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Ad agencies and the decline of the "agent" - 0 views


revolution includes love - Juliane Zielonka » Digitale Markenführung mit Soci... - 0 views


Exit Interview: Farhad Mohit of Shopzilla - (37signals) - 0 views

    Large, public corporations are rarely a place for innovation or for creative people who want to do something personally meaningful or societally impactful."

Wozu braucht's eigentlich (noch) Mediaagenturen? - ufomedia's posterous - 0 views

    Vielleicht war es im Licht dieser Entwicklung doch etwas verfrüht, den Mediaplaner gleich zum Kommunikationsberater zu ernennen. Vielleicht war es doch falsch, die Mediaplaner zu Marionetten des Mediaeinkaufs zu machen. Vielleicht sollten einige Mediaagenturen ihr Geschäftsmodell überdenken. Bevor es andere tun. Vielleicht brauchen wir gar keine hochtrabenden Kommunikations-berater, sondern einfach mehr gut ausgebildete Mediaplaner, die ihr Handwerk wirklich beherrschen und Mediastrategien entwickeln können. Die für ihre Kunden individuelle, Marken- und Konzept-gerechte Mediapläne entwickeln. Die ihre Insights auch auf die Straße bringen. Vielleicht brauchen wir einfach mehr, wirklich gute Mediaplaner.

UX Strategy: Creating and managing multichannel experiences - 0 views

    Customer Lifecycle mit UX-Einordnung

We All Work at Enron Now - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

    Umair Hague über das neue Markenbewußtsein...

talkabout » Wie sieht die Kommunikationsagentur aus, die den aktuellen Aufgab... - 0 views

    "Was muss eine Kommunikationsagentur leisten können und wie muss sie organisiert sein, um Unternehmen sinnvoll bei den neuen Aufgaben der Kommunikation zu unterstützen?"  PR-SICHT ! 

How Agencies, Clients Can Effect Future Change (Forbes) - 0 views

    Zitat: "The pressure on agencies, often self-inflicted, to be able to claim "We do absolutely everything" is entirely counterproductive to fostering a culture that focuses on and celebrates the value of ideas. Interestingly, innovating around production and execution not only re-emphasizes the value of ideas; it also re-emphasizes the value of specialist executioners. Idea creators and idea implementers are both key. The key for survival today is to embrace what nature has always known, that survival and success depends on thriving in as many environments as possible. To thrive in many environments, your need an idea generating organization that can pull into it as many different strategies to succeed as possible. And then to find ways to bring these strategies to life in a way that is fresh, relevant and using technology that is hot today, not in six months when everyone is onto something else."

Andrew Cherwenka: How Full-Service Advertising Agencies Are Becoming Interactive - 0 views

    ull-service advertising agencies are challenged with integrating digital capabilities into their traditional media mix. Technology in the past 10 years moved advertising beyond interruptive one-way push messaging into a two-way participative context. To agencies this represents more than just a wealth of new media options; it requires an entirely new way of doing business. Here's how the leaders are thinking.

Organization as Organism & Machine - 0 views

    In my last post we backed our way into a discussion of an emerging way of thinking about leadership and organization: the metaphor of the organization as an organsim. 

The Organisation as an Organism - end to end consulting - 0 views

    The Organisation as an Organism

Agency OS Update - 0 views

    Was wäre wenn es gelänge, das Cluetrain-Manifest zu kombinieren mit Beyond Budgeting-Maximen und den Vorteilen von Maliks Management-Kybernetik evolutionärer Systeme, um dies dann mittels Enterprise 2.0-Lösungen und die pragmatischen Ansätze von ReWork Realität werden zu lassen?

The Meaning Organization | design mind - 0 views

    Traditional businesses need to shift their focus from profits to authentic engagement to have meaningful impact in the world.

Communication Nation: The connected company - 0 views

    The company as organism..

Fluid Networks: The Next Agency Model? - 0 views

    Die Master's Thesis von Trevania
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