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Thieme Hennis

Songbeat. The music is mine! - 0 views

    Songbeat is the music player for your Desktop: Find, listen, and download! You can organize, label, and filter your music in the Songbeat library or burn it directly to CD. Save and record online radiostations and discover new music through digital mixtapes.
Diego Morelli

Online Music & P2P Networks: artists-to-fans-to-artists - 0 views

    A new blog is officially online for discussing music on the Web, with debates on payments to artists and issues related to copyright. It's called a2f2a (artists to fans to artists), and here's the mission statement as stated on the blog page: (continue...)
yc c

Muziic - The YouTube Media Player - Millions of songs in your desktop - 1 views

    Let's you download music from online websites Youtube, my space... Only for windows Flash must be installed from IE!
Alexandra IcecreamApps

How to Merge Audio: Online and Offline Solutions - Icecream Tech Digest - 0 views

    Sometimes, when you wish to use some audio files as background music for your videos, slideshows, or presentations, the audio track might turn out to be shorter than the video. In such a case, merging two or more audio tracks … Continue reading →
    Sometimes, when you wish to use some audio files as background music for your videos, slideshows, or presentations, the audio track might turn out to be shorter than the video. In such a case, merging two or more audio tracks … Continue reading →
Alberto Adrián Schiano - Survival Movies (online with Google Videos) - 0 views

    I have produced, filmed, edited and made the music to the following films He producido, filmado, editado y musicalizado las siguientes peliculas
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Dorimi-Love of my life - 0 views

    Listen to music online (some Japanesse ones)
    Oir musica en linea (algunos japoneses)

seth morris

Feeling the Gyrating Beat with Herbal Highs - 1 views

Dancing in club parties is one way of relieving stress contained for many hours while working in the office. My friends and I love to spend an all-night party in order to unwind and forget the dead...

legal highs

started by seth morris on 09 May 11 no follow-up yet
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