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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Linux Foundation Security Checklist: Have It Your Way | Community | LinuxInsider - 0 views

    "Sysadmins should use the LF security checklist as a resource, said its creator, Konstantin Ryabitsev. "They can evaluate it, adapt it, hack on it until it fits their purpose, and hopefully contribute back...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

List Of Tools To Monitor The Health Of Your Linux System | Unixmen - 1 views

    "Introduction Achieving good performance from a computer or network is an important part of system administration.The monitoring and maintenance of the system is the most important task listed in the checklists for daily tasks of a system and network administrator. There are many commands line utilities created for this purpose."
    "Introduction Achieving good performance from a computer or network is an important part of system administration.The monitoring and maintenance of the system is the most important task listed in the checklists for daily tasks of a system and network administrator. There are many commands line utilities created for this purpose."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Linux workstation security checklist | lfit/itpol @ GitHub - 0 views

    "This is a set of recommendations used by the Linux Foundation for their systems administrators. All of LF employees are remote workers and we use this set of guidelines to ensure that a sysadmin's system passes core security requirements in order to reduce the risk of it becoming an attack vector against the rest of our infrastructure"
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