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Oscar Sandoval Torres

A Hands-On Approach to Teaching with LEGO MINDSTORMS and Simulink - 1 views

    Matlab and Simulink webinar
Oscar Sandoval Torres

1.6/install - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • . /usr/share/gazebo/
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      This command could take some time
  • gazebo
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Instead of running gazebo as a client and server cold be better to use gzserver alone because the first time you run gazebo takes a long time to start the master because the server is downloading the models.
  • gazebo
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • gazebo
Oscar Sandoval Torres

ROS/Tutorials/CreatingMsgAndSrv - ROS Wiki - 0 views

  • Add the message_generation dependency to the find package call which already exists in your CMakeLists.txt so that you can generate messages. You can do this by simply adding message_generation to the list of COMPONENTS such that it looks like this:
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Este es un paso que muchos no están haciendo, y después tienen errores en la ejecución del siguiente tutorial.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.5/plugins/model manipulation plugin - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • ModelPtr
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      This is different from the WorldPlugin.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.5/plugins/overview - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • gzserver ../
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Al ejecutar este comando tuve algunos errores, primero no encontraba el archivo SDF, eso ocurría por la falta de llamar al de gazebo. Una vez corregido eso me topé con este error: Error [Plugin.hh:126] Failed to load plugin cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory No tengo tiempo de revisarlo ahora, pero pondré la solución en cuanto la tenga.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      El último error descrito ocurre por ejecutar el comando en una terminal en la que no se ha exportado la variable GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH, una vez exportada la variable todo funciona según lo esperado.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.9/Installing gazebo ros Packages - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • Remove ROS's Old Version of Gazebo If you have previously installed ROS's version of Gazebo through the ROS debians, remove them now by running either of these: sudo apt-get remove ros-fuerte-simulator-gazebo sudo apt-get remove ros-groovy-simulator-gazebo
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Estas instrucciones son nuevas, en la versión 1.8 de estas instrucciones no se indicaba nada sobre la desinstalación.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Esta es otra de las instrucciones nuevas en esta versión de la wiki, la instalación debe hacerse compilando el código, al menos hasta que Gazebo 1.9 sea liberado (se espera se libere en verano de 2013)
  • rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Estas instrucciones tendrían el mismo problema descrito en las notas a la wiki 1.8 con el mismo nombre, sin embargo en la versión 1.9 se menciona que se debe compilar desde el código, y bajo esas condiciones seguramente sí funcionaría.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.8/gazebo ros install - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      This line does not work. The script called with this call have many issues. The first is a call to a unavailable script in /usr/local/share/gazebo/, it does not work because there is no file there. The setup file in my installation points to /usr/share/gazebo/
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      I have tried to fix the problem with the "correct" environment variable, but after searching I found that there is no environment variable of the installation folder available
  • rosrun gazebo_ros gzserver 
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      The same problem described before, they search for a setup script in the wrong location.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Gazebo User Guide: Graphical User Interface - 0 views

  • Setting the update rate to be one over the time step will force Gazebo to run no faster than real-time.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Me llama la atención que mencionen que el "update rate" establecido a 1 haga que la simulación no vaya más rápido que el tiempo real. Yo entendería que update rate se refiere a cada cuánto se actualiza el modelo, no la velocidad de ejecución. Tal vez estoy mal interpretando la frase en el tip.
  • Move to, Delete, Control Joints. The first moves the view to be directly in front of that model. The second option deletes the model, and the third provides information on joint control.
  • These parameters appear in the bottom half of the Tree when an item is selected.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Las propiedades podrán ser modificadas hasta la versión 2.0 de Gazebo, por ahora sólo es un elemento de despliegue de la información
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Users can start, pause and step through the simulation with the clock, located at the bottom of the World View.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Hay que notar que el reloj del cliente no controla lo que el cliente despliega, más bien controla el servidor que ejecuta el "physics engine".
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.5/build robot/mobile base - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • SDF 1.3 reference.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Ya que la versión más nueva de SDF es la 1.4 y es la usada por la versión más nueva de Gazebo, creo que sería apropiado que el tutorial se basara en SDF 1.4
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.5/gazebo components - Gazebo Wiki - 1 views

    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      SDF = Simulation Description Format
  • A bash script is installed with Gazebo that will set these environment variables to defaults that will work in most cases:
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      As mentioned in other note, I think  is preferable to source the script of the specific version, instead of this .sh that searches all the available setup scripts and sources the newest.
  • parses a world description file given on the command line, and then simulates the world using a physics and sensor engine.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The <world_filename> can be
  • relative to a path component in GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH
  • The graphical client connects to a running gzserver and visualizes the elements. This is also a tool which allows you to modify the running simulation.
  • Plugins can either be loaded on the command line, or specified in a world/model file
  • Plugins specified on the command line are loaded first, then plugins specified in the world/model files are loaded.
  • plugin_filename
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      It could be informative to mention which are the most common plugins, instead of visiting the plugins page.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

Tutorials/1.5/tutorials quickstart - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • gzserver
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      First time you execute gzserver, it could get the models from internet, and it could take some time.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Cuando ejecuté por primera vez el servidor de gazebo comenzó a descargar los modelos y nunca me avisó de que había terminado. No sé si debía esperar más o es un error común en el software, por favor retroalimenten qué les pasó a ustedes.
  • you can launch the client and the server with a single command:
Oscar Sandoval Torres

1.5/install - Gazebo Wiki - 0 views

  • sudo sh -c 'echo "deb precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Already done if you have previously installed ROS through aptitude (apt)
  • The pre-compiled binaries install in /usr/bin/gazebo. By default, source installation will be performed in /usr/local/bin/gazebo. If you install the pre-compiled binaries on a system that has gazebo installed in /usr/local/bin, YOU MUST REMOVE gazebo from /usr/local (otherwise the os will try to load dynamic libs from your source install into your pre-compiled gazebo). It is a good idea to consider using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to install your compiled version in a different directory than /usr/local.
  • . /usr/share/gazebo/
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      First time you execute this script it could take some time. If you add the script to your .bashrc file, the first time you open a terminal it could take some time to start.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • echo "source /usr/share/gazebo/" >> ~/.bashrc
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Instead of adding the setup script included with gazebo to the .bashrc, I think is preferable to find the setup file of the specific version (in my case /usr/share/gazebo-1.8/ and source that file in the .bashrc
Oscar Sandoval Torres

turtlebot_simulator/Tutorials/Building a Map in TurtleBot Simulator - ROS Wiki - 2 views

  • <!--- Run gmapping --> <include file="$(find turtlebot_navigation)/config/gmapping_turtlebot.launch" /> <!--- Run Move Base --> <include file="$(find turtlebot_navigation)/config/move_base_turtlebot.launch" />
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Esto no funciona, el paquiete turtlesim_navigation no existe en Fuerte o Groovy.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Al comentar estas líneas el programa se ejecuta, pero se queda en un bucle infinito.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Después de instalar ros-fuerte-turtlebot-apps el problema se resuelve, pero aparece otro, un ciclo infinito con el mensaje: Warning [] ranges not constructed yet (zero sized)
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      In ROS Answers we can get some help about this issue: I'm just testing if it works with this modifications
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      After testing all the recommended steps, and checked that the patch mentioned in some of the forums are applied. I don't know which solution can I apply.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

diamondback/Installation/Ubuntu/Source - ROS Wiki - 0 views

    Provide instructions to install diamondBack ROS distribution.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

ROS/Tutorials/Recording and playing back data - ROS Wiki - 0 views

    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      The output of the command is really different, at least in groovy.
  • If rosbag play publishes messages immediately upon advertising, subscribers may not receive the first several published messages. The waiting period can be specified with the -d option.
  • You can have rosbag play not start at the beginning of the bag file but instead start some duration past the beginning using the -s argument.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • file named
  • O argument
  • rosbag is limited in its ability to exactly duplicate the behavior of a running system in terms of when messages are recorded and processed by rosrecord, and when messages are produced and processed when using rosplay
  • timing
Oscar Sandoval Torres

roscpp_tutorials/Tutorials/AccessingPrivateNamesWithNodeHandle - ROS Wiki - 0 views

  • conundrum
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      conundrum = adivinanza
Oscar Sandoval Torres

roscpp_tutorials/Tutorials/Parameters - ROS Wiki - 0 views

    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Sería interesante probar si al dar un parámetro inexistente devuelve un falso o crea el parámetro como lo hace el getParam usado desde línea de comandos.
  • Sometimes
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      ¿Algunas veces? ... ¡¿Cuándo es necesario?!
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      I guess param is more close to the getParameter command, because in case it can not be retrieved, it is created.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

roscpp_tutorials/Tutorials/WritingServiceClient - ROS Wiki - 0 views

  • This will create two executables, "add_two_ints_server" and "add_two_ints_client", which by default will go into the package directory under the devel space.
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      This text is duplicated. I don't know how to change autogenerated documents like this.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber(c++) - ROS Wiki - 1 views

    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Aquí agregan algunos elementos que no eran parte de el tutorial anterior donde se modificaba el archivo CMakeLists.txt
  • genmsg
  • add_dependencies(talker beginner_tutorials_gencpp)
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Agregan una línea para agregar dependencias sobre los archivos compilados, pero hasta mas adelante mas o menos explican por qué agregan esas líneas.
  • ...10 more annotations...
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Aquí vuelven a eliminar los elementos DIRECTORY dentro de add_message_files y add_service_files.
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
  • genmsg
    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      Aquí cambiaron de generate_message a genmsg, supongo que son equivalentes.
Oscar Sandoval Torres

ROS/Tutorials/UnderstandingServicesParams - ROS Wiki - 0 views

    • Oscar Sandoval Torres
      If `rosparam set` is called with an unexisting parameter it creates that parameter, so be careful when writing a parameter if you expect to get the desired function.
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