Cliff Owens
Musician 4-Life , Father of 6, Married, My first piece of music equipment was the boss Sp 202 by roland, drum machine/ sampler, Had so much fun with it. Over many years I have worked with a lot of local talent around where i'm from, making beats and recording their songs for them. I have a good ...
member since 2012-08-13
member since 2022-05-14
member since 2012-11-09
Kevin Dikes
Unsigned writer/ recording artists from south bend indiana. Discuss, research and share information with me I can always use new info and ideas and can be of some help myself.
member since 2012-11-11
member since 2012-11-06
member since 2012-11-11
member since 2012-11-07
member since 2012-10-15
member since 2012-10-12
member since 2012-10-15
member since 2012-10-14
member since 2012-10-10
member since 2012-10-14
member since 2012-10-14
member since 2012-10-14
member since 2012-10-15
Reginald Joseph
I am a husband and a father who aspires to make a difference in the world with my music through entertainment.
member since 2012-12-06
member since 2012-12-05
member since 2022-05-14
member since 2017-05-02
Group Members
65 members total, 4 receiving alerts immediately, 48 receiving alerts daily, and 8 receiving alerts weekly.