High-Speed Ethernet Makes a Better Option for Businesses to Switch from Internet T1 - 0 views
Casey Wedge on 17 Nov 14Both Internet T1 and Ethernet solutions aim to fulfill the same roll as high-speed, high-performance networks. However, Ethernet solutions substantially out perform Internet T1 services in a handful of different ways and with high-end services. Ethernet over Copper provides symmetrical bandwidth ranging from 2Mbps to 20Mbps. Whereas Ethernet over Fiber provides higher bandwidth options for larger companies ranging from 3Mbps all the way through 100Gbps. Both Ethernet over Copper or Ethernet over Fiber are often available to customers to satisfy their Internet, voice, point-to-point, MPLS, and integrated needs at costs lower than what they're currently paying for T1 service. Those who are looking for top-notch, high-speed, reliable network solutions need to look no further - make the switch today.