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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Conrad Ferdinand

Conrad Ferdinand

Loyset Compère: Je suis amie du fourrier - 3 views

    "Loyset Compère (c. 1445 - 16 August 1518) was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance. Of the same generation as Josquin des Prez, he was one of the most significant composers of motets and chansons of that era, and one of the first musicians to bring the light Italianate Renaissance style to France."
Conrad Ferdinand

Beinecke Library: Franceso Petrarca - Petrarch - 2 views

    "Francesco Petrarca was born on July 20, 1304. Commemorations of the 700th anniversary of his birth are taking place this year (2004), primarily in Italy but also around the world and in the United States. At Yale University, the celebration includes an international conference on Petrarch, September 23 - 25, and an exhibition at the Beinecke Library, as well as this web exhibition. The Beinecke Library is the leading institution in the United States in collecting Petrarch manuscripts (codices or fragments that contain works by or about Francesco Petrarca), from popular copies of the Canzoniere and Trionfi to the lesser-known De remediis utruisque fortune and Nota de Laura, as well as the memoirs and drawings of the English clergyman and literary editor John Mitford (1781-1859). "
Conrad Ferdinand

The Alamire Foundation, International Centre for the Study of Music in the Low Countries - 2 views

    "Aside from information about the history, the objectives and the workings of our organisation, this site offers a comprehensive overview of the research projects and activities carried out since the start of the Alamire Foundation in 1991. Short summaries and practical information concerning the scientific publications are provided. If you want to stay informed of our oncoming activities, please take a look at the calendar."
Conrad Ferdinand

Ein Augsburger Meister der Renaissance |... - 1 views

    • Conrad Ferdinand
      Dieses Infojournal ist ausgezeichnet, insbesondere was die aktuellen Nachrichten, die Ankündigung und die Dokumentation von Ausstellungen angeht. Das Layout der Seiten ist sehr ansprechend, oft sind sie sogar sorgfältiger und ansprechender gestaltet als die ursprüngliche Ankündigung selbst. Man kann diesem Projekt auch weiterhin nur das Beste und alle Unterstützung wünschen!
Conrad Ferdinand

Vergesst Aeneas nicht! ( NZZ Online) - 2 views

    "Vergesst Aeneas nicht! Enea Silvio Piccolomini - Humanist, Poet, Gelehrter, Diplomat und Papst. Vor 600 Jahren wurde Enea Silvio Piccolomini geboren, der als Papst Pius II. in die Kirchengeschichte eingegangen ist, mit seinem literarischen Werk und seinen biografischen und historischen Schriften aber wohl mehr in die Waagschale gelegt hat."
Conrad Ferdinand

Hans Holbein the Younger - 2 views

    "Hans Holbein the Younger. German painter (b. 1497, Augsburg, d. 1543, London)"
Conrad Ferdinand

Index of Renaissance Maps - 2 views

    "Slides / Photo Cds Illustrating Maps from the Renaissance Period 1500-1700."
Conrad Ferdinand

NY Times: A Giant's Roaring, Faintly Echoed - 4 views

    "But it is now the quadricentennial of Milton's birth in 1608, and it is startling that this work, once central to the literary and religious experience of the English-speaking world, is so much a curiosity, sentenced to the margins by its preoccupations with biblical interpretation, condemned by the density of its prosody, which does not instantly seduce but, instead, commands the reader to give way before it, persisting until no resistance is possible. So perhaps the most we can expect is the library's modest, one-room exhibition "John Milton at 400: A Life Beyond Life."
Conrad Ferdinand

Selfportrait of / Selbstporträt von Anna Waser - 7 views

group widget anna waser painter swiss zürich 17th century self-portrait
started by Conrad Ferdinand on 03 Mar 10 no follow-up yet
  • Conrad Ferdinand
    The group widget shows a detail of a self-portrait, painted in oil by the Swiss artist Anna Waser (1678-1714) at the age of 12 years. She gained herself an international reputation as a painter of miniatures, working for Count Wilhelm Moritz at Castle Solms-Braunfels in Germany from 1700-1702. Only a few of her works remain today.

    Das Gruppenbild zeigt das Selbstporträt der Schweizer Malerin Anna Waser (1678-1714) im Alter von 12 Jahren. Anna Waser wirkte vor allem als Miniaturenmalerin. Sie war international bekannt und nahm 1700 bis 1702 eine Stellung als Hofmalerin bei Graf Wilhelm Moritz auf Schloss Solms-Braunfels ein. Nur wenige ihrer Werke blieben erhalten.

    For more information please check:
Conrad Ferdinand

NZZ Online: Eine Besichtigung der Renaissance - 4 views

    "Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek nimmt das Jubiläum ihres 450-jährigen Bestehens zum Anlass für eine archäologische Grabung in eigener Sache: Eine Ausstellung zeigt grossartige Handschriften und Drucke aus dem reichen Gründungsbestand am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts."
Conrad Ferdinand

Renaissance Forum: An Electronic Journal of Early Modern Literary and Historical Studies - 4 views

    "Renaissance Forum is an interdisciplinary refereed journal. It specialises in early-modern English literary and historical scholarship and in the critical methodologies of these fields. The journal is published biannually by an editorial board based in the Departments of English and History at the University of Hull."
Conrad Ferdinand

Treasures in full. High-quality digital editions - free to your desktop - 6 views

    "Examine every page of rare historic works; compare different editions side-by-side; choose standard or magnified view; read supporting material by our curators and other experts: Shakespeare in Quarto, Caxton's Chaucer, Gutenberg Bible, Magna Carta, Renaissance Festival Books, Sample: Malory's Arthurian manuscript."
Conrad Ferdinand

Demons and Devotion: The Hours of Catherine of Cleves - 4 views

    "Created in Utrecht, The Netherlands, around 1440, the manuscript was taken apart sometime before 1856. Its leaves were shuffled and then rebound into two volumes to make each look more or less complete."
Conrad Ferdinand

Les Globes du Roi Soleil - 4 views

    Au lendemain de la paix de Nimègue qui met fin à la guerre de Hollande, Louis XIV vient de faire de la France la plus florissante monarchie du monde. Il est aussi le protecteur des sciences et des arts et les deux globes que Coronelli lui dédie magnifient l'image d'un monde pacifié qui lui offre, grâce au commerce et à la navigation, toutes les ressources des contrées les plus lointaines.\nLes Globes de Louis XIV devaient présenter les connaissances scientifiques de l'époque, mais aussi célébrer la gloire du Roi, témoigner de sa mission "terrestre" comme de son origine "céleste".
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