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Dominik Dubicki

PGi GlobalMeet Combines Audio and Web conferencing for Virtual Meetings - 0 views

    GlobalMeet from PGi is a simple, easy to use conferencing solution designed with user experience in mind that blends audio conferencing and web conferencing together. GlobalMeet is the only product necessary for businesses to hold virtual meetings between themselves and other companies.
Dominik Dubicki

PGi's GlobalMeet Conferencing Services Save the Day - 0 views

    PGi GlobalMeet Conferencing Service provides many features to collaborate with your participants anytime, anywhere. It provides easy-to-use solution for your Business like 24/7/365 Operator Assistance, Secure Meetings and Online File Storage.
Dominik Dubicki

Audio, Web and Event Conferencing Service Providers - WebEx, InterCall, PGi and Many More - 0 views

    We work with finest conferencing service providers - InterCall, PGi, WebEx and many more to provide ideal audio, web and event conferencing solution for efficient and cost-effective business communications.
Dominik Dubicki

iMeet PGi with Virtual & Real-time Business Meeting is Beneficial to your Business - 0 views

    PGi iMeet, the only way for realtors to respond to leads was through email, phone calls, or posts on social media sites. PGi iMeet provides the first-class, personalized service without the premium costs. PGi iMeet can even speed up the time it takes to close a deal via collaboration tools, storage and file sharing.
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