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Gistia Labs

Learn Ruby on Rails Programming Language in Miami - 0 views

    Learning & creating an app on ruby on rails with Gistia Labs. We can help you to given ruby programming with training & you get job easily.

Free Norton Antivirus 2017 - Software Review with crack - 0 views

    Free Norton Antivirus 2017 is a antivirus software for your computer. Norton Security Standard, Deluxe, and Premium Security solutions for your computers, Macs, tablets and smart phones such that (Microsoft, Windows, Mac OS X, Androidâ„¢ and iOS) etc. A replacement for Norton 360 , Norton Antivirus and Norton Internet Security.
John Randall

Git Workflows and Tutorials | Atlassian - 0 views

    "The Feature Branch Workflow builds on the Centralized Workflow by encapsulating new features into dedicated branches. This enables the use of pull requests as a means to discuss changes before they're integrated into the official project. "
John Randall

A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript | MDN - 0 views

  • The second argument to apply() is the array to use as arguments; the first will be discussed later on. This emphasizes the fact that functions are objects too.
John Randall

Getting Started with JavaScript for Automation on Yosemite - MacStories - 0 views

  • StandardAdditions is a special library of methods that can interact with Mac OS X at a system level.
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