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Contents contributed and discussions participated by nerub val


An Introduction to R - 1 views

    • nerub val
      las carateristicas generales de R
    • nerub val
      El desarrollo de R
  • R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. Among other things it has an effective data handling and storage facility, a suite of operators for calculations on arrays, in particular matrices, a large, coherent, integrated collection of intermediate tools for data analysis, graphical facilities for data analysis and display either directly at the computer or on hardcopy, and a well developed, simple and effective programming language (called ‘S’) which includes conditionals, loops, user defined recursive functions and input and output facilities. (Indeed most of the system supplied functions are themselves written in the S language.)
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • R can be regarded as an implementation of the S language which was developed at Bell Laboratories by Rick Becker, John Chambers and Allan Wilks, and also forms the basis of the S-Plus systems. The evolution of the S language is characterized by four books by John Chambers and coauthors. For R, the basic reference is The New S Language: A Programming Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics by Richard A. Becker, John M. Chambers and Allan R. Wilks. The new features of the 1991 release of S are covered in Statistical Models in S edited by John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie. The formal methods and classes of the methods package are based on those described in Programming with Data by John M. Chambers. See References, for precise references. There are now a number of books which describe how to use R for data analysis and statistics, and documentation for S/S-Plus can typically be used with R, keeping the differences between the S implementations in mind. See What documentation exists for R?.
  • When you use the R program it issues a prompt when it expects input commands. The default prompt is ‘>’, which on UNIX might be the same as the shell prompt, and so it may appear that nothing is happening. However, as we shall see, it is easy to change to a different R prompt if you wish. We will assume that the UNIX shell prompt is ‘$’.
  • his section presumes the reader has some familiarity with statistical methodology, in particular with regression analysis and the analysis of variance. Later we make some rather more ambitious presumptions, namely that something is known about generalized linear models and nonlinear regression. The requirements for fitting statistical models are sufficiently well defined to make it possible to construct general tools that apply in a broad spectrum of problems. R provides an interlocking suite of facilities that make fitting statistical models very simple. As we mention in the introduction, the basic output is minimal, and one needs to ask for the details by calling extractor functions.

R FAQ - 0 views

  • The “Comprehensive R Archive Network” (CRAN) is a collection of sites which carry identical material, consisting of the R distribution(s), the contributed extensions, documentation for R, and binaries
  • he CRAN master site at TU Wien, Austria, can be found at the URL Daily mirrors are available at URLs including
  • R is a system for statistical computation and graphics
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • s very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation and semantics are derived from Scheme
  • antics are derive
  • mantics are derived
  • It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency.
  • R was initially written by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman
  • Since mid-1997 there has been a core group (the “R Core Team”) who can modify the R source code archive. The group currently consists of Doug Bates, John Chambers, Peter Dalgaard, Robert Gentleman, Kurt Hornik, Stefano Iacus, Ross Ihaka, Friedrich Leisch, Thomas Lumley, Martin Maechler, Duncan Murdoch, Paul Murrell, Martyn Plummer, Brian Ripley, Duncan Temple Lang, Luke Tierney, and Simon Urbanek.
  • R is being developed for the Unix, Windows and Mac
    • nerub val
      funciona en mac windows y unix
    • nerub val
      colaboradores en el desarrollo asta 1997
    • nerub val
      creadores del lenguaje c
  • Sources, binaries and documentation for R can be obtained via CRAN, the “Comprehensive R Archive Network” (see What is CRAN?)
  • How can R be installed (Macintosh) Next: How can R be installed (Windows), Previous: How can R be installed?, Up: How can R be installed?
    • nerub val
      como instalarlo en linux windows y mac
  • Printed copies of the R reference manual for some version(s) are available from Network Theory Ltd, at For each set of manuals sold, the publisher donates USD 10 to the R Foundation (see What is the R Foundation?).
    • nerub val
      manual de referencia de r
    • nerub val
      publicado en papel
  • The R distribution also comes with the following manuals. “An Introduction to R” (R-intro) includes information on data types, programming elements, statistical modeling and graphics. This document is based on the “Notes on S-Plus” by Bill Venables and David Smith. “Writing R Extensions” (R-exts) currently describes the process of creating R add-on packages, writing R documentation, R's system and foreign language interfaces, and the R API. “R Data Import/Export” (R-data) is a guide to importing and exporting data to and from R. “The R Language Definition” (R-lang), a first version of the “Kernighan & Ritchie of R”, explains evaluation, parsing, object oriented programming, computing on the language, and so forth. “R Installation and Administration” (R-admin).
    • nerub val
      servidores desde conde descargar diferentes paquetes de r
  • It is the opinion of the R Core Team that one can use R for commercial purposes (e.g., in business or in consulting). The GPL, like all Open Source licenses, permits all and any use of the package. It only restricts distribution of R or of other programs containing code from R. This is made clear in clause 6 (“No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor”) of the Open Source Definition:
    • nerub val
      r es de libre uso, solo esta restringida su distrubucion.
  • The name is partly based on the (first) names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka),
    • nerub val
      razon del nombre
  • 3.3.1 Lexical scoping
    • nerub val
      a partir de aqui hay especificaciones tecnicas del lexico de r
  • Web Interfaces
    • nerub val
      proyectos relacionados con r
  • 5.1 Which add-on packages exist for R?
    • nerub val
      a partir de aqui estan muchos de los paquetes y que contienen para r.
10More - 0 views

shared by nerub val on 24 Apr 13 - No Cached
  • R commander (Rcmdr)
  • R commander (Rcmdr)
  • R provides a powerful and comprehensive system for analysing data and when used in conjunction with the R-commander
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • it also provides one that is easy
  • The Rcmdr program enables analysts to access a selection of commonly-used R commands using a simple interface that should be familiar to most computer users
  • A number of plugins are available that provide direct access to R packages through the Rcmdr interface
  • There are currently 29 Plugins that provide support for specific analyses, graphics, books and teaching.
    • nerub val
      Aqui hay una lista de enlaces de plugins que proporcionan acceso directo a los paquetes de R a traves del interfaz Rcmdr
    Conjunto R-Commander

R | Enfoque Virtual - 0 views

  • Comunicando “Python” y “R” a Través del Paquete RPY2
  • Instalación de paquetes de comunicación y plugins:
  • forma más adecuada de comunicar el lenguaje interpretado Python con R
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • usar RPY2 otro paquete de R que a su ves esta inspirado en RSPython
    • nerub val
      Aqui se explica paso a paso la manera de comunicar Python y R. Esto se hace a traves del paquete de R RPY2. Aunque hay otras maneras, esta es la mas sencilla
    Forma de comunicar el lenguaje interpretado Python con R a traves de RPY2

R Programming/Introduction - Wikibooks, open books for an open world - 1 views

  • R is statistical software which is used for data analysis.
  • It includes a huge number of statistical procedures such as t-test, chi-square tests, standard linear models, instrumental variables estimation, local polynomial regressions, etc. It also provides high-level graphics
  • capabilities
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • R is an object oriented programming language. This means that virtually everything can be stored as an R object. Each object has a class. This class describes what the object contains and what each function does with it. For instance, plot(x) produces different outputs depending on whether x is a regression object or a vecto
  • The assignment symbol is "<-". Alternatively, the classical "=" symbol can be used.
  • Arguments are passed to functions inside round brackets (parentheses). One can easily combine functions. For instance you can directly type
  • The symbol "#" comments to the end of the line:
  • Commands are normally separated by a newline. If you want to put more than one statement on a line, you can use the ";" delimiter.
  • You can also have one statement on multiple lines. R is case sensitive: a and A are two different objects. Traditionally underscores "_" are not used in names. It is often better to use dots ".". One should avoid using an underscore as the first character of an object name.
  • Here are some things editors do to keep this book internally consistent. If you have something to contribute, go ahead and make your contribution. Other editors can touch up your edits afterwards so that they conform to the guidelines.
  • The local manual of style WB:LMOS for the R programming book, including a brief explanation of why we do it that way, is: Examples use "source" tags : <source lang="rsplus"> a <- 1:10 ; mean(a) </source>. That makes them look pretty to our readers. The name of packages are in bold  : '''Hmisc'''. Name of functions are in "code" tags: <code>lm()</code>. Page titles -- the part after "R Programming/" -- are in sentence case, like "R Programming/Working with data frames". We couldn't decide between sentence case and title case, so I flipped a coin. Every page has <noinclude>{{R Programming/Navigation}}</noinclude> at the top and {{R Programming/Navbar|Mathematics|Probability Distributions}} at the bottom. That makes it easier to navigate from one page to another online.
    • nerub val
      La lenguaje R es un software de estatisticas que hace analisis de los datos.
    • nerub val
      Las ventajas de la lenguaje R
    • nerub val
      las caracteristicas de la lenguaje R
    • nerub val
      Cómo podemos empezar a hacer un programa con esa lenguaje?
    • nerub val
      Aqui se exponen otras alternativas al lenguaje R. Y aconseja en la ultima parte cuales son los recomendados para cada nivel de dominio del lenguaje R
  • Beginners can have a look at GNU PSPP or Gretl. Intermediate users can check out Stata. Advanced users who like matrix programming may prefer MATLAB or Octave. Very advanced users may use C or Fortran.

R - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) - 1 views

shared by nerub val on 24 Apr 13 - No Cached
  • R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
  • developed at Bell Laboratories
  • R provides an Open Source route to participation in that activity.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • R provides a wide variety of statistical
  • and graphical techniques,
  • R is an integrated suite
  • of software facilities for data manipulation
  • storage facility,
  • operators for calculations on arrays,
  • collection of intermediate tools for data analysis,
  • graphical facilities
  • simple and effective programming language
  • is designed around a true computer languag
  • R, like S
  • allows users to add additional functionalit
  • defining new functions
    • nerub val
      r es un lenguaje creado por bell laboraties de codigo abierto
    • nerub val
      caracteristicas del lenguaje , facil almacenamiento, ayudas en operaciones y graficas, y efectivo
  • For computationally-intensive tasks, C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked and called at run time
    • nerub val
      compatible con c y c++
  • R can be found on, the master site of comprehensive R archive network, or at one of its mirrors.
    • nerub val
      enlace para descargarlo para linux, mac y windows
    • nerub val
      y algunos recursos adicionales
  • with an FAQ list, and an introduction to the language and how to use R for doing statistical analysis and graphics in PDF and other formats.
    • nerub val
      tutorial de como usar r asi como diversos posibles problemas con el y su istalacion y soluciones
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