"Fizz is an intriguing early manifestation of capabilities never seen before on the web. It provides the ability for us to control, aggregate, share and play with our own data streams, and bring together the bits and pieces of our digital selves scattered about the web."
Flattr solves this issue. When you're registered to flattr, you pay a small monthly fee. You set the amount yourself. At the end of the month, that fee is divided between all the things you flattered. You're always logged in to the account. That means that giving someone some flattr-love is just a button away. And you should! Clicking one more button doesn't add to your fee, it just divides the fee between more people! Flattr tries to encourage people to share. Not only pieces of content, but also some money to support the people who created them. With love!
Flattr has no different user types. We know that everybody that create also uses other content. And vice versa. In order to have a button on your page, you need to have an active account as well, where you share your monthly fee as everybody else. We make no difference between people.
I’ve been online on some network or other since I was 14, usually as Iphigenie. It’s almost my middle name now. I am also know as Zenaide, Azzurre, Superiphi and Ifigenia when Iphigenie is already taken or doesnt match the context.
I’m a web witch turned bossy exec…