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Contents contributed and discussions participated by sofarso Shawn

sofarso Shawn

SerialBox - 0 views

    Here you are - ready to download the worlds onliest collection of serial-numbers for the Macintosh Platform. Remember that Serial Box is currently running on the Mac OS X Platform. Serialbox is a Tool running on the Macintosh that is offering you a huge selection of serials exclusively for the Mac Platform. Now up to about 7000 cracks?
sofarso Shawn

Best P2P Programs Designed for Anonymity - 0 views

    Alliance P2P ANts P2P CSpace Emscher P2P Filetopia GNUnet i2Phex iMule Kommute MLDonkey MUTE MFC-Mute Nodezilla RetroShare Rodi StealthNet
sofarso Shawn

Lunascape Web Browser - The World's Fastest Browser Ever - 0 views

    Or so they claim; here's yet another new web browser, reliable? Time will tell, but if you have one that works, why cahange?
sofarso Shawn

Mac OS X Internals - 0 views

    >> get rid of those pesky softwareupdates ~ sr/sbin/softwareupdate is a command line utility to perform software updates under Mac OS X.
sofarso Shawn

Open Source Mac - Free Mac software, all open-source, all OS X. - 0 views

    Free and open-source software is good for you and good for the world. This is the best free Mac software that we know of. See my last bookmark on
sofarso Shawn

Open Source Windows - Free, Open-Source software for Windows XP and Vista - 0 views

    Free and open-source software is good for you and for the world. This is the best Windows software that we know of. No adware, no spyware, just good software.
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