cost function 2.2.3. Traders' problem 2.2.4. Liquefaction 2.2.5. Regasification 2.2.6. Storage 2.2.7. Pipeline operator 2.2.8. Transmission system operator problem 2.2.9. Marketer, distribution and consumption sectors 3. Data set 4. Base case results 5. Summary and conclusions Acknowledgements Appendix A. Notation Appendix B. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions B.1. KKT conditions for the
Ihering Alcoforado

ScienceDirect - Energy : A framework for environmental impact assessment of long-distan... - 0 views

    A simple framework for environmental life-cycle assessment (LCA) based on physical measures is presented and applied to the comparison of long-distance energy transport systems, including high-voltage alternating and direct current transmission lines, pipelines for gas and oil, inland waterway, road and rail transportation. Quantitative indicators for fossil-energy consumption, air-emission impacts, land use, audible noise impacts, and visual impacts are developed. These can be used in the context of existing planning or decision making instruments, such as integrated resource planning, technology assessment, LCA, regional planning, line and power plant siting. To reduce all information to a single indicator, the concept of the equivalent impacted area is introduced for land use, audible noise and visual impacts. It is shown that pipelines are the environmentally most favourable option in the case of oil and gas transport. In the case of coal transport, early conversion to electricity and transmission by high-voltage lines can lead to significant impact reductions compared to coal transport with barges and trains. For long transport distances, high-voltage direct current lines yield particularly good results.
Ihering Alcoforado

Maritime Economic Logistics - Abstract of article: Transformations in gas shipping: Mar... - 0 views

    This article aims to improve understanding of the gas shipping markets which, contrary to the main merchant markets - namely the dry, the tanker and the container markets - have not been subject to the same scrutiny. We examine the fundamentals and segment these versatile markets in which expanding gas production and the drive towards liberalization are affecting market conditions. The analysis shows that the industrial LNG, LPG, ammonia and petrochemical markets are slowly transforming to a competitive setting with an increasing number of private buyers and sellers rendering the market more efficient. The gas asset markets are still too small in size and illiquid so that entry and exit through the second-hand market remains difficult.
Ihering Alcoforado

Energy Economics - Elsevier - 0 views

    This journal provides a serious forum for research papers concerned with the economic and econometric modelling and analysis of energy systems and issues. Contributions to this theme can arise from a number of disciplines, including economic theory, financial economics, regulatory economics, computational
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